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India trying to occupy Bangladesh territory

No one can help anyone who suffers from a persecution complex and does nothing to help himself except lament.
bangladesh desreves to be occupied by indians because bengalis was biggest supporters of india against pakistan history says it all and what BCB did in ICC meeting we know that too

I for one would not take this flame bait and help your effort to derail this thread. But hope you recover from your shortcomings.
Well not to derail the post i could not resist writing a few words it has nothing to do with the topic ,up to my school days i was under the same impression of some of the members over here that bangladeshis are not trustworthy or they are cunning and all that stereotype about people from a particular country, and since i am also a bengali the grudge part was more , in college while studying in madras one of my classmate was bengali (from bangladesh) i still remember his name ( AL hasanth mursheed he used to call himself LEO)after 8 years or so even after losing touch with him because he was the nicest people i have come across, and do u know since there was a cultural shock for me in madras( because of the language ) and i used to interact with him only, slowly he introduced me to some other bangladeshi members of the college and it was great to be a part of the group since it was far more difficult to interact with other classmates who did not know hindi and i did not knew tamil,anyhow he invited me to their cultural programme after few days and i was amazed that each one of them had a talent , few were good on guitars and few on tabla and some of them were just amazing with their voice , and i had so much to learn from them of my own culture, they used to sing and recite poem of tagore and scold me for not knowing even one of them, i could never forget they inviting me whenever they used to make eilish mach ( fish curry) and i use to hog like anything:enjoy: sadly after college i lost touch with them and i still search my friends now and then on orkut and facebook but until now no luck.

So moral of the story my friends please don't stereotype a culture and a nation just because of some propaganda no one is saint in this world , but if we accept our shortcomings once in a while it will go a long way to make ourselves a better human being .
I have learnt my lesson and i hope you also get it soon.
Another indian refusing to own the responsibility his country owing by occupying neighbors land.

No amount of garbage talk to deflect attention from indian aggression against its small neighbors will be useful. This and next generation of Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Nepalese and SriLanakans will know indians are the bully and harmed their country.

So lets just assume what you're saying is true....that India is occupying 0.80 Sq km of your land.....

How about you look at the Millions of illegal Bangladeshi citizens that India has been feeding and housing for the past god know how many decades.....
Members on this forum talk about the "millions of slum dwellers" lining streets of our cities....did you know that a good majority of these slum dwellers are Bangladeshi's?

As a good neighbor, we helped BD become a soverirn nation.....provided relief to your citizens who you should be taking care of.....
Why doesnt one look at the neighborly duties that we have done is making BD existant? Maybe we should have left you to the mercy of the W.Pakistan army in'71 so BD could make its own version of Schindler's List...

I love BD and its people....and I have many friends from your country.....but if you dont respect us, side with our enemies, harbor enemies of our nation and doubt every action of ours, why would we be nice to you....
Respect us and you will get the same in return......I dont see that happeneing on this forum...
Nearly every neighbor of India can feel their press in military.
I think india should reflex their own policy .
Power can not resolve all the problems.
I for one would not take this flame bait and help your effort to derail this thread. But hope you recover from your shortcomings.

Well brother, I can not blame him entirly for his unwanted comment. Look what's been happening to our country for last couple of year. Gaddar are looming around everywhere like cockroach. The awami dalal are selling our country to it's master is not less than what he said. It's up to Islamic people of bd to create massive disturbance to hold them awami munafiq from their suicidal agenda and prove otherwise.
ZAKIR - your sword seems too sharp.
I should be scared to go anywhere near you/
BD people hate their political leadership..i see this in almost every people...as if the people do not elect their leaders...they come by force....what will happen to a country where there is so much hatred for the leadership....and for how long this will continue....instead of becoming hongkong, singapore...i see lot of chaos in this country......such a pity

---------- Post added at 06:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 PM ----------

and this reflect in almost every thread in BD Defence
ZAKIR - your sword seems too sharp.
I should be scared to go anywhere near you/

Am I irrational to my comment? Do you not see what's being taking place in Bd right now by Awami and what's already been done by Paltu K*tta moin? Brother I am worried that bd is heading toward point of no way return.

I was talking to an older person other day and he said "either Allah directly can save us from these munafiq or Tauhidi people of Bangldesh can bring about the change with Allah's help".

I don't disagree with the wise man.
BD may not be able to contribute much but it would take several Indian divisions to subdue and contain BD. That would provide Pakistan and China sufficient time to crush India elsewhere. India would have to face the mother of all Jihads if it engaged in such a conflict.

I think someone needs a wake up call. Sorry to burst your bubble buddy.

Bangladesh doesn't have any kind of defensive pact with either Pakistan or China. Neither country has any reason to intervene militarily on BD's behalf.

India can count on the US, Russia, France, UK and Israel for assistance, both material and diplomatic. The US alone has enough leverage with the Chinese and the Pakistanis to ensure that they exercise restraint.

India probably will face some terrorism, the Nazis bombed the bejesus out of London, they terrorized and killed thousands with their V2's, they had the strongest military in Europe. Yet the English prevailed. My point is that a few bombs and random shootings will not bring a nation of 1.2 billion to its knees.

Lastly, this is a very small piece of land we're talking about, not even a full square kilometer, yet people on here are flipping out like its the beginning of a world war or something.

Its a very small dispute, this is a small insignificant bump in our relationship, at the end of the day we have to live right next to each other, so we should focus on finding ways to work with each other.
Al Zakir the majority of BD'shis don't think like you. They are proud to be independent, they are proud to be Bangladeshi. The people of BD elected the Awami league into power, so you have your answer right there. pro-India is not anti-BD. BD would gain nothing by antagonizing India.
Before claiming India occupying bd land of a few square kilometers , take your brothers back from north east who have occupied thousands of square kilometers of land illegally and also living illegally.

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