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U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes

black water isn't waging an insurgency in the U.S.. The Taliban are waging an insurgency in Pakistan. Are they going to topple the Pakistani Government? I highly doubt it. But that does not mean you don't plan for the possibility that they will.

look at Iran when the Shah was toppled. in the years leading up to the revolution. No one dreamed that he would be toppled. Yet it happened. Why do you think alarm bells rang when the Taliban began expanding closer to Islamabad forcing the military into action? were the Taliban trying to topple the Government then? most likely not. But they were trying to expand their influence and build up their base support I'm sure.

Please look at this video.

It is none of US 's business trying to be int'l police man ! and the funny part is that US has never ever won a war yet has killed more people then any one else after hitler! where ever the US has been its been a mess stop putting your nose in other people's business let us handle our own prob's damn :angry: :tdown:
It is none of US 's business trying to be int'l police man ! and the funny part is that US has never ever won a war yet has killed more people then any one else after hitler! where ever the US has been its been a mess stop putting your nose in other people's business let us handle our own prob's damn :angry: :tdown:

I'm curious if you have such a low view of the U.S. why do you live in the U.S.?
I'm curious if you have such a low view of the U.S. why do you live in the U.S.?

Well, if he lives there, pays his taxes, does his civic duty he is then entitled to criticize. Plenty of "White people" do that, now dont they?
I'm curious if you have such a low view of the U.S. why do you live in the U.S.?

I'm curious if you have such a low view of the U.S. why do you live in the U.S.?

May I answer your question.

You are talking about two US's. One US is for the Jews and their conservative Christian goyims. However, there is another US which is for average good old American people. There is no doubt US is `hated' nowadays worldwide, but that does not mean average American citizens are hated, as a matter of fact, average American citizens would be very well received worldwide had it not been the Iraq war.

You came to a country, bombed their cities up, gun down their civilians like freaking animals and you expect there is no consequences world wide? Hanged an old man by a group of MASKED thugs and you call that justice?

Humans are not animals. All humans have a heart.

People can choose wherever they want to live peacefully. When an individual life begins, Chinese use to say it's a blank piece of white paper. Once you made a stroke on that piece of paper, a lot of things in life is beyond your control. Is this too deep for you?

If your intellectual level deludes you that Pakistan could actually fall to those Mullahs then credit goes to everybody who has contributed to make the person you are today. I would not blame your knowledge the second time as we know why this story is fed to American audience and by whom. Israel is looking to refrain Iran, who is imaginatively a threat to Israel and thus Pakistan - the second country that is the fairy tail threat to Israel, should be clinched for their reasons. America is good at many things and one of them is making its own nationals fool of highest level. When you guys could believe the Boeing 757 evaporated after striking Pentagon, you can believe cat eating elephants or Pakistan falling to Taliban.

If you own a gun, would you need somebody "else" to be there around you to protect your gun fearing anybody would snatch it?. If anwer is not "yes" then you can have a nice cup of coffee and watch some soccer and leave security of our strategic asserts to the people who developed them. :wave:

From your statement you seem to be one that swallows the conspiracy theories hook, line, and sinker. Learn to think for yourself!
all american j0urnalisT r inspired by h0llywo0d m0vies. 

JSOc commndoes ll infiltrate in2 Pakistan n ll steal our nukes n funny part is dat we ll b watching them n ll say Bye bYe Ta Ta Take care we ll miss u.wat rubbbish !!! Hey Th0mAs hve u ever thought dat wat ll happen wen Pakistan ll announce its separation from War 0n TErr0r iF it happens then ur s0ldiers in Afghansitan ll b dying due 2 starvation.it ll b worst famine on earth . :rofl:
Well, if he lives there, pays his taxes, does his civic duty he is then entitled to criticize. Plenty of "White people" do that, now dont they?

yes, defiantly and I would defend that right. I was curious becuase in his statement he doesn't consider himself to belong to the U.S..

"let "us" handle our own prob's damn"

If he immigrated here then why move to a country he holds such low views of?
They 'd better have a precise plan for securing thier logistic convys transporting kidney beans cans to thier combat-depressed soldiers in Afghanistan.

yes, defiantly and I would defend that right. I was curious becuase in his statement he doesn't consider himself to belong to the U.S..

"let "us" handle our own prob's damn"

If he immigrated here then why move to a country he holds such low views of?

Maybe he was born in the US? Even otherwise, it was not always this bad.................... it is easy to move out/away when one is single!
But Pakistanis are not the only ones ......For instance.....

I remember a client of mine, lived & owned biz in MD for 22 years.
We was talking bout the guy who shot the cia folks in Langley at my work with him. the culprit was being held & tried within walking distance of my work. So, this Indian guy goes " I am glad that he killed cia people. look at what they do to others".
A few months back, this spiritual guys had a congregation with hundreds of people attending his speech etc in Sf Bay area.
( he has been coming to the US for past 16 years, cant recall his name)
The guy starts out by praising the indian community in the US & how they "form" a mini India where ever they go. Then he goes on to compare the US with devil. Cant recall the exact word he said in hindi but i was told it means "evil". The program was being shown on public access tv!!

No Idea what their beef with the US was .So, go figure.
May I answer your question.

You are talking about two US's. One US is for the Jews and their conservative Christian goyims. However, there is another US which is for average good old American people. There is no doubt US is `hated' nowadays worldwide, but that does not mean average American citizens are hated, as a matter of fact, average American citizens would be very well received worldwide had it not been the Iraq war.

You came to a country, bombed their cities up, gun down their civilians like freaking animals and you expect there is no consequences world wide? Hanged an old man by a group of MASKED thugs and you call that justice?

Humans are not animals. All humans have a heart.

People can choose wherever they want to live peacefully. When an individual life begins, Chinese use to say it's a blank piece of white paper. Once you made a stroke on that piece of paper, a lot of things in life is beyond your control. Is this too deep for you?


I agree with your last statement. But not your first. The average American is fairly conservative in their views. It also implies that the Average American does not support Israel. That simply is not the case. Check out the linked article from the Gallup poll organization. It gives an idea of the Average Americans view towards different countries including Pakistan.

Americans? Most and Least Favored Nations
They 'd better have a precise plan for securing thier logistic convys transporting kidney beans cans to thier combat-depressed soldiers in Afghanistan.


naH ............. huge numbers of US soldiers r commiting suicde n Taliban r killing them 2 . im afraid if tis continous then US ll hve 2 make plan how 2 transfer corpse of Us troops rather than how 2 capture pak nukes. :roflL :rofl: :rofl:
I'm curious if you have such a low view of the U.S. why do you live in the U.S.?

Iam proud of being a Pakistani american! i love the United States as much i love Pakistan ! hence, why i live in the US well i was born here although my backround is Pakistani i love this country it is filled with my childhood memories & i respect the way of life here and enjoy it etc. The only thing i don't support US on is it s world policies and i have you know if you already don't know many americans feel the same way while we suffer here and pay our tax dollars while young american soliders die for a deadfull cause look at all the prob's we have here now econmy,healthcare, drug abuse so many other factors so how can you sit there and be blind folded ? and how dare you question me ? Why don't question the US gov if u find the guts in you ! in all due respect i US is home for me but i have very strong roots towards Pakistan as well and it breaks my heart to see wat is going on there as much as it breaks my heart to see wats going on here at home (US) becuaese we didn't ask for it and are paying the price for the US think logical with facts and understand where iam coming from before asking me that question u asked again! i stated clearly the fact and truth most of us admit to it and most of us don't i rest my case! :pakistan::usflag:
yes, defiantly and I would defend that right. I was curious becuase in his statement he doesn't consider himself to belong to the U.S..

"let "us" handle our own prob's damn"

If he immigrated here then why move to a country he holds such low views of?

Hey listen u seem to be a bit on me ! dont get a itch up your A$$ chill the hell out you are a guest here ! furthermore, perhaps u are on the wrong forum its not a gossip channel so chill i clearly stated out my freedom of speech there u got nothing on that i choose to do wat i do where i do it ! i just dont support the US 's views on the world thats it i didnt say nothing else so stay in your place and be peaceful! & leave me out of this topic!!!!!!:angry:

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