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Pakistan's warrior queen, Maria; the squash player.

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@Zarvan par quran mein kahan likha hai mard khayl saktay hain aysi games?

Why cant women play? Dont you think this is too much? I mean seriously Islam is a way of life not tunnel! It is to give freedom and happiness not to enclose you and limit your choice!

Islam is lovely and easy not as hard as you make it!

Talon you may as well talk to a brick wall...jeez this guy is like a pre programmed auto man. Re programming would involve dissecting his brain. Lol
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@Zarvan par quran mein kahan likha hai mard khayl saktay hain aysi games?

Why cant women play? Dont you think this is too much? I mean seriously Islam is a way of life not tunnel! It is to give freedom and happiness not to enclose you and limit your choice!

Islam is lovely and easy not as hard as you make it!

Zarvan might be right from religous point of view but if we bring islam into every thing tou pir pandora box kul jaye ga. Islam also doesnt permit women to become rulers while we had benazir butto and have hundreds and thousands of women in Pakistani politics..most importantly madir-e-milat fatima jinnah participated in politics and she didnt even cover her hair properly....
The question is who is dangerous to our society, a suicide-bomber woman or this maria?
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Zarvan might be right from religous point of view but if we bring islam into every thing tou pir pandora box kul jaye ga. Islam also doesnt permit women to become rulers while we had benazir butto and have hundreds and thousands of women in Pakistani politics..most importantly madir-e-milat fatima jinnah participated in politics and she didnt even cover her hair properly....
The question is who is dangerous to our society, a suicide-bomber woman or this maria?

Very powerful point made very well!
@Zarvan par quran mein kahan likha hai mard khayl saktay hain aysi games?

Why cant women play? Dont you think this is too much? I mean seriously Islam is a way of life not tunnel! It is to give freedom and happiness not to enclose you and limit your choice!

Islam is lovely and easy not as hard as you make it!
Islam is not easy for evils first thing is women has to wear hijab

in squash you can't wear it you can't jump hop in front of men sir hazrat Muhammad saw cursed those women who make sound while walking sir women can play but in covered areas where only women can watch them so have to follow Islam and muhammad saw don't allow these things women have to do hijab even from blind men things which are not allowed in Islam can't allowed to make few people happy

Zarvan might be right from religous point of view but if we bring islam into every thing tou pir pandora box kul jaye ga. Islam also doesnt permit women to become rulers while we had benazir butto and have hundreds and thousands of women in Pakistani politics..most importantly madir-e-milat fatima jinnah participated in politics and she didnt even cover her hair properly....
The question is who is dangerous to our society, a suicide-bomber woman or this maria?

ye sir women can't be ruler sir hazrat Muhammad saw didn't allowed it but from ruler means head of state she can be advisory Minister
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Yes Muslims do have an obligation to forbid wrongdoings and evil like killing innocents, exposing child molestors, corruption, burning minorities homes, taking advantage of the poor etc... But on petty issues...come on...
Morality is not a petty issue.

Every country has it's norms the limits are set and defined by the society so that you will not see people scantily dressed in Pakistan in a way that you will see in say Scandinavia (in lovely hot weather of course). Now our girl playing squash....is that evil or decay...no not in my eyes.
I have yet to pass a judgment about the Squash playing girl here. I am not discussing her but rather targeting some arguments given in favor of liberalism.

Reality check: immorality is on the rise in Pakistan with passage of time. Do you even realize this?

Agreed it can be argued there is a social decay in USA due to the erosion of social values. But I will say that in Scandanavian countries who are more liberal in their outlook than even in the US you will see very high morals and social support for their people with very low crime rate.
Give me one example of a role model Western society. These societies may look impressive on the outside; but they are rotten on the inside.

Checks and balances are essential as is accountability but when you have very rabid people with a very strong and fixed agenda imposing their will because what they think is right (whether they are or not objectively) they then become a pain in the *** for everyone.
Checks and balances are absent in Pakistan; this shortcoming breeds both religious extremism and liberal extremism in the country. These two forces end up counter-checking each other. Amidst these struggles, moderates are getting confused. If Pakistan was created to uphold Islamic identity, it has lost its way. Ever wondered why we do not get GOOD leaders? Because jaisi awaam; waise hukmaran.
which people are you talking about ??? these mullah??? this guy zarvan who said we will do blood bath just to make sure everyone wears burqa doesnot even know the difference between the "law" and a "advice". I asked him to point out number of verses in Quran that deal with Legal system...
Prophets are free from sins.

this all what these people teach is Mulllahism, its their desire to continue selling themselves in the name of Islam, fact of the matter is they have set up their "dukans" where they sell Islam and put blame on Prophet Muhammad.
What do you think about religious scholars who preach as well? Are they Mullah extremists too?

we dont have satanic liberalism, we only have satanic mullahism. and thats a curse we muslims are facing, need total removal...
Wake-up, Sir. You have lot to learn yet, it seems. Social decay in this country began in late 1960s and the trend have continued since. This is a Pandora box.

My daughter would be playing, perverts may do whatever harm to themselves, wont be effecting my daughter a bit..and yes she would be bringing home respect and honour for herself and her country.
Allah Almighty will not just judge those perverts but also you for your failure in preventing objectification of your daughter in the public and even your daughter for objectifying herself in public. No true Muslim would steep to your level.

may Allah give you hadiyat too, clearly you are on wrong path, and in doing so putting blame on the Prophet Muhammad... what worst can one do?? shame on you and your kind !!
Seriously? What blame I have put on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? You try to predict decision-making of such a holy figure; promote women objectification and then you dare accuse me?

You have mental issues?

@LeGenD I quoted hadees still you are running away because you are betraying Islam sir hazrat Muhammad saw have not allowed these kind of things women has to wear hijab and can't play in front of men sir these are orders of Islam you are traitor of Islam
Are you sure that you are addressing me here?

@Zarvan par quran mein kahan likha hai mard khayl saktay hain aysi games?
Men can play these games without objectifying themselves. This is the difference.

Why cant women play? Dont you think this is too much? I mean seriously Islam is a way of life not tunnel! It is to give freedom and happiness not to enclose you and limit your choice!
Freedom and Islam do not mix with each other. Freedom is a very broad term; it is an ideology in itself. Islam permits some acts and forbids some too.

It is debatable what kind of games women may play; however, Islam forbids women from objectifying themselves in PUBLIC, period.

Islam is lovely and easy not as hard as you make it!
Islam is lovely but also strict in certain aspects. People should STOP misrepresenting Islam.
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Mullahs can go preach their violence in some cave

Pakistan is for progressive ppl, Mullahs sent back to Wahabb!!!
Mullahs can go preach their violence in some cave

Pakistan is for progressive ppl, Mullahs sent back to Wahabb!!!
Sir we are telling you what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have said if you have problem with them than openly say it Mr and stop using word Mullah to abuse ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and their teachings
Sir we are telling you what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have said if you have problem with them than openly say it Mr and stop using word Mullah to abuse ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and their teachings

Allah and his rasool didnt say anything about killing someone just for playing a sport.

Also what is your problem? She is just a girl who wants to play sports, the international way.
Would you rather girls sent out in full niqabs to play baseball, footbal, squash?
Tell me what you want Zarvam
Allah and his rasool didnt say anything about killing someone just for playing a sport.

Also what is your problem? She is just a girl who wants to play sports, the international way.
Would you rather girls sent out in full niqabs to play baseball, footbal, squash?
Tell me what you want Zarvam
Sir playing sport international way that is wearing short clothes and in playing in front of men is not allowed in Islam and as Islamic country we can't allow haram things I would not sent my daughter and mothers to play in front of men but if they play among women with no men than I don't have any problem and if you will support evils than people will stop them and through every mean possible and than don't cry than ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW didn't allow what this girl is doing Mr
Sir playing sport international way that is wearing short clothes and in playing in front of men is not allowed in Islam and as Islamic country we can't allow haram things I would not sent my daughter and mothers to play in front of men but if they play among women with no men than I don't have any problem and if you will support evils than people will stop them and through every mean possible and than don't cry than ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW didn't allow what this girl is doing Mr

But men dominate the sports of the world. To make a women test her skills against other women lackeys would not be fair to the women.

So you would rather the women that is playing sports wear more covered up clothing. But this not playing in front of men is naa insaafi in its own sense.

Even The rasool's wife was a business woman and women were allowed full representation in business during early islamic times
But men dominate the sports of the world. To make a women test her skills against other women lackeys would not be fair to the women.

So you would rather the women that is playing sports wear more covered up clothing. But this not playing in front of men is naa insaafi in its own sense.

Even The rasool's wife was a business woman and women were allowed full representation in business during early islamic times

No Sir Women can't play in front of men ALLAH even banned women to make sound while walking and you are asking them to play in front of men WOW good joke and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW wife was business women but first read about her Mr her second husband died just recently and her father and brother were both alive Sir and they were the ones who used to take of her business and she used to be told about profits and in that time no orders of Hijab had come and their was not Quran than Mr still she didn't used to leave her house very often in that most vulgar society before Islam
No Sir Women can't play in front of men ALLAH even banned women to make sound while walking and you are asking them to play in front of men WOW good joke and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW wife was business women but first read about her Mr her second husband died just recently and her father and brother were both alive Sir and they were the ones who used to take of her business and she used to be told about profits and in that time no orders of Hijab had come and their was not Quran than Mr still she didn't used to leave her house very often in that most vulgar society before Islam

Lol, no wonder Pakistan is so screwed.

You will even ban women from making sound? Just think about what your saying. Don't try to blackmail me with religion. 90% of Pakistan doesn't care about Islam, only money. Even TTP extremist jihadis only care about money. Look at the amount of kidnapping & extortion they do. Tell me if kidnapping, suicide, and extortion is allowed in Islam? And you still support TTP? Lakh lanat on you.

And the other part of your post, about Khadija, is a COMPLETE & UTTER LIE made by Mullahs to again, undermine women.
For your information, Khadija used to HERSELF go on business trips to places like Syria, and Iraq. Even when she was married to Prophet Muhammad.
Lol, no wonder Pakistan is so screwed.

You will even ban women from making sound? Just think about what your saying. Don't try to blackmail me with religion. 90% of Pakistan doesn't care about Islam, only money. Even TTP extremist jihadis only care about money. Look at the amount of kidnapping & extortion they do. Tell me if kidnapping, suicide, and extortion is allowed in Islam? And you still support TTP? Lakh lanat on you.

And the other part of your post, about Khadija, is a COMPLETE & UTTER LIE made by Mullahs to again, undermine women.
For your information, Khadija used to HERSELF go on business trips to places like Syria, and Iraq. Even when she was married to Prophet Muhammad.

Mr She never visited those places Mr stop lying and when she used to go she used to go with her husband Mr because her 2nd Husband died just 11 months before she married to HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and those women who make sound while walking just like wearing Heels or boats which create lot of sound HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW cursed those women and more than 90 % of Pakistan care about Islam except some few ashamed touts of Kufr who will sell everything for dollars Islam has told the limits those who will break them will be stopped and stopped with full force

Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu'minin: I was with the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) while Maymunah was with him. Then Ibn Umm Maktum came. This happened when we were ordered to observe veil (purdah). The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Observe veil from him. We asked: Apostle of Allah! is he not blind? He can neither see us nor recognise us. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Are both of you blind? Do you not see him? AbuDawud said: This was peculiar to the wives of the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him). Do you not see that Fatimah daughter of Qays passed her waiting period with Ibn Umm Maktum. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said to Fatimah daughter of Qays: Pass your waiting period with Ibn Umm Maktum, for he is a blind man. You can put off your clothes with him.


Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: What the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said about lower garment also applies to shirt.


Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: Ikrimah said that he saw Ibn Abbas putting on lower garment, letting the hem on the top of his foot and raising it behind. He said: Why do you put on the lower garment in this way? He replied: It is how I saw the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) do it.


Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) cursed the man who dressed like a woman and the woman who dressed like a man.


Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: Ibn AbuMulaykah told that when someone remarked to Aisha that a woman was wearing sandals, she replied: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) cursed mannish women.


Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: Safiyyah, daughter of Shaybah, said that Aisha mentioned the women of Ansar, praised them and said good words about them. She then said: When Surat an-Nur came down, they took the curtains, tore them and made head covers (veils) of them.


Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu'minin: When the verse "That they should cast their outer garments over their persons" was revealed, the women of Ansar came out as if they had crows over their heads by wearing outer garments.


Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: May Allah have mercy on the early immigrant women. When the verse "That they should draw their veils over their bosoms" was revealed, they tore their thick outer garments and made veils from them.


Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: Asma, daughter of AbuBakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma', when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands.
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