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China have to be Hated to be Strong? The rising of next Superpower

Personally I see China including its huge overseas people as entity is capable or has potential to fulfill all of the criteria you have mentioned. Only one thing China hardly catches up with the US at present and in the future, the soft power: winning friends and allies on over the world.

As soon as the Chinese realise that and act accordingly, the American will face a tough competion for supremacy.

exactly my point, so you think the best way for China into the future is throught soft tactics, intererting...

I was thinking about the same things, but the current CHina is acting on the other tip of the scale...
China? Superpower? The so called superpower got spanking in 1979 by a small nation named Vietnam. That so called superpower dont have guts to confront not only nuclear India and Japan. Citizen of this so called superpower have not basic rights which even African citizens have. Millions of poor are rotting in poverty in this so called superpower. China is laughing stock if they are claiming that they are next superpower.

1/3 of the world poor is located in India so you don't really have any right to criticize China
What's wrong with China being a Superpower? The world need another Soviet Union esque country to serve as a power balance to check the US & vice versa
So you are saying an incident like the Economic collaspe with japan will bump the Chinese back down to merely a regional power?
You do know after the fall of soviet union, the next in line was Japan but the economic bubble burst in the 90s force them to relegate the position to someone else, and to this date, it is not bounced back yet.

Surely a setback is possible for China as you can see that with social experiments such as Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution as a reminder. Japan was seen until the burst as a rising economic superpower, no more.
Coming from a Viet, that's real funny. We "must"? You and what army?

Yes, "must" to avoid collapse before becoming a superpower.

Holy crap...It's really scary to see a viet saying something like "inherent expansionist dream" and "democratize of the country"...

Well, it seems difficult to hear such words instead of words with wings to take you to "a superpower" on the clouds...

Sorry, I "must" leave here now
1/3 of the world poor is located in India so you don't really have any right to criticize China

So having 1/3 poor for a nation, means the individual of that nationality can't make an assessment of ability of rising nation to be a superpower? Besides those are 2005 figures, we are in 2012

What's wrong with China being a Superpower? The world need another Soviet Union esque country to serve as a power balance to check the US & vice versa

Thats not what Indonesia wanted .
exactly my point, so you think the best way for China into the future is throught soft tactics, intererting...

I was thinking about the same things, but the current CHina is acting on the other tip of the scale...

Size matters, of course: economic, politics, military, culture, people, etc.. and smart diplomacy, too.
How did a small country such as England become as superpower for centuries, the British Empire?

Many things take into the making of a superpower. China should think about it!
Size matters, of course: economic, politics, military, culture, people, etc.. and smart diplomacy, too.
How did a small country such as England become as superpower for centuries, the British Empire?

Many things take into the making of a superpower. China should think about it!

British came up with the Industrial revolution.
The definition of a superpower varies greatly.

What are the factors/characteristics of a superpower?
Is it Economic? Financial? Military? Political? Science & Technology? Natural Resources? Cultural? Media?
Maybe ALL of them.

And if a country is a current superpower when does it ever stop becoming a superpower?
So having 1/3 poor for a nation, means the individual of that nationality can't make an assessment of ability of rising nation to be a superpower? Besides those are 2005 figures, we are in 2012

Never trust statistic I always said. It's common courtesy If there some people right in the corner in the street still begging for loose change I won't criticize other country poor while we can't provide for our. Chinese people have freedom maybe not to the extent you & I enjoy but they have one.

Thats not what Indonesia wanted .

No but if you some weak smaller country that just happen to be pick the "wrong side" of another Cold War then you might need the other guy help.
Never trust statistic I always said.
Then why state: "1/3 of the world poor is located in India" ?

It's common courtesy If there some people right in the corner in the street still begging for loose change I won't criticize other country poor while we can't provide for our.

Good mentality!

Chinese people have freedom maybe not to the extent you & I enjoy but they have one.


No but if you some weak smaller country that just happen to be pick the "wrong side" of another Cold War then you might need the other guy help.

Unable to clearer understand the context and point you are trying to make.

Let me be clear. When i said : "Thats not what Indonesia wanted ." i was refering to Indonesia's intention to balance increasing Chinese influence in the region.

Sino-indonesian Relations -- Political Wariness As Trade Booms

This strategy is consistent with Indonesia's
traditional stress on multilateralism, as reflected in
Indonesia's historical leadership of the Non-Aligned
Movement, and its role as host of the ASEAN Secretariat and
founder of the Bali Democracy Forum. At the same time,
senior Indonesian officials frequently tell us that they fear
excessive Chinese influence could upset the "balanced
relationships" in the region. They seek an active regional
role for Australia, India, Japan and most of all the United
States to forestall this eventuality. Indonesia encouraged
the United States to seek a role in the first East Asia
Summit in 2005 in an effort to balance China,s potentially
overwhelming influence. Indonesian officials regularly urge
us to deepen our engagement in regional institutions and have
hailed American accession to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and
Cooperation as a step in that direction.
Then why state: "1/3 of the world poor is located in India" ?

Ask the last guy I reply to he started it

Let me be clear. When i said : "Thats not what Indonesia wanted ." i was refering to Indonesia's intention to balance increasing Chinese influence in the region.

Sino-indonesian Relations -- Political Wariness As Trade Booms

It maybe be a problem in the future, but for now we enjoy a quite comfortable position with China.

I said the world not my country, the world need another Soviet Union like entity to balance the world.
One of the most famous strategies from Sun Tzu is said to be "attack the near and ally the distant". That's what we're trying to do now to prepare for the inevitable confrontation with the US' back to asia strategy.
I can hardly agree with your comment about the so called "soft tactics", what China did during the past several decades from the 1980s or even earlier showed exactly that the foreign policy of China was definitely not tough enough due to the lack of our core competitiveness, that's also why many countries around China dare to challenge the traditional authority of Chinese power in some disputable area and treat China as "Paper Tiger". China has long been kept restraint from direct confrontations, and propose to develop the disputable area altogether. However, this peaceful motion does not earn any respect from those who seems innocent as baby but vicious as snake.
I do admit the importance of the so called "soft tactics", however, it's not the most important mission for CHina currently. It's just like two legs of our human being, one can never step ahead with both of them moving together, there must be a priority! China has no problem with its current foreign policy, it's right to become tougher to the outside and looser to the inside, then here comes the major problem, the potential unstable factors inside the country itself. If China can keep on developing stably for another 20 years, you might have the chance to see the rise of another super power! And surely we will outport our soft power by then!
exactly my point, so you think the best way for China into the future is throught soft tactics, intererting...

I was thinking about the same things, but the current CHina is acting on the other tip of the scale...
Thanks to some sort of strange thinkings of Chinese guys such as Mage Budds, the US does not have any reasons to fear any competions from China soon.
Yeah, these strategical viewpoints surely are way too complex for you to understand, viets...:fie:
Thanks to some sort of strange thinkings of Chinese guys such as Mage Budds, the US does not have any reasons to fear any competions from China soon.

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