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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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by your logic then ........ the same groups who were harassing Shahrukh targeted Sachin Tendulkar, Asha Bhosale ... "Hindus" ... for speaking the same language as that of Shahrukh ....

The only difference ... in India they harass you ... But in the land of the Pure they just kill you ...

Its always better to get yourself killed in the land of the pure .... so India is not "Secular" ... and The Land of the Pure is not "Communal" ....

What a logic !!!

What hindus do is more bad than killing see post # 257 for more information.
Well said. :tup:

A little more explanation.

Problems with these chaps is that they don't read what they post.

Why do Indian Muslims lag behind?

As historians tell it, during India's first election in 1952, Jawaharlal Nehru was already worrying about the feeble representation of Muslims in the country's positions of authority.

Nehru was worrying about their state, something none of you can understand because worrying about minorities is not something that you chaps do.

"There were hardly any Muslims left in the defence service, and not many in the secretariat," says historian Ramachandra Guha.

None left...because they went to Pakistan, not because they were discriminated against.
The community continues to have a paltry representation in the bureaucracy and police - 3% in the powerful Indian Civil Service, 1.8% in foreign service and only 4% in the Indian Police Service. And Muslims account for only 7.8% of the people working in the judiciary.

Indian Muslims are also largely illiterate and poo

Explains their lack of presence. India will still have to do something to bring them up though.
"They carry a double burden of being labelled as 'anti-national' and as being 'appeased' at the same time," says a recent report on the state of Indian Muslims.

If they didn't insist or superficial stuff as appeasement, everyone including they would have been better off. The appeasement while doing nothing of practical note to improve the lot of Muslims simply bedevils their relations with the majority community.

Also, the lack of credible middle class leadership among the Muslims has hobbled the community's vision and progress.

Consequently, rabble rousers claiming to represent the community have thrust themselves to the fore.

To be true, mass migration during partition robbed the community of potential leaders - most Muslim civil servants, teachers, doctors and professionals crossed over.

But the failure to throw up credible leaders has meant low community participation in the political processes and government

The crux of the problem......

Also, as Ramachandra Guha says, the "vicissitudes of India-Pakistan relations and Pakistan's treatment of its minorities" ensured that Muslims remained a "vulnerable" community

Unfortunate but did play a part.

The plight of Indian Muslims also has a lot to do with the appalling quality of governance, unequal social order and lack of equality of opportunity in northern India where most of the community lives.

Populous Uttar Pradesh is home to nearly a fifth of Muslims (31 million) living in India, while Bihar has more than 10 million community members.

"Southern India is a different picture. Larger cultural and social movements have made education more accessible and self employment more lucrative benefiting a large number of Muslims," says historian Mahesh Rangarajan.

In Andhra Pradesh state, for example, 68% of Muslims are literate, higher than the state and national average. School enrolment rates for Muslim children are above 90% in Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Point you chaps like to gloss over.

If India was to be "a secular, stable and strong state," Nehru once said, "then our first consideration must be to give absolute fair play to our minority".

A concept you chaps have absolutely no understanding of.
What you are talking about? Give counter argument of points mentioned in article(written by indian) instead of talking irrelevant question. It dont make sense to compare the hindu minority in Pakistan with muslim in India because hindus are only 1.6 percent of total population of pakistan while Muslim have second largest population in India . yea we also had chief justice rana bhgawan das and there are many notable hindus in sports and others department. manmohan singh and kalam are/was just puppet in hands of their party and they were representing the agenda of their party not muslims or sikhs or anyone else . You think they had power to take decision or played any part in policy making? Answer is No, so it don't matter what religion they follow because they are not any different than others
Yea innocent people in Pakistan got killed because of terrorism irrespective of their beliefs/sects/gender but they were never discriminated or was not target of state terrorism or state discrimination. Its not fair to compare the numbers of people who get killed in terrorism with those who got killed in religious riots especially when local government or local leaders picked side in these riots and police was silent spectator.. yea few of such leaders got punishment and some are still walking freely
Irrespective of Belief. Doesn't Shias and Ahmedis have different belief system than Sunnis ? As for Minorities in Pakistan.

It is fairly true that some people just do not learn the lessons. Maya Khan, the unprecedented queen of controversial morning shows, quite evidently remains one of them. Whether we talk about her endless stream of crocodile tears shed during the live transmission of her shows or her posse of women running after young couples, Khan certainly knows how to stir up sensation and ratchet ratings.

Khan, popularly known for running after people in the parks, was sacked after a social media campaign was launched against her. However, she was hired by another private TV channel soon for her sensationalism and controversies.

Her recent escapade, which involved converting a Hindu boy on live television, has angered many people. The show revolved around the ritual of conversion and people calling in to congratulate Khan, her team and Sunil, who was later, renamed Muhammad Abdullah.

When asked what motivated him to accept Islam, Sunil responded incoherently about his intentions. Most of his responses revolved around praising Sarim Burney Trust, where he works and supposedly received the courage to change his religion.

I am truly ashamed to have witnessed such a hideous mockery of the two religions. I am appalled to be a part of a society which hails such unjust and unethical practises and deeply saddened to know that minorities are blatantly marginalised on live television while the silent majority lives in denial.

It was ironical to see that not a single caller objected to this ridiculing of religions or safeguarding the rights of minorities living in Pakistan. I am positively sure that at this rate minorities will cease to exist in Pakistan.

It is rather disappointing to see that people such as Khan and Shahid Masood who are best known for gaining popularity through such shoddy tactics are being followed around like deities.

Amazingly, most of us fail to understand that spirituality and religion are matters of personal choices. Advertising and exhibiting religion is neither permissible in Islam nor is recommended by the ethical parameters of any progressive society. The bombardment of Ramazan transmissions featuring religious clerics, public and pseudo-religious scholars-cum-hosts that aim to question and reinforce the concept of faith, are nothing but promotional stunts to fool the public.

When will we learn? Why cannot we see that the only chance of our survival lies in tolerance and coexistence? Why cannot we respect other religions the way we honour Islam? How can a person who disrespects one religion, honour another?

The forced conversions and abductions of non-Muslims living in Pakistan are hushed-up whereas ‘victories’ such as the one we witnessed this week are publicised on national television, further intimidating and isolating minorities.

We talk about atrocities carried out in Indian Kashmir and the Gujrat riots but forget about the minorities who are living in constant fear of their lives, legacies and children. Khan’s show depicted the true picture of people because of whom the non-Muslims population in Pakistan is declining drastically.

Whether the conversion was forced or willful remains arguable, however, we all know how Pakistanis would have responded if a Muslim would have been converted on live television. The ensuing catharsis would have engulfed the entire country in a raging fire; however, the minimal reaction this episode has received just proves that we are a failed society.

Equally if not more, Pakistan’s media ethics are also to be questioned. The code of conduct which is found missing in most of the cases is one of the main reasons why such grotesque shows are approved for broadcast.

Who has given electronic media the right to disseminate such negative propaganda about religion? Is it not more important to address issues related to the suppressed minorities of Pakistan and broadcast messages of peace in harmony during Ramazan?

It is important to understand that unless we learn to live in mutual harmony, we will continue to suffer. The silent majority must rise and reprimand such media houses, producers and anchorpersons who entice masses to laud such medieval practises.

We saw a revolution on social media after Khan’s “chasing couples in park” fiasco and we must continue to raise our voice. The change will take time; however, it will also only be brought about by you.

The drastic decline of Pakistani minorities | Blog | DAWN.COM
Really? those were the people who you took as reference??

That was the best example you got?

90% left to Pakistan, still we are having one of the largest muslim population in the world.. What does that tell you??

Look at their condition.

See post # 257.
Why should Muslims have to prove their religion to the people Muslims previously ruled over?
Because past is past. And present is present. If your father is good man, you still have to prove to the world you are a good person.
@Raja.Pakistani & @Don Jaguar

UNHCR | Refworld | Chronology for Hindus in Pakistan

Date(s) Item
Nov 1990 Security forces moved to protect Hindu temples in Pakistan as thousands of Muslims protested against attacks on Muslims in India. The actions in northern India followed attempts by Hindus to raze the centuries-old Babri Masjid (mosque). Anti-Hindu protests were staged outside temples in cities and towns of southern Pakistan where most of the Pakistani Hindus live. According to the latest reports, one Hindu man was killed and four temples were damaged by Muslim demonstrators.

Dec 1992 Muslims attacked temples across Pakistan and the government of this overwhelmingly Muslim nation closed offices and schools for one day to protest the destruction of the Babri mosque in India. Marchers shouted slogans such as "Crush India!" and "Death to Hinduism". In Lahore, the capital of Punjab, Muslims used a bulldozer, hammers, and their bare hands to demolish the Jain temple near Punjab University. Police forces did not intervene, nor did they act when a crowd stormed the Air-India office, dragged furniture into the street, and set the office on fire (The New York Times, 12/08/92). Hundreds of members of India's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party marched on the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi to protest attacks against Hindus in Pakistan. At least 24 people have been killed in Pakistan and at least 100 temples were attacked by the Muslims (The Dallas Morning News, 12/15/92). Hindus in Pakistan assert that they are regularly accused of being "Indian agents". The intolerance of Pakistani fundamentalists has reportedly grown so strong that some members of religious minorities have begun to adopt Muslim names (The Toronto Star, 12/04/92).

Jan 1993 A comparison between the human rights records of India and Pakistan in 1992, which was released by the US State Department, reveals that if human rights were considered to be abused in India, then the situation in Pakistan could only be described as "appalling", with human rights "brutalized" on a systematic basis. The State Department accused Pakistan of persecuting minority Hindus, Christians and Ahmadis. Hindus asserted that they are subject to kidnappings, the forced conversions of young women, and the desecration of Hindu shrines. They also state that they are not permitted to freely practice their religion (The Ethnic Newswatch, 01/29/93).

Sep 1993 The cabinet of caretaker Prime Minister M. Qureshi has established a Commission on Minorities to look into the grievances of the country's minority communities and to ensure that their shrines, temples and other places of worship are preserved and well-kept. The Commission will consist of official and non-official members. Official members include the Minister in-charge of Minority Affairs and the secretaries of the Ministries of Interior, Education, Law and Parliamentary Affairs.

May 1994 The number of religious minorities charged under Pakistan's restrictive blasphemy law continues to mount. Since 1986, when the law was established, 107 Ahmadis have been charged with blasphemy. The blasphemy law allows a person to register a case against anyone for blaspheming the Prophet Muhammad by word or deed. In 1992, the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif made the death penalty mandatory for blasphemy; in 1993 the law was extended to include the names of the Prophet's family. After months of criticism from local and international human rights groups, Benazir Bhutto has promised to introduce two amendments to the law. The first amendment would ensure that the police register a case only after they are directed to do so by a court of law. The second amendment stipulates a ten year jail term for giving false information. These amendments are supposed to stop the flagrant use of the blasphemy law in order to fulfill personal vendettas. (Far Eastern Economic Review, 05/26/94).

Feb 1995 Although Benazir Bhutto's government had promised last year to introduce amendments to the country's blasphemy law, these amendments have still not gone into effect. In a wave of persecution of non-Muslims, all cremation grounds outside of Sind were closed, preventing Hindus from making funerary arrangements. (London Independent 2/19/95)

Mar 1995 Alleged Hindu infiltrators shot and killed two American diplomats in Karachi. (Japan Economic Newswire 3/8/95)

Feb 1996 Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto approved a parliamentary motion which would allow minorities to have "two votes" - one for the reserved minority seat which they have always had and one for the general parliamentary seat. (Agence France Presse 2/27/96)

Sep 1997 Hundreds of mostly Hindu peasants, waving placards and banners and calling for the release of jailed friends and relatives, protested in Karachi against forced labor in southern Pakistan's Sindh province. Human rights activist Shakeel Pathan said about 4,300 poverty-stricken peasants were languishing in the jails run by influential Sindhi landlords. (Agence France Presse 9/8/97)

Mar 1998 One person was killed and another injured when a paramilitary soldier opened fire on a group of Hindus protesting the national census, in the locality of Jumma Goth in Karachi’s eastern Landi district. Trouble erupted when enumerators carrying out a national census demanded money from the mostly illiterate community for filling in census forms. The officials had earlier rejected forms completed with the help of others. (Agence France Presse 3/7/98)

Aug 1998 Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif proposed a constitutional amendment to make the Koran the supreme law of Pakistan. Deputies from minority communities including Hindus declined to support the measure. (Deutsche Presse-Agentur 9/4/98)

Jun 1999 Pakistan's Minister of Islamic Affairs, Raja Muhammad Zafarul Haq, announced plans to bring websites that are insulting to Islam to the attention of the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Conference. He noted the existence of at least 125 such websites and mentioned that Hindu parties were connected with them. (Malaysian National News Agency 6/22/99)

Aug 1999 Hundreds of Pakistani Christians as well as Hindus, Parsis and Sikhs staged a rally in Lahore to demand the repeal of laws they said discriminate against non-Moslem minorities in the country. (Agence France Presse 8/11/99)

Oct 1999 The Pakistani Army staged a bloodless coup, removing Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and placing Gen. Pervez Musharraf in charge of the country.
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Because past is past. And present is present. If your father is good man, you still have to prove to the world you are a good person.

Sonia Gandhi & Rahul Gandhi didn't have to prove it :P
Thanks for the concern...but there are not many Hindus left today in Pakistan to destabilise your nation in any way. They have already been completely destabilised in the Islamic Republic that hundreds are migrating to India every month.

Kareena Kapoor and Amitabh go to Ajmer Dargah for the same reason...their movies be box office hits..you wont see any Hindu whining about that. Cmon why are you Pakistanis so insecure about your faith ? Dont you guys brag that yours is the fastest growing religion, that it is receiving the most converts, that this the largest practised religion etc etc...a little more confidence would be in order. Even tiny faiths like Sikhs or Jains are more confident in their faiths than Muslims.
living in a non muslim country u r saying that but if u come a muslim majority country u will know the reality.

n for yr info jains r also taken as a hindu sect not a separate religion word wide.
Shah Rukh Khan is a patriot Indian muslim and this is a fact hard to believe for Hindutvadis and Pakistanis alike. They finally found some common ground :lol:
Those temples were destroyed due to Babri Masjid being destroyed by Hindu extremists for no reason..
Alleged Samjhauta Express train bomber Rajendra Choudhary has claimed that Hindu right-wing extremists planned to target former Delhi high court chief justice Rajinder Sachar in October 2006.

The committee headed by Justice Sachar was to submit its report on the socio-economic conditions of Muslims before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in November 2006 and the terror group, headed by slain RSS pracharak Sunil Joshi, was angry over the setting up of the panel.

The NIA is learnt to have informed the Delhi Police to step up Justice Sachar’s security following Choudhary’s “revelations”. Justice Sachar, however, told The Sunday Express that he was yet to be provided any security. He also said that during the compilation of his report, he had travelled to various states and these had offered him security. “But I refused.”

According to sources in the National Investigation Agency (NIA), Choudhary revealed during interrogation that they had had carried out a recce in New Delhi for an attack on Justice Sachar in early 2006. However, the plan was reportedly dropped due to heightened security in New Delhi and as other members of the group such as Ramji Kalsangra and Sandeep Dange, wanted in connection with the Samjhauta and Malegaon blasts, pointed out that the Sachar panel had six more members.

“They did not have enough manpower to coordinate attacks on all seven members,” a senior official said. Having executed the Malegaon blasts in September 2006 that year, they were also on the run.

“Joshi is learnt to have directed Choudhary and (alleged Mecca Masjid bomber) Lokesh Sharma to keep a low profile. Choudhary also revealed that after the accidental explosion in Nanded in 2006 at the house of an RSS activist, the group had come under the scanner of central agencies,” the official added.
If you have problem with 100 year temple being destroyed imagine what Muslims had felt when a 1000 year mosque had been destroyed
Look at their condition.

See post # 257.

Only thing that post257 says is that, Muslims were cowardly and did not dare to live with Hindus. The rich Muslims ran off to Pakistan, leaving their poor brothers behind, proving their cowardliness. They have done nothing to improve the Indian Muslims but took away lot of wealth from India after being raised and eating the salt of mother India.
So I think blame is on Muslims. To atone for their cowardice and sin, they should invite all muslims of India to Pakistan. If Indian Muslims don't come, then they should pay Indian Muslims 300 billion per annum because that's the GDP of Indian Muslims.

living in a non muslim country u r saying that but if u come a muslim majority country u will know the reality.

n for yr info jains r also taken as a hindu sect not a separate religion word wide.
Reality of Muslim pak is that. The Sunnis are killing non Sunnis thats all.
What hindus do is more bad than killing see post # 257 for more information.

Thats why Hindus are being driven out of Pakistan .... because what they do is more bad than killing ... now I know why according to you the Hindus are bad bad people.

I think Pakistan should move a resolution in UN Security Council to ban all these "Bad very Bad" Hindus ... its very easy to get it passed given excellent credibility and reputation of Pakistan as peaceful and all inclusive state ... a role model for the entire humanity.

PS: I am serious ... don't laugh !!!
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