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hey Sid , do not worry, it has no connection with Onion LOL

Nooooooo!!! And I was thinking there will be a grand billiyon ki shaadi and we will all go as baraati !!! Saare sapnay toot gaye!! :cray:

Phirbhi just check na bhai if your cat is a female, maybe we can arrange something and get them married if @Spring Onion agrees, I think she will, given the fact that she is only allergic to anything Indian. :D
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Oye, yeh kahan likha tha????

So @ZYXW - You think that you're just a silly 19 year old girl ? :blink:

I disagree ! :)

You've got the maturity of a silly 15 year old girl ! :P

Just kidding ! :oops:

I agree with some of what you wrote - Good Prognosis ! :tup:
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Oh, you naughty girl...... :kiss3:

Btw, I didn't read a word of it, don't want to taint the image of you I have in my head.... :devil:


Very interesting analysis indeed! This presented some strong ideas and is well written. However, this is my critique! This is JUST my opinion. I am in no position to offer criticism but since you asked for honesty, here goes:
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ok... what did you do to alpha... :devil:

Like a group of vigilantes? Everyday citizens policing their own streets and houses. It's not a bad idea but it's unworkable in the absence of incentive. From a general perspective, volunteers would be incentivized ether by monetary gains, say where they are paid out of a local council for their contribution to keeping the peace of the society, or a non-monetary benefit which accrues directly as a result of their policing, say like a dip in crime in the immediate neighbourhood. If the incentive is removed i.e. the council is not paying enough or, in the case of certain areas, there is little or no crime prevalent in the neighborhood ,then the essential driving force which brings volunteers to take up duty as vigilantes is diminished and the volunteer police force is unlikely to function efficiently.
valid arguments you have put up brother, and just to clear things up, there will be no monetary benefit for providing the services, otherwise whats the point of calling it Volunteer force.
They will be more like vigilant force acting as a deterrent to the local street crime, easing the situation in residential areas. They will not be an independent entity but will operate under local Police station - SDPO will be overlooking the force.
Volunteer Constables will be reporting to DSP thana.

Furthermore a volunteer police force with all the powers of the police is highly prone to inefficiency and possibly corruption as well, because in addition to being untrained and quite incapable of dealing with organized crime, barring training programmes, police courses, and adequate armories, the volunteers may not all possess the mental resoluteness required for dilligent and unwavering commitment to duty and law. It is also important to make sure that the people volunteering for duty are not the very people whom the neighborhood wants to route out. Although on a trial basis such incidents are likely to be minimal, on a country-wide basis it is highly likely that criminals would seek to volunteer for police duty in order to, perhaps, seek out better opportunities to commit crimes and extort residents...
given that volunteers will be the part of Regular police force- so due process will have to followed. On the contrary, a social media drive will play a role here in order to attract the best of the youth. You wont be picking up on every jobless thug out on the street. For starters - the focus should be to bring the unemployed talented youth of the country under the umbrella.
Rather than sitting at home unemployed and getting frustrated this will atleast provide them an opportunity to develop themselves. Because believe me when you are out their on street doing something, you get to learn things. One might not realize it but you develop a sense of responsibility & skills. I have done such a job in UK.
It will require some harsh decisions and commitment to make it work.

If such a police force were to see the light of day my recommendations would be:

1. Do not give them the complete powers of the regular police. Give them adequate power to detain the suspect, and any material which may be incriminating evidence, but such detention should not entail interrogation and should be no longer than the time it takes for them to deliver the said suspect, along with the evidence, to the local police station.

2. Volunteers should be vetted. They should be not less than 24 and not more than 55 years of age. Teenagers, children, women in labor, the elderly, people with past criminal records and the infirm should not be allowed to volunteer. Furthermore, the volunteers' credentials and identification data should be logged, their performance assessed by independent peer-reviewers and complaints against their character, behaviour or commitment to duty taken seriously.

3. The volunteer police force should have direction. It should have a code of conduct, clearly demarcated rules of behaviour and volunteers should be held to an oath. Their duty is to serve and protect the people of the neighborhood from crime and criminals in general and therefore they are not to fall short of observing the strictest of moral and ethical uprightness. Any shortcoming be it as trivial as cussing and being rowdy to serious violations of law and order through vandalizing property or carrying out punishments is to be responded to with sanction and condemnation. I can not stress the importance of this point well enough. Lynch mobs are also vigilantes and lynch mobs are not what we want running our neigborhoods.

All in all it's a good idea, and if done right it has the potential to transform ordinary 'bayhiss' citizens into responsible, contibuting, law-abiding individuals.
the points you have entered are exactly what I have in mind - they are on my list. I will be presenting a well layed out democratic structure of the organization.....
what confusing me is whether to have it as Independent force like Volunteer Constabulary / National Police Volunteer service or make it an integral part of Regular Police force and local stations will recruit its own Force
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