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The partition of laughter

let the tears of 26/11 victims get dry, stop cross border terrorism then we can talk about open borders and open mind..till then every Pakistani has to go through tough security measures.
I wont reply to your trolling, but my humble request is take them in and kill them secretly PLEASE we dont need treacherous scum
In fact i believe all pakistanis marrying indians should be killed too
Was she born in the UK?

This response sounds very laughable :lol:

She could have simply said that she was born there.

Not like: "Oh look at me, I am British. My Britishness is so awesome, that I am more British than the British!"



Looks like "Second generation complex!"
India is THAT afraid of Pakistanis? Even if your great grandfather was Pakistani they wouldn't allow you in? REALLY?
That doesnt even make sense, Pakistan didnt exist that many generations ago
She is so not Pakistani looking. At least never seen one look like her. :undecided:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3349068 said:
i wont argue if they are british pakistani, they are the worst pakistani race ever, pardon my tough language for brit pakistanis
Whats your problem?You get on every race declaring worst pakistani race.On eid you were against pathan now brit-Pakistanis.Is it tha you lost your identity of Upite and ihari and invented new race as mohajir somewhere pinches your mind....:rolleyes:
Looks like "Second generation complex!"

She is not even second generation her parents were born in Pakistan. Second generation British Pakistanis are forgivable as it is more understandable for them to not know their heritage but she is nothing but a wannabe. I consider myself an American but would never claim I am not also a Pakistani unlike her I am not JUST American. I am American-Pakistani and a proud one at that.

This article pissed me off. :disagree:
Cmon guys... its an article dipped in comedy meant not to offend anyone but to bring out the level of distrust among our two nations. I enjoyed it thoroughly... without any need to point fingers at any one. I suggest every1 try the same.
She is not even second generation her parents were born in Pakistan. Second generation British Pakistanis are forgivable as it is more understandable for them to not know their heritage but she is nothing but a wannabe. I consider myself an American but would never claim I am not also a Pakistani unlike her I am not JUST American. I am American-Pakistani and a proud one at that.

This article pissed me off. :disagree:

Well, there IS some complex in this lot...Those who were born here with parents who came from Pakistan...
Do not paint everyone with the same colour...It all depends which part of UK you pick out of! If they have lived in an "all-desi" area...then they are pretty much the same as those in Pakistan...but if they have had a mixed neighbourhood...they are pretty different :)
to be frank i do find her case a bit over-exaggerated.If she would have applied visa within the time period that david headley case came up then there can be over cautous approach otherewise as of now its difficult to get visa.and this lady being british born dont know how to work aroubd the visa rule in case of obtaining pak- or indian visa.........:tongue:

Rather have powerful contacts in india to get the visa.i do same for my hubby and in laws.
I wont reply to your trolling, but my humble request is take them in and kill them secretly PLEASE we dont need treacherous scum
In fact i believe all pakistanis marrying indians should be killed too

kill whom if you mean the terrorists then we are doing it.

I don't think Pakistani marrying Indian should be killed or they are traitors but I would say it's better not to marry.
to be frank i do find her case a bit over-exaggerated.If she would have applied visa within the time period that david headley case came up then there can be over cautous approach otherewise as of now its difficult to get visa.and this lady being british born dont know how to work aroubd the visa rule in case of obtaining pak- or indian visa.........:tongue:

Rather have powerful contacts in india to get the visa.i do same for my hubby and in laws.

lolz... :)
Her calling herself British is laughable at best, forget Indians not believing her British people wouldn't even accept her as British.

Come on guys, give Shazia a break. She is British as she was born and raised in UK. Why do we Pakistanis have a problem with our people who are born in other countries and carry the flag of their nationality with pride.

Both my parents were born and raised in Delhi but migrated to pakistan at the time of Partition. I was born in Pakistan and I am proud to be a Pakistani. The country of my Birth is my identity and my pride. Is'nt Shazia doing the same ?

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