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ASSange: Diarrhea Of The Mouth, Begs U.S.

True...Considering Ecuador's well known record on political and free speech oppression...:lol:

Agreed, This man has steadily become a joke, co-opting a generally good idea of a dedicated and neutral civilian group focused on transparency and turned it into his own personal shadow empire and soap opera, not to mention his own aversion to the West.

I was waiting to see what Wikileaks would pull up on Russia and China, like they promised, but in the end they kept at the US, because they were COWARDS who would only focus on those who would not possibly kill them, Assange most of all as he instead made a show and funded it by sucking at the Russian government's media money teats.

Much of the rest of the Wikileaks community has become disinfranchised with this man, his supporters becoming more and more disillusioned as the hard earned money they pledged for his bail goes to waste and they sink into debt, their good intentions, however misplaced, being thrown back at them as this man does anything and everything to avoid facing the law.

He has gone to the point where he is shacking up in the embassy of Correa, a known detriment to freedom of speech and transparency, and conducting at least one interview as a sycophant, how the 'mighty' have fallen.

How WikiLeaks Blew It - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy
True...Considering Ecuador's well known record on political and free speech oppression...:lol:

mainly because Ecuador does not control the media in the world unlike usa and its gangs!
I was just curious, you come off as a zealous patriotic southerner to me, someone very 'Americentric'...

'Americentric' patriots are EVERYWHERE in the U.S. Do you ask questions of the blatantly anti-American clowns on this site, too ?

mainly because Ecuador does not control the media in the world unlike usa and its gangs!

Wait, don't the 'Jews' control the media ? Isn't that one of the basic conspiracy theories ?

That's better. Americans have to wait on line too, just like everybody else and for the meantime you can lower your tones.

We don't wait in line, we just push weak Singaporeans out of the way.

'Americentric' patriots are EVERYWHERE in the U.S. Do you ask questions of the blatantly anti-American clowns on this site, too ?

True, but many people in the West and NE tend to be more open-minded and less fanatical about their patriotism. Also most anti-Americanism is the result of terrible American foreign policy and actions in the world in the last decade. It is a natural response to what many people see injustice on a world scale. I think you must be a Fox news viewer.
Assange is a 'useful idiot' for the CIA's disinformation campaign. However, his usefulness having ended, the US really doesn't care what happens to him now. Assange, idiot that he is, probably considers himself a hero.

Most of the wiki-'leaks' ;) damaged foreign governments and surreptitiously managed to serve America's foreign policy interests!
Assange is a 'useful idiot' for the CIA's disinformation campaign. However, his usefulness having ended, the US really doesn't care what happens to him now. Assange, idiot that he is, probably considers himself a hero.

Most of the wiki-'leaks' ;) damaged foreign governments and surreptitiously managed to serve America's foreign policy interests!

We agree Assange is an idiot at least.

I still can't figure out why Ecuador granted Asylum to this fool, Insulting both Britain and a country reknowned for its neutrality, Sweden.

Is it a stick in the US' eye? Seems a roundabout way to go about it since aside from Assanges anti-US crusade, we have largely expressed little interest in his current status, and have no extradition requests pending.

Britain made a slip up and managed to bring the rest of South America into it with those poorly conceived comments by that official about storming the embassy, but if it was intended to poke an eye at the US that largely stalled as they have pretty much limited themselves to the comments.

Perhaps its a distraction from his domestic actions of restricting the free press? Still seems like he's upped the heat too much for that, unless the effects of his image are more damaging to his hold on power than thought...
mainly because Ecuador does not control the media in the world unlike usa and its gangs!
Correct. Ecuador does not control its media, it only oppresses them...

The World Today - 'Climate of fear' for local journalists in Ecuador 17/08/2012
Human rights groups warn that since president Rafael Correa came to power, a number of journalists and publishers have been sued for defamation, some have had their premises raided, and radio stations have been shut down.
China could teach Ecuador a few lessons in how to control the media.

Wait, don't the 'Jews' control the media ? Isn't that one of the basic conspiracy theories ?
He does not know it but Jews control Chinese media as well. The Jews does it so well that it gives the Chinese the illusion that 'The Party' control the Chinese media.
I still can't figure out why Ecuador granted Asylum to this fool

I thought it's pretty clear. Ecuador is not concerned about Sweden, but him being extradited from Sweden to the US and facing the death penalty. However, of all the countries on Earth, I would imagine Sweden would have the strictest laws against extraditing anyone to a country where they could face the death penalty.
I thought it's pretty clear. Ecuador is not concerned about Sweden, but him being extradited from Sweden to the US and facing the death penalty. However, of all the countries on Earth, I would imagine Sweden would have the strictest laws against extraditing anyone to a country where they could face the death penalty.

Sweden has laws that would prevent Assange from being extradited to the US if he faced the death penalty as you said, of course this is beside the point as the US has given no extradition request to either the UK or Sweden.

I hope you don't expect me to believe Correa actually cares about Julian Assange, the Correa whose not exactly an advocate of free speech and transparency himself.
What does everyone think about the sex charges he faces?
The 2 girls allegedly worked for wiki leaks as well. He failed to talk about the charges in his little speech yesterday, something doesn't quite add up.
The basturd has moles in governments. It is only natural that countries want to grab him it is a matter of national security.

Sweden has laws that would prevent Assange from being extradited to the US if he faced the death penalty as you said, of course this is beside the point as the US has given no extradition request to either the UK or Sweden.

I hope you don't expect me to believe Correa actually cares about Julian Assange, the Correa whose not exactly an advocate of free speech and transparency himself.

Correa has a beef with America though so he might grant him asylum if he thinks it will piss us off. :coffee:
What does everyone think about the sex charges he faces?
The 2 girls allegedly worked for wiki leaks as well. He failed to talk about the charges in his little speech yesterday, something doesn't quite add up.

He's trying to deflect the issue using any means necessary. For some reason related to the questioning, he really really does not want to go to Sweden. In order to prevent this he has broken trust implicit in his bail by holding up in the Ecuadorian embassy, fawned on Correa with an interview, and made up conspiracy theories involving him as the tragic lone fighter against an evil US conspiracy where Britain, Sweden, and Australia are henchmen out to get him without a shred of evidence.

There is no extradition request from the US, there has not been one, and it is beside the point of this case which has to do with Swedish justice, and Assange making light of it. He MUST go to Sweden, even if he has to be dragged there kicking and screaming.

Is it possible the US could request extradition? Yes, its possible, the US could have done the same while he was in the UK. That is beside the point, and should be dealt with once an extradition request actually comes into the picture.

The basturd has moles in governments. It is only natural that countries want to grab him it is a matter of national security.

Correa has a beef with America though so he might grant him asylum if he thinks it will piss us off. :coffee:

But it doesn't, the US government has stated before and is still stating that this is an issue of the UK's and Sweden. Correa done goofed if he believes the US government is pissed that he granted Assange asylum (though we are annoyed that he brought the issue to the OAS, even if they refused to comment on Assange and kept their comments to that British officials' statement), in fact it helps us to an extent by removing Assange from the very values he has represented to many people, that of transparency and freedom of information. Whose going to still swallow that when he is being supported by and fawns over Correa?

Only those who dont want to see the truth.

Also if he had any moles worth grabbing I'd have thought China or Russia would be all over him, or rather he'd stop at their embassies, instead of going to tiny Ecuador. That said he might have gone to Ecuador because he had information specific to them that they either want, or that they want to keep secret.

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