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Don't Push India To Build Anti-China Alliance: OSD Official

LOL at indians. As soon as we did airstrike exercises from airbases in Tibet, they knew the whole country will collapse into pieces as soon as delhi gets bombed into ashes by PLAAF.

Without any of this happening, you'd have gone insane and carried on orders of your own CPC into a mental asylum.

Sorry, but I pity you... it's a shame china will lose a low cost factory worker to insanity.

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Sad, this guy says the same thing I have said more than 8 yrs ago yet he gets the high paying job and status. Not fair. They say you cannot communicate or write English well, when in reality you can if given an opportunity or chance.

If you are really the power house, no one could contain you.

True to some degree, but if China was so great and India nowhere near in comparsion then China would not and shouldnot be resorting such tactics, now would they?:azn:
If this is a display of the average level of intelligence in China, I guess that there is not that much to worry. Do you think your shiny cities are nuke proof? :hitwall:
LOL india doesn't even have thermonuclear weapons! Only Agni-1 is actually deployed. Our 10 MIRV warhead multi-megaton warheads make india burn with the brightness of 1000 suns the lord destroyer is PLA!
LOL india doesn't even have thermonuclear weapons! Only Agni-1 is actually deployed. Our 10 MIRV warhead multi-megaton warheads make india burn with the brightness of 1000 suns the lord destroyer is PLA!

the lord destroyer is PLA
LOL india doesn't even have thermonuclear weapons! Only Agni-1 is actually deployed. Our 10 MIRV warhead multi-megaton warheads make india burn with the brightness of 1000 suns the lord destroyer is PLA!

All I know what u are capable is sending is some fishing trawlers with human as cannon fodder as the latest trend suggest.
I see SinoChallenged comments are now becoming very boring.. magaton, nukes same thing every time. yawn.
Would India have made Nukes if China didnt acquired it first ???

both India r China r stable Nation... But after providing Nukes to Pakistan, China wont be counted as a responsible nation while India is a responsible nation... & Pakistan is neither stable nor responsible... ;)

lets set two things straight

1. China had ~12 nukes in the 70s-80s and all were directed at the USSR (norther border) to deter a USSR nuclear strike on China. India was never in the picture. Initially China planned to get nuclear weapons because General Mcarthur threatened to nuke China.

2. It is impossible for fundamentalist to get their hands on a nuclear weapon.
lets set two things straight

1. China had ~12 nukes in the 70s-80s and all were directed at the USSR (norther border) to deter a USSR nuclear strike on China. India was never in the picture. Initially China planned to get nuclear weapons because General Mcarthur threatened to nuke China.

2. It is impossible for fundamentalist to get their hands on a nuclear weapon.

Why so confident about fundamentalists? If I was a fundamentalist, I would plan it out. There are many ppl in the military who have such views.
Don't Push India To Build Anti-China Alliance

Don't think yourself as angels, you have tried but failed miserably, every Indian moved has been countered by Chinese
First cozy with U.R.S.S , Soviet got bankrupt...no more leverage against China, now try to play US card
SCS's case by cozy with Vietname with oil exploration but now just hide the head under the sand and silence about the event...LMAO

Next...try to cozy with Japan, we will let Indian taste the sushi made in China
Don't think yourself as angels, you have tried but failed miserably, every Indian moved has been countered by Chinese
First cozy with U.R.S.S , Soviet got bankrupt...no more leverage against China, now try to play US card
SCS's case by cozy with Vietname with oil exploration but now just hide the head under the sand and silence about the event...LMAO

Next...try to cozy with Japan, we will let Indian taste the sushi made in China
Can anybody tell me why people are commenting on India for the report/post/though generated or published outside of India with no Indian participation
two front war with China and Pakistan will always be difficult situation for India. But If this type of war happens then obviously India will get enough support from outside. India have capabilities but to endure it for several week or months it surely will need support.

India is only preparing itself for all the ifs it doesn't mean India is anti CHINA but we can not sit with our eyes closed when China is increasing its military power.

and I don't think there is possibility of two front war .It will be deeply hurt China's Image and foreign relations remember India is not 1962's India its 2012' India who have many friends other than Russia...

Waooooooooooo Many Friends........eg????
well objectives of china deleloping military hardware is different from India........and it's not in intrest of Europeans that's why bro u r thinking u got European friends....but according to my opinion they are China enemies,not India allies....
"Re: Don't Push India To Build Anti-China Alliance: OSD Official "

Its all a Chess Game. It was and is getting played all the time. One just need to play it well and to one's advantage.

PS: Indians are good in Chess Game.
Waooooooooooo Many Friends........eg????
well objectives of china deleloping military hardware is different from India........and it's not in intrest of Europeans that's why bro u r thinking u got European friends....but according to my opinion they are China enemies,not India allies....

Thats Y people say Enemy's enemy can be your friend..... :P

( Now we can discuss all this and fight over it as arm chair generals... there are matured people who makes the decision in allmost all the countries, Thats y there are very limited wars fought even after having somany difference and issues between them)

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