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Once again, MQM shows Courage



New Recruit

Feb 10, 2009
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MQM shows no fear and is now a days openly drawing attention of the people of Pakistan, media and other political allies on creeping talibanisation . MQM the only political party criticized and walked out of the parliament in protest. They said they aren’t against Islam as they are Muslims as well. But according to constitution of Pakistan there cant be 2 judicial law in Pakistan. And the current constitution isn’t against Islam. Their recent press conference on Nizam-e-adl is not shocking to the liberal forces of Pakistan including the human rights, civil society and other political parties representative. Other political parties are restricted to show their concerns but we have heard many individual voices throughout the whole Pakistan people are not in favor of this Nizam-e-adl.

People are a bit scared of talibans as TTP Spokesman Haji Muslim khan has threatened parliamentarians indirectly. But MQM stands firm on their rules and regulations. No fear to religious extremism and no shariya, which belongs to only Hanifi laws of islam. As there are many other sects, which have their own beliefs and practices.

The parliament has accepted TTP demand by allowing Nizam-e-adl . Militants who has killed policemen in Lahore and which are involved in suicide bombing mosques and killing torturing people who are muslims as well and several other cases. It was declared nizam-e-adl won’t be imposed till true peace comes in swat and till talibans wont give up weapons.

Despite of the Manawa attacks and several suicide attacks on Mosques, gatherings and Armed forces of Pakistan the so called liberal political parties like PPP, ANP, PML-N and PML-Q has given support to this nizam-e-adl in Malakand division, swat and its nearby region. And has lost support of the liberal voters of nation. ANP has revoked its manifesto and went against the teachings of Ba’cha khan of never surrender in front of ill and bad. So is for the PPP their leader Mohtarma baynazeer Bhutto said there are people in Tribal areas that are responsible for insurgency in Pakistan and she said she wouldn’t tolerate these militants creating insurgency in Pakistan. Nawaz Shareef connections with Al-Qaida and taliban is not hidden with anyone is still continue with Zia’s strategy of making Afghanistan 5th province and has support to these militants and talibans.

Yesterday attack on charsaddah after nizam-e-adl in swat is a question itself. Agencies recovered body and the person got arrested is from swat. Yesterday Soofi mohammed spokesman said taliban has given up arms. But the TTP spokesman denied to give up arms and declared that they would prolong this movement to other parts of Pakistan and arms is prestige of Muslims.

MQM’s growing support in Pakistan against Talibanization is increasing day by day. Their liberal politics for the people of Pakistan suits to the environment of prosperity and development. They have pointed out very important points of the future of Pakistan if we will allow these militants taking over our areas in the name of islam. There are various examples in islam that Our prophet peace be upon him and his campaignions never imposed islam and shariya by force. A common moderate muslim wont accept talibans forced islam . Islam is what Mohammed peace be upon has preached. Not what soofi mohammed and baitullah mehsud has imposed by guns and shells.
Atleast MQM is taking a stand against these cowards! i hope it works.
Yes MQM's efforts in this regard need to be appreciated. It is the only party which has taken up a stance against the Taliban invasion disregarding its true incentive. Where are the PPP, PMLN, PMLQ, TI, JUIF and ANP? They allowed the president to promulgate Niam-e-Adl without any debate or discussion. Where are we living — the Dark Ages?

There are rumours doing the rounds in the city that a showdown between the MQM and ANP is expected, especially after Farooq Sattar's and Altaf Hussain's statements on Thursday. The MQM has been extremely critical of the lame duck stance that the ANP has adopted towards the rapid Talibanisation of the Frontier province. On the risk of sounding as a staunch MQM supporter, I'd say kudos to muttahida for doing what no other has done.

But let's also hope that in the tussle between the two parties, the city doesn't witness ethnic strife. It has seen too much bloodshed for one lifetime.
These courageous 'Jiyalay' of MQM are showing courage since the day someone told them that the 'Taliban' are coming to Karachi. They've been at unrest ever since.

They're only concerned about an issue when it becomes personal to them or if that 'Issue' threatens to 'Take over' karachi. Where exactly were these 'Courageous' outbursts for the past few years against the taliban? Weren't we still fighting the Taliban in FATA?

MQM and its amazing hypocrisy. Two thumbs 'DOWN'!
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These courageous 'Jiyalay' of MQM are showing courage since the day someone told them that the 'Taliban' are coming to Karachi. They've been at unrest ever since.

They're only concerned about an issue when it becomes personal to them or if that 'Issue' threatens to 'Take over' karachi. Where exactly were these 'Courageous' outbursts for the past few years against the taliban? Weren't we still fighting the Taliban in FATA?

MQM and its amazing hypocrisy. Two thumbs 'DOWN'!
Do you know Ardeshir Cowasjee? He's a columnist and an activist. Once he was asked why does he take up issues in and around his residence only and not the wholeof Karachi, he replied, "I take care of my own patch, you take of yours."

So I guess MQM is taking up a stance for its patch. Why aren't the people in Islamabad reacting or those in Lahore? Maybe they are worried, but no one is coming out on to the street to demonstrate against the Taliban take-over. You have to register your protest and the MQM is doing it just fine.

Secondly, admittedly, MQM only has presence in Karachi. FYI, it only has one elected member in the AJK assembly, besides having members in the Sindh Assembly and the National Assembly (if I am not wrong all of them have been elected from Karachi). It does not have members in any other provincial assemblies.
Do you know Ardeshir Cowasjee? He's a columnist and an activist. Once he was asked why does he take up issues in and around his residence only and not the wholeof Karachi, he replied, "I take care of my own patch, you take of yours."

So I guess MQM is taking up a stance for its patch. Why aren't the people in Islamabad reacting or those in Lahore? Maybe they are worried, but no one is coming out on to the street to demonstrate against the Taliban take-over. You have to register your protest and the MQM is doing it just fine.

Secondly, admittedly, MQM only has presence in Karachi. FYI, it only has one elected member in the AJK assembly, besides having members in the Sindh Assembly and the National Assembly (if I am not wrong all of them have been elected from Karachi). It does not have members in any other provincial assemblies.

By that logic, MQM approves of turning a blind eye to a 'Burning' Pakistan but if somehow that fire starts to creep up to their doorstep, they'll rise up in protest and start showing mutahida 'Courage'?

This mentality is the reason why they're known as traitors through out Pakistan and their ideology isn't accepted in other provinces.
How nice of us to suport a very oppurtunist party they have been against Nizam-e-Adl which though could be the worst thing that happened but is making our own brothers and sisters in Swat it is shutting up terrorists exposing their true colours, the very flogging they talk about and they say they protect Karachi whilst are on tape seen as a mobster party and last but not the least they talk of a flogging that has been proven to be fake and on top of that they forget that they flog their own women.

The fact that they are called heroes is a decision of anybody who wishes to think of them as that but I must say that had any one been through what Karachi had to face and the fate people had to see the relatives die could not possibly declare MQM any worse then terrorists for violence helped no one and nor will it in the future unless their is a total victory.
Bezerk your logic is rather strange.

A local party is supposed to handle local issues, and it is. Yet, you're branding them traitors for doing exactly what they ought to be doing.

Maybe MQM would be true patriots if they supported Taliban in the interest of the unity of Pakistan.
Do you know Ardeshir Cowasjee? He's a columnist and an activist. Once he was asked why does he take up issues in and around his residence only and not the wholeof Karachi, he replied, "I take care of my own patch, you take of yours."

So I guess MQM is taking up a stance for its patch. Why aren't the people in Islamabad reacting or those in Lahore? Maybe they are worried, but no one is coming out on to the street to demonstrate against the Taliban take-over. You have to register your protest and the MQM is doing it just fine.

Secondly, admittedly, MQM only has presence in Karachi. FYI, it only has one elected member in the AJK assembly, besides having members in the Sindh Assembly and the National Assembly (if I am not wrong all of them have been elected from Karachi). It does not have members in any other provincial assemblies.

Are you trying to indicate that this is how our nation should have worked if this should have been the way we handled our problems than this dreaded WoT would never have even come on our side of the border because from day one we could have said "I take care of my own patch, you take of yours."

We talk of the same MQM that grew on the funding of Zia ul Haq and also joined hands with PML-N first then Musharraf and cum next election joined PPP this is a party that has shown that it is willing to sell its soul for power the same party whose leader thinks the most dreadfull thing that happened was the creation of Pakistan they in my opinion should be the first to be tried for treason.
Are you trying to indicate that this is how our nation should have worked if this should have been the way we handled our problems than this dreaded WoT would never have even come on our side of the border because from day one we could have said "I take care of my own patch, you take of yours."

We talk of the same MQM that grew on the funding of Zia ul Haq and also joined hands with PML-N first then Musharraf and cum next election joined PPP this is a party that has shown that it is willing to sell its soul for power the same party whose leader thinks the most dreadfull thing that happened was the creation of Pakistan they in my opinion should be the first to be tried for treason.
I don't care much about the MQM and they just want to milk power for their Karachi domination schemes, but in this case they are right. If you don't kick out this Afghani invasion of extremists and terrorists all our territories would be overrun and all our women would be beaten up in pursuit of Nifaz-e-Talibani-Shariat.
I think MQM should launch actions against the Afghanis in Karachi. Its good to have this Ghunda Party of Altaf BAI on our side.
But you never know that they might become toys to external hands Like The Mareeh and Bugti did.
Every one in Pakistan is power hungry .... what about NS....haven't you guys read the news that he will keep his mouth shut on drones attack in return his cases will be dropped....hasn't he got plans from Mr. H. Gul how to turn lawyers movement in his favour ...this is admitted by Imran Khan and Qazi on TV.

MQM is over-reacting ...they should be grownup ... :smokin:
Are you trying to indicate that this is how our nation should have worked if this should have been the way we handled our problems than this dreaded WoT would never have even come on our side of the border because from day one we could have said "I take care of my own patch, you take of yours."

We talk of the same MQM that grew on the funding of Zia ul Haq and also joined hands with PML-N first then Musharraf and cum next election joined PPP this is a party that has shown that it is willing to sell its soul for power the same party whose leader thinks the most dreadfull thing that happened was the creation of Pakistan they in my opinion should be the first to be tried for treason.

You should see the speeches of MQM's leaders against zia ul haq at KU
this is typical propaganda against them that MQM was formed by zia ul haq
:Dand dont tell me that MQM is hungry for power
you can see nawaz sharif and benazir's record
both of them used to throw dirt at each other when any one of them was in power:enjoy:
and then in musharrafs government both of them sit together against musharraf and so a "brother and sister" relationship was formed between benazir and nawaz sharif :lol:
Bezerk your logic is rather strange.

A local party is supposed to handle local issues, and it is. Yet, you're branding them traitors for doing exactly what they ought to be doing.

Maybe MQM would be true patriots if they supported Taliban in the interest of the unity of Pakistan.

My logic isn't strange. Your comprehension on the other hand could use a bit of fixing.

My point was that all this time that we've been fighting the Taliban, MQM never came out with any strong protests against the Taliban and their antics, but now that their own backyard is smoking, they're concerned about how 'Evil' the Taliban are. These same Taliban were killing our Army personnel on a daily basis (And still are) and MQM never voiced their concerns like how they're doing it now. That's all. As a national political party, I've never seen an aggressive attitude from them regarding TTP. Until now of course.
great boys... I hate nawaz i hate them all but atleast i respect nawaz for taking a principal stand by not joining the colaition to get in power if MQM IS SO GOOD TELL THEM TO RESIGN FROM THE GOVERNMENT TO SHOW THEIR DISCONTENT...never will MQM ever resign...and please let's not forget 12th may and let's not forget that MQM wants provincial autnomy so that it eventually leads to a great MQM plan of Jinnahpur.... MQM will never ever RESIGN FROM GOVERNMENT THOSE BOYS JUST WANT TO STAY IN POWER!!! MQM is a problem for the federation of pakistan!!!

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