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Intense social and political changes in Pak can explode into Islamist revolution

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Apr 28, 2009
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Washington, May 2 (ANI): With the Taliban gaining ground and establishing its writ in newer regions of Pakistan, the intense social and political changes that the country is witnessing could ultimately explode into a full blown Islamist revolution, experts believe.

The Obama Administration, which has expressed its concern over the precarious condition of Pakistan, has sent a host of top officials to Islamabad to discuss the issue, but it still remains unclear that whether Obama has a clear cut idea as to what he wants to do and achieve in Pakistan, vice-president of the Heritage Foundation Kim Holmes said.

Holmes, in an article, said that Washington must develop a more enhanced and logical and long term policy for the troubled state, safety of which is directly related to the safety and peace of South Asia, and even the US and Europe.

He warns that with such a volatile situation at hand, Obama must avoid making any false move, as it could have dire consequences in near future.

Reffering to the US role in defusing tension between President Zardari and former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during the recent political bedlam in the country, Holmes said Washington should not personalize politics in Pakistan, instead, it should pursue a consistent policy of supporting democratic institutions and processes in the country.

Furthermore, Pakistan may also want the US to get more directly involved in resolving the Kashmir dispute and to pressure India to make concessions. This would certainly damage the relationships between New Delhi and Washington.

Holmes said that any such attempt by the US, besides damaging relations would further destabilize the Kashmir region by raising false expectations and giving extremists reason to increase violence to push an agenda they believe in within their reach.

Intense social and political changes in Pak can explode into Islamist revolution : Expert - Yahoo! India News
Already posted! One more article that has been posted several times today on this forum by mostly Indians. Funny, how the Indians are always eager to report such news on Pakistani forums. Something has to be done about the behaviour of certain thread posters on this forum.

PS. I've reported it. Hope you don't mind.
I've haven't seen any article posted, sorry. Mods can merge it.
I've haven't seen any article posted, sorry. Mods can merge it.

What's the point of merging two identical articles? The best solution would be to delete this one.
I call the Dibs on this article.. what people keep ignoring are the new Pakistani Youth that have played an active role literally reshaping Pakistan's political structure during the past 5 years. People easily forget that even though Pakistan's current political government maybe weak, Pakistani's in general voted in the elections for a proper democracy. This weak government won't exist forever.

On top of that the number of well educated children and youth that are coming from local universities as well as those coming from abroad are bound to make a drastic change in Pakistan. The media is not being controlled by the state anymore and their is alot of anti-Taliban sentiments that are growing on a daily basis... People easily forget the Lawyers movement, the civil rights movement... there is a revolution thats taking place within Pakistan and its NOT an islamization one but one that focuses on Justice, civil rights and woman rights...
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