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China's self-absorbed nationalism


Aug 13, 2010
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China’s Self-Absorbed Nationalism | The Diplomat
The mid-August popular demonstrations in Chinese cities and accompanying media and internet commentary against Japan over disputed islands in the East China Sea put pressure on Chinese officials to be firm in protecting Chinese claims and countering Japanese "intrusions." They followed calls by prominent Chinese commentators and other constituencies for Beijing to adopt a tougher approach on territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Beijing in that case employed extraordinary measures including repeated use of security forces, economic sanctions, fishing and oil ventures, administrative fiats, diplomatic warnings, and other intimidating means short of military force in thus far successful efforts to cow Southeast Asian claimants and preclude ASEAN from taking a united stand in the face of China's power.

Foreign commentators are correct that a good deal of the impetus for popular and elite pressure for a tougher Chinese approach on territorial issues rests with the type of nationalism that has been fostered with increased vigor by the Chinese authorities since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of international communism. The nationalistic discourse emphasizes that since the 19th century China has been treated unjustly and its territory and related sovereign rights have been exploited by other powers; China remains in a protracted process of building power sufficient to protect what China controls and regain disputed territory and rights. On the whole, the nationalistic discourse leads to a sense of 'victimization' by Chinese people and elites, who are seen having greater influence on China's foreign affairs decision making now that the strong-man politics of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping have given way to a collective leadership that is more sensitive to nongovernment elites and popular views.

Image Building in Foreign Affairs

Unfortunately, the emphasis on perceived past and current victimization represents only part of the self-absorbed nationalism fostered by Chinese authorities. As important are the extensive efforts to build an image of China as a righteous actor on the world stage, different from other world powers seen to follow selfish pursuits of national interests. These efforts have been carried out by the Chinese foreign ministry, various other government, party and military organizations that deal with foreign affairs, ostensibly nongovernment organizations with close ties to Chinese government, party and military offices, and the massive publicity/propaganda apparatus of the Chinese administration. They boost China's international stature while conditioning people in China to think positively about Chinese foreign relations.

Thus, for example, China's foreign policy is said to follow principles in dealing with foreign issues that assure moral positions in Chinese foreign relations; principled and moral positions provide the basis for effective Chinese strategies in world affairs. Remarkably, such strategies are seen to insure that China does not make mistakes in foreign affairs, an exceptional position reinforced by the fact that the People's Republic of China is portrayed as having avoided publicly acknowledging foreign policy mistakes or apologizing for its actions in world affairs. Undoubtedly, some Chinese foreign policy officials and specialists know better and may privately disagree with the remarkably righteous image of Chinese foreign relations; but they don't depart from the official orthodoxy which is broadly accepted by elite and public opinion. Whatever criticism elites and public opinion register against Chinese foreign policy tends to focus on China being too timid and not forceful enough in dealing with foreign affronts.

Today, China's image building efforts support a leading role for China in Asian and world affairs, which enjoys broad support from the Chinese people and various constituencies in China; they forecast optimistically that China will follow benign policies emphasizing recent themes stressed by the Chinese administration. The themes include promoting peace and development abroad, eschewing dominance or hegemonism in dealing with neighbors or others even as China's power grows, and following the purported record of historical Chinese dynasties in not seeking expansionism.

Sacrificing Truth
Such image building in the nationalistic discourse of modern Chinese foreign relations is a lot further from the truth than the victimization depicted in Chinese discourse. China was oppressed by various powers for much of the 19th and 20th centuries. In contrast, the evidence of a moral, principled, and benign approach has been the exception rather than the rule in the zig-zags of the often violent foreign relations of the PRC through much of its 60 years. This has been the case particularly in the area surrounding China in Asia, the region that has long been the area of greatest Chinese influence and the area that has received the lion's share of Chinese foreign attention. Most of China's neighbors have experienced intrusions or invasion by PRC security forces; they and others further away have contended with insurgent armies or armed proxies fully supported by China and targeting them. Such violence and excesses continued after Mao's "revolutionary" rule. Strong Chinese support for the radical Khmer Rouge increased in the later Maoist years and remained high throughout Deng's rule. During such turmoil, Chinese leaders avowed support for principles and righteousness in foreign affairs, but from the viewpoint of the neighbors and foreign specialists, the principles kept changing and gaps between principles and practice often were very wide.

In the post-Cold War period, China has tried with mediocre results to reassure neighboring leaders who well remember the violence and threatening Chinese practices of the past. China's recent truculent behavior in the South China Sea and in the East China Sea has recalled past Chinese efforts at intimidation and coercion. Part of the problem in Chinese efforts at reassurance is that Chinese elite and popular opinion shows almost no awareness of past Chinese violence and excesses, and therefore has little appreciation of the reasons behind the suspicion and wariness of many neighboring governments, and of the main outside power in the region, the United States. Regarding the latter, one other practice seen throughout the history of PRC foreign relations and supported by the strong nationalistic discourse in China has been to register strident opposition to efforts by outside powers to establish and sustain positions of influence and strength around China's periphery. Such moves, not just by the U.S. but also by the Soviet Union in the past and Japan and India up to the present, are repeatedly seen by Chinese authorities as well as supporting elite and public opinions in grossly exaggerated terms of being a threat to China, involving a revival of Cold War 'containment' or other schemes.


Chinese elite and popular opinion is strongly influenced not only by nationalistic discourse emphasizing China being victimized by other powers. As important, Chinese nationalistic discourse also involves a unique and strong sense of morality and righteousness in foreign affairs. As a result, Chinese opinion sees whatever problems China faces with neighbors and other concerned powers including the United States over sensitive issues of sovereignty and security as caused by them and certainly not by China. Thus, it has little patience with the complaints of other claimants and calls for China to compromise on sensitive issues involving sovereignty and security in nearby Asia. As a result, Chinese elites and public opinion push for tougher policies in defense of Chinese interests in the South China Sea and East China Sea. Chinese image building has successfully conditioned Chinese opinion, and this only adds to the difficulty of managing tensions in the seas near China and makes resolving those issues unlikely in the foreseeable future.

A fair and balanced article on the victimization complex interwoven with China's own brand of nationalism and expansionism.

This of course does not mean China is the only culprit when it comes to nationalism (far from it, though the mix of victimization may only be matched by a certain regime of dubious repute), but its mixture makes it exceedingly difficult for the regime to comprimise on the issues that have become its 'core interest'.

It is even noticeable on this forum, where much of the talk of compromise comes out as 'putting the issue off to a later date' while retaining its claims, with the undertone that China will be in a better position in the future to unilaterally enforce its claims. Nothing less than total compliance to territorial demands that fall under its core interests seems to be acceptable now that such terminology as been made part of the public discourse.

It makes me curious to see how bad the riots would be if Japanese officials once again visited the Senkaku islands... would they try to burn the embassy down?

Japan officials to visit islands at center of dispute with China ahead of planned purchase - The Washington Post
we have our own arsenal to deal with the japanese' rowdiness over Diaoyu Islands. annoynous indians should stay out of troubles which is none of their buz. bullets dont have eyes!
you can refer to the old maps,like Philippean official map before 1970. they marked Spratly Islands and Huangyan as China's. 1997, Philippean removed the landmark of CHina on HuangyanIsland.
before 1974,the vietnam official admited Spratly ISland belong to China.
In my view, It's just CHina's compromise and mildness make things worse,make the islands belong to China undoubtable to disputed now.
CHina borders on 14 neighbors on land, Why does not Nepal,Laos,Burma and X-stans worries CHina's strong? China has confirm all the land borders with its neighbors without India and Buhtan(control by India).

the big mistake China makes is that China give too much favors and self-surrender to the neighbors who takes our lands.
1959--1971, china has cold relations to Soviet Union and US.the 2. and PRC's navy was nearly nothing. So the Philippean Vietnam Malysia grap the blank time and take some Islands. 1966--1976, civil revolution of CHina, 1978--2000, Develop Economy as Priority.
and 1991---Now, cosidered as potential enemy of US and a Challenger.
So,before 1991, China's navy is blanked off by Taiwan and US. after 1991, US connivancy the Philippean and others to continue occupy china's islands.
I have to warn some neighbors , don't think you do wrong and evil things and will stay happy. one day , YOU will pay for it.
Japan is gonna absorb some of it soon if it doesn't back down on Diaoyu island. :guns:
Gentlemen of the audience, you can see the issue from these other posts. Let them speak for themselves.

Why? Do they have something to worry about? who cares what Chinese people think? since they are obliviously ruled by one guy, am I right?
It makes me curious to see how bad the riots would be if Japanese officials once again visited the Senkaku islands... would they try to burn the embassy down?

In fact Tokyo officials did visit the island and we'll see what are the Chinese reactions the next couple of days.

Tokyo officials take survey of disputed islands

ABOARD THE KOYO MARU -- Tokyo city officials planning to buy tiny islands at the center of a longtime territorial dispute with China surveyed the area Sunday on a visit meant to send a message of ownership.

The boat, carrying 25 experts and officials as well as journalists from news organizations including The Associated Press, circled the five uninhabited islands in the East China Sea which are controlled by Japan but also claimed by China and Taiwan.

China responded quickly to the survey, saying any unilateral action by Japan on the islands is “illegal” and “invalid.”

full story>Tokyo officials take survey of disputed islands - The China Post
It's called jingoism.

it is called demonstrative assertion of rights on our properties

Nope. You are not allowed to think in your society. You follow your commie masters' command.

we best indians on vast majority of civilised indices on earth. are you having your luck today getting an extra 2 min of power to type up your trash on pdf ?
it is called demonstrative assertion of rights on our properties

we best indians on vast majority of civilised indices on earth. are you having your luck today getting an extra 2 min of power to type up your trash on pdf ?

still,we are not propaganda machine,like you..we speak for ourselves,unlike yours..

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