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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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Yaar your country take Loans and Aid. Isn't Taking Loan on Interest Haraam in Islam ? :hitwall:

Your leaders and PA officials drink Alcohol, Isn't it haraam in Islam ? :hitwall:

I can go on and on from killing of innocents to many other prohibited things, So first look at your society and nation and then start passing judgement.

Lol ! their senior army officer have shared a drink with me ( chupke se ) saying, 'yaar hamare yahaa sale duniya bhar ke mulle bhare pade hai."
If the king of Bollywood thinks like this and worried about the future of children in the India then one can imagine the suffering of normal Muslims in India, even the interior minister and other top ministers of India accepted the extremist groups of Hindus and their camps in India.
again you are on a wrong side of the conclusion...my point was either he would have followed the rules at first place and if not then he should be either here or there ...mean practice a single religion and not stuck in b/w two like he is doing
Well, it should be left to him to decide what he sould call himself. He identifies himself as muslim and that's why he is a muslim in my eyes.
Rushdie does not, which is why he is not a muslim.
Javed Akhtar is atheist, but identifies himlself as muslim, hence he is muslim.

Most of us realize that organized religions are like clubs and you can identify with any one of them without adhering to all rules of club. He is discriminated based on his identity, not based on whether he did something wrong or right. (which is sad).
While India maintains its facade of religious tolerance, democracy and secularism through a few high-profile Muslim tokens among its high officials and celebrities, the ground reality for the vast majority of ordinary Muslims is much harsher.

An Indian government commission headed by former Indian Chief Justice Rajendar Sachar confirms that Muslims are the new untouchables in caste-ridden and communal India. Indian Muslims suffer heavy discrimination in almost every field from education and housing to jobs. Their incarceration rates are also much higher than their Hindu counterparts.

According to Sachar Commission report, Muslims are now worse off than the Dalit caste, or those called untouchables. Some 52% of Muslim men are unemployed, compared with 47% of Dalit men. Among Muslim women, 91% are unemployed, compared with 77% of Dalit women. Almost half of Muslims over the age of 46 ca not read or write. While making up 11% of the population, Muslims account for 40% of India¡¯s prison population. Meanwhile, they hold less than 5% of government jobs.

Haq's Musings: Are Muslims Worse Off in Jinnah's Pakistan?

Who has stopped them from getting education, making careers, doing business in india? Those indian muslims who are not making progress, should first question themeselves.
Shahrukh khan is a self-made person, i am sure most of his fans are hindus , he is having "gila shikwa" as an indian, pakistanis are poking their nose in totally an indian issue... If shahrukh khan was a pakistani citizen from peshawer then he would have been facing racism that is normally directed towards pashtuns, e.g he is very sharp and intelligent, but still his I.Q level would have been questioned...
Similarly in many instances of racism , mohajirs are told to go back to india, while pashtuns are told to move their a$$es to afghanistan if they love pashtunism so much.
hate on bases of religion does not mean democracy or secularism that is not about you hating srk it is about a mind set hating muslims in india

U guys have no idea on democracy, then what am to say?
If a fan of hrithik roshan, hates SRK, ya, cos, its cos of religion? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Such stupid thinking. Pls do comment after grasping the topic at hand.
I also hate Nehru and Advani. So now what am i?
Democracy is exactly that. I can hate and love anybody within the limits law provides.
Even if someone hates someone based on religion, its his individual rights and the constitution of a nation is still secular.
SRK is free to hate anybody, and thats too democracy and it is also secularism.
Courts are always there to sue anybody irrespective of religion.

hate on bases of religion does not mean democracy or secularism that is not about you hating srk it is about a mind set hating muslims in india

U guys have no idea on democracy, then what am to say?
If a fan of hrithik roshan, hates SRK, ya, cos, its cos of religion? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Such stupid thinking. Pls do comment after grasping the topic at hand.
I also hate Nehru and Advani. So now what am i?
Democracy is exactly that. I can hate and love anybody within the limits law provides.
Even if someone hates someone based on religion, its his individual rights and the constitution of a nation is still secular.
SRK is free to hate anybody, and thats too democracy and it is also secularism.
Courts are always there to sue anybody irrespective of religion.

HGO's are also going haywire over Human rights abuse in Kashmir by Indian occupation army :azn:

What do you have to say about that? Bagal me churi, muh mein ram ram?
Arre bhai, hum tho investigation karthe hain aur punishment bhi dethe hai. Aaap logon ne kithno ko court marshal kiya?
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I wish SRK had something to say about Owaisi, Kasab or the IM terrorists other than crying about random people who might dislike him.
89000 civilians , can you give me the link asap because that is a big claim your making. That is more deaths than the entire syrian civil war @haviZsultan.

Khalistan News Network:

The Indian government has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more than 300,000 Christians since 1948, over 89,000 Muslims in Kashmir since 1988, and tens of thousands of Tamils, Assamese, Manipuris, Dalits, and others. The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of Sikhs "worse than a genocide."

E-petition now closed on Kashmir stating higher figure

Over 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed by Indian forces in the valley's occupation since 1989.

The nation article on Kashmir:

Indian troops in their unabated acts of state terrorism martyred 93,712 innocent Kashmiris, including 6,989 in custody since January 1989 till date.
This has been revealed in a report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service on the occasion of the World Human Rights Day, Saturday.
These killings rendered 22,762 women widowed and 107,434 children orphaned. The report said that Indian troops molested 10,019 women and damaged 105,936 structures. It pointed out that Indian troops and police subjected over 10,000 people to custodial disappearance during the last 22 years.

This can be called a credible source being from a Human Rights organization though finding it was almost impossible:

The state of Human Rights violations in the Indian Occupied Kashmir can be imagined from this factual report, which says that, there have been 93,274 deaths of the innocent Kashmiri from 1989 to June 30, 2010. Besides this alarming figure of open killings by its security forces, there have been 6,969 custodial killings, 117,345 arrests, destruction, and razing of 105,861 houses and other physical structures in the use of the community as a whole. The brutal security forces have orphaned over 107, 351 children, widowed 22,728 women and gang raped 9,920 women and young girls. In June 2010 only, there have been over 40 deaths including four children besides, torturing and injuring 572 people. The brutal Indian security forces molested eight women during this one month. By committing this much human rights violations so far, India is trumpeting its success in the Kashmir, which indeed, is the real cause of fresh uprisings.

I wish you hadn't made me post this. :fie: Now the Indians are seriously going to troll me.

Its not an issue, Indians. These things are happening. Its our duty to change them in both India and Pakistan. Also liontk I used to find these links very easily in the past. There used to be a purely Kashmiri site run from Kashmiris in US but I just couldn't find it anymore. Don't know whats going on. In 2007 I found it in the first google result. Now I have to search very extensively for casualty reports. The first initiative to finding a solution is to recognize the issue exists.
@seiko these are all statistics from different sources.
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Firstly, no one in Media giving it that coverage than Pakistani media which over and over again try to prove that Indian Muslims are oppressed. I can give you hundreds of videos on that.

Also this is what he said,

“I sometimes become the inadvertent object of political leaders who choose to make me a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India".

"There have been occasions when I have been accused of bearing allegiance to our neighboring nation (Pakistan) rather than my own country – this even though I am an Indian, whose father fought for the freedom of India. Rallies have been held where leaders have exhorted me to leave and return what they refer to my ‘original’ homeland.

Note that he is only talking about himself, not about common Indian Muslims. You guys are generalizing it.

He is not called Muhajir or any thing by society, just handful of Politicians for Political reasons and some hard liner Muslims.

“I gave my son and daughter names that could pass for generic (pan-India and pan-religious) ones – Aryan and Suhana,”

"I imagine this will prevent my offspring from receiving unwarranted eviction orders or random fatwas in the future,”

This is the reality. From your own Media.

Pakistan 's Identity is based on hating India - YouTube
India was not secular at all if secular liberal bollywood Muslims of India are feeling this way than the other vast maqjority of Muslims who are proud Muslims would be feeling and how much hatered they would have for Indian government and as society so sooner or later another partition can take place from India or another Pakistan coming up from India the Shining India:tdown::pakistan:
Shahrukh Khan is a cry baby. he also created a hoopla before the release of My name is Khan.
@haviZsultan Because we are sick of you guys always talking same old sh!t and saying old rhetoric over and over again.

You start threads and tell your experiences on Indian Muslims, why don't you start a thread on Pakistani Hindus and other minorities and what they face in Pakistan.

You all try to be happy, go lucky and mature but if any thread is made on Pakistani minorities, temple destruction in Pakistan etc., it gets closed or deleted.

That is because I heard such threads aren't allowed anymore as they were in the past. How you seen my comments on Rimsha Masih and Rinkle Kumari case? I suppose not. While everyone was criticizing the Indian posters saying its none of your business or stupid things I was the one on topic and demanding heavy handed action. Your only issue is India is being discussed and that sets a number of trolls bum on fire.

That flag I designed was also to show that some people care. Its beautiful thing if someone from other faith is designing a for primarily Hindu movement. But you don't understand. It is our job in each of our respective nations to work for the best interests of minority communities.

Look dude, there are plenty of think tanks and Jr.TT who criticise India and still most of the Indians respect them..All you talk about is nonsense claiming that you have relatives and friends all over India and all are opressed.. If it is a valid argument we are ready to discuss it..You do not even bothered to provide a valid link to claims in most of the arguments.. All the proofs you have are the so called "relatives" of you from India.. I can also claim to have relatives in Pakistan who hates Pakistan to the core and shouts, Hindustan Zindabad.. I can also claim I have Pakistani friends in Dubai, who burns Pakistani flags every day.. But I know its makes me a complete stupid here..

Almost 70% of my posts are with heave statistical information, sources, graphs or include parts of entire reports-so the only problem could be I am posting on India's minority issues very extensively. But I will include things from Sachar report here.

48% Muslims in Indian jails contrary to their population. Only 4.4% Muslims have government jobs. 2010 report says 31% Indians are under poverty.

In rural areas: 94.9% of Muslims living below poverty line fail to receive free food grain.
Only 3.2% of Muslims get subsidized loans.
Only 2.1% of Muslim farmers have tractors, while just 1% own hand pumps.
54.6% of Muslims in villages and 60% in urban areas have never been to schools. In rural areas, only 0.8% of Muslims are graduates, while in urban areas despite 40% of the Muslims receiving modern education only 3.1% are graduates. Only 1.2% of Muslims are post-graduates in urban areas.
While West Bengal has 25% Muslim population, only 4.2% are employed in state services. In Assam, with a 40% Muslim population, only 11.2% are in government employment. Kerala has 20% Muslims, but only 10.4% of government employees are Muslim.
In Karnataka, where the Muslim population is 12.2%, 8.5% are employed in government services. While in Gujarat, of the 9.1% Muslim population, 5.4% are in state jobs; in Tamil Nadu, against a 5.6% Muslim population, 3.2% are employed in government.
Though West Bengal is known as a political bastion of the left bloc, the ones who have always spoken strongly against parties entertaining communal bias, the state has zero% Muslims in state PSUs. While Kerala has 9.5% in state PSUs, Maharashtra has only 1.9%.
Though the Sachar committee was not able to secure data regarding the presence of Muslims in the armed forces, it is fairly well-known that their percentage here is not more than three.
Muslims form only 10.6% of the population in Maharashtra, but 32.4% of the prison inmates here are Muslims. In New Delhi, 27.9 % of inmates are Muslims, though they form only 11.7% of the population here. While in Gujarat, Muslims form 25.1% of the ones imprisoned, they form 9.1% of the population. In Karnataka, Muslims form 12.23% of populace and 17.5% of those imprisoned.

Marginalization of Muslim Minority in India « The Islamic Workplace

Another thing is there are other organizations too which have higher statistics than Sachar actually which I am not qouting.

If any one of you can beat me in a debate then I would resign from think tank myself. I have a link/relationship with these parts (Lucknow and others) even I cannot deny despite being wannabe Pashtun or whatever. You want me to forget that link, I eventually will but don't tell me not to care about relatives and family left there.

You are claiming Lucknow because its the birth place of Muslim League.. What a weird logic is that?? MMS was born in Pakistan Punjab.. So do we have the right to claim that??

It is my choice what I call it-I call it chota Pakistan. When I get angry at your fellow Indians who insult our heritage I say it belongs to Pakistan and it was on Chaudhry Rehmat Alis map too as a part of Pakistan. In our Firangi Mahal Hasrat Mohani lived and died and in our baithaks Muslim league leaders used to discuss the course Muslims of the sub-continent would take. I can give you full detail of my ancestors too. But the issue is why a discussion on India is taking place at all. It should be obfuscated.

Let me tell you Seiko until a society is willing to look at its ugly side it cannot fix itself.

If you have valid links please share it with us.. We know our land is not perfect. We have plenty of issues from Hunger to Terrorism..

The last part was all I was saying. You will find me the most objective poster here but I have a personal stake in what goes on there. Sorry for not being able to stay detached. The links have been shared. Furthermore a lot of my knowledge comes from reports and data charts. I have them on my PC. When I give a statistic you can google it and find it. I am supposed to have these pieces of information at hand as a journo.

As a country, we have long way to go to curb all these.. But we are in a right direction.. Increasing minority population is a good example for that..

Increasing minority population I would say is more of an example of either:
1) Issues with census.
2) A high birth rate.

Hindus in Pakistan claimed that a certain census was incorrect too. Muslims have made the same claim in India.

All you guys do is arguing about Godhra riot and procecution of Christians which happend many years ago..

In both Pakistan and India persecution of Christians and Hindus/Muslims happens even today. You wanted links. These are the most recent for India:

India Christians Refused Water; Church Attack Injures Dozens | Worthy Christian News

Vishwaroopam: Stereotyping Muslims as terrorist in Indian cinema | TwoCircles.net

It is better to accept rather than deflect a debate.

You don't have any other things to point out..

I pointed out all there is. The personal anecdotes are what I saw and those I shifted. Have you heard the difference between a primary and secondary source. They are primary sources, articles are secondary and everyone except some Indians know primary sources are more reliable.
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@haviZsultan I can disprove all your Data and derived conclusions. But it will take hell lot of time.

You are bending the data to fit your theory. In reality, Theory should fit the data. So according to research ethics, you are doing Blasphemy.

Also omitting key factors is not considered as good factor. its good you are in Fiction. :lol:
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@haviZsultan I can disprove all your Data. But it will take hell lot of time.

You are bending the data to fit your theory. In reality, Theory should fit the data. So according to research ethics, you are doing Blasphemy.

Also omitting key factors is not considered as good factor. its good you are in Fiction. :lol:

The problem is in you Krait but you can't look at it as you don't have the objectivity to do so. You already know how critical I am of Pakistani things. Your objective is to prove things false-that includes anything that goes against India. Mine is to give another alternative views and to make the forum rich as a result. Indian government has differering statistics, Kashmiris different and independent groups till this year state casualties of 93,000+ today. I stated from all though there is a group that states casualties from 88 to more than +180,000. I can post that too from a report.

That is broken logic. If you can disprove it why don't you? The last source is from a human rights organization.

I trust most things @haviZsultan says. He might be a bit wrong here and there, but not lier.

Thanks, no one realizes at all I criticize Pakistan in the same vein unless someone severely insults me. There is always a different side of a picture. Both of our countries need to look at it-not shy away from it. In Pakistan there is the Rinkle Kumari and Rimsha Masih case and in India there is the Afzal Ansari and Humayun Ansari cases. So basically its time to stop denying, start fixing. The message goes equally to Pakistanis.
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