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The truth is Muslims are guilty!

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The truth is Muslims are guilty!



Friday, 14 September 2012

The only thing that was funny about “Innocence of Muslims,” the controversial film that mocked Prophet Mohammed and may have caused inflamed mobs to attack U.S. missions in Egypt and Libya, was its title!

“Innocence of Muslims”... Are you kidding me?

How could we – Muslims – be “innocent” when we have allowed some dodgy film-maker by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula to be taken seriously?
Thanks to us, this man – who has reportedly been convicted of financial crimes and is believed to have directed the film under the alias ‘Sam Bacile’ – is now under protective-watch of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Yes! All what was achieved by those of us who attacked the U.S. missions and those who killed Chris Stevens, the American ambassador in Libya, is that they helped turn Nakoula from a villain to a victim!

All he (Nakoula) has to do now is to play the “freedom of expression” card and watch himself transform into a “hero,” despite the hateful nature of his film.

Thanks to the reckless retaliation of some of us, the voices of the many peace-loving and kind-hearted Christian Copts (in Egypt, the U.S. and elsewhere), who have criticised Nakoula (a Copt residing in the U.S.) will now be lost in the details.

Furthermore, as many actors and participants in the film are now claiming that they were tricked into taking part in the project; who knows what would have happened to the ex-convict anyway?

This is not to say that we - Muslims – don’t have every right to protest and to strongly oppose any insults to our religion or its icons.

However, we must realise that when we allow some of us to attack an American embassy; we are not only allowing a serious breach of international laws and diplomacy to occur, but we are also suggesting that we have an issue with America in its entirety, rather than with one cheap film, its director and a few of his assistants and promoters.

Did we really forget – so soon - how bitter and difficult it was to have to keep repeating that we, Muslims, are “not terrorists” and that “it is not fair to generalise” throughout the past eleven years?

Did we really forget – so soon – that it could also be argued that it those same “Americans” (including the late Mr Stevens) that helped the Libyans liberate their country?

Let us also not forget that the official American position has condemned the film.

Needless to say; many aspects of America’s foreign policy remain undoubtedly questionable, particularly when it comes to Washington’s blind support for Israel; a matter which we have tried to resolve using our own methods rather than by adopting ways that actually work in the U.S., such as lobbying and forming pressure groups.

However, if after 64 years of trying the same thing we are still expecting different results, then we are certainly guilty... at least by Einstein’s standards!

(Faisal J. Abbas is the Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English and can be reached on @FaisalJAbbas on Twitter)
Muslim need to learn respect other religion if they want other to respect them...they need to learn tolerance...and should learn to ignore what other say or do about Islam...
No we are not..
karr lo gall :cheesy:

Muslim need to learn respect other religion if they want other to respect them...they need to learn tolerance...and should learn to ignore what other say or do about Islam...

yeah right..
respect works both ways....
So does tolerance..The infidels need to learn how to "Tolerate" our beliefs.
No we are not..
karr lo gall :cheesy:

yeah right..
respect works both ways....
So does tolerance..The infidels need to learn how to "Tolerate" our beliefs.

If a religion teaches to call people of other religion as infidels just because they are not followers of your religion, then that religion is nothing but a cult and it's followers are nothing but fanboys..
Ultimately this all You are infedels and this and that, is going to lead mass extradition of muslims of other nationality from countries like US/Uk/Europe back to their nations where they can't even sit with their wife in public place without offending their religion

Pak eatery bars couple sitting next to each other
You should convey this message in the "Infidel" land you are currently leeching of.
yeah right..
I will ignore your comment.

If a religion teaches to call people of other religion as infidels just because they are not followers of your religion, then that religion is nothing but a cult and it's followers are nothing but fanboys..

1. buy oxford Dictionery.
2. Look up the meaning of "Infidel"..Hint: i am your infidel and you are mine
yeah right..
I will ignore your comment.

1. buy oxford Dictionery.
2. Look up the meaning of "Infidel"..Hint: i am your infidel and you are mine

I know why the word Infidel is used in abrahmic cults..
I have not been raised to call others infidels if they do not follow same religion as mine..
My religion and my saints teach me to see everyone as humans first and treat whole world as one family.
Muslims like these are guilty,

We are more positive then him and then those who does not respect others views and hurt others feelings.

USA is getting what they actually did with others... Protest is right, Americans need to understand this, ROOT CAUSE is the hate crime against Islam, Americans needs to work on this ROOT cause and stop these sort of people by having proper laws....
Those idiots (the rioters and the cowards who killed ambassador Stevens) don't realize that these things will only encourage people to make more terrible films.

Little off-topic:
This 'Sam' character sounds like he lost his job in Hollywood or something :cheesy:

Another crap Thread another Hate Thread.

Where are moderators would they close-ban hate/religious Threads.

Thread Reported.

How is this a 'hate' thread? :blink:
Every country has some bad people. So let me get this straight, is it okay to generalize as big as 'all muslims are guilty'??
Every country has good and bad people. So let me get this straight, is it okay to generalize as big as 'all muslims are guilty'??

lol, they do not have anything to say against the people who hurt others feelings, Americans are behind this....

I can see it now: up next, The Courage of Pakistanis, 1971. Only this time, the movie will be made in Dhaka.

nope, its like USA in Vietnam, or USA in Afghanistan lol, did i missed IRAQ ? lol , oh yeah i forgot Libya....
Those idiots (the rioters and the cowards who killed ambassador Stevens) don't realize that these things will only encourage people to make more terrible films.

Little off-topic:
This 'Sam' character sounds like he lost his job in Hollywood or something :cheesy:

Zabaniya...Take Ambassador's death as part of damage that takes place during a conflict/war this is the American standard psyche when civilians are bombed to death the reasoning and reply is we try best to avoid civilian casualties but can't avoid it completely this is what has happened to Ambassador poor man got caught in a Terrible situation sad and regretful. The matter should now be closed there is no need to inflate and open stupid threads targeting or finger pointing at every muslim being guilty for one soul. Millions of afghan-iraqis and many thousand Pakistanis died non open Thread after Thread that CHRISTIANS-JEWS are responsible.

You solomen2 needs a break-rest from this forum I hope you get a ban or infraction or temporarily send on a vacation for opening hate mongering stupid Threads. Muslims are not guilty a few men attack the embassy contact libyan government if there is any and resolve by arresting those who are responsible.
the word infidel is derogatory... it is filled with hatred. It is my wish whether I believe in Ram or Jesus or Guru Nanak and for that i consider myself a believer. So a Muslim to come to me and call me Infidel is equivalent to saying to me that your faith is fake.

its a word of intolerance and preaches that other faith people are non religious and non believers - non believers in the right god (Allah) which as a corollary means their god is fake. That's intolerance and derogatory to other faiths.

Muslims should not use this word for Non Muslims. You following Allah doesnt make others Non Beleivers, as others believe in other faiths and religions. The others are NOT INFIDELS. and Allah is not the only true religion, all religions are equally true.

I hope Muslims scholars preach that infidel is a wrong word and that all faiths are equal and that you are infidel only when you do not beleive in any faith.

I am not a infidel as I beleive in my God. The fact that I beleive, then how can someone call me Non Beleiver? Muslims people need to throw out this word and instead teach that all people who beleive in god are same and equal.
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