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Breaking News CBC: Syria faces growing threat of attack from West


Feb 18, 2012
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The United States and its European allies appear to be laying the groundwork for military action in Syria over the alleged use of chemical weapons by the embattled regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

On Monday, a statement by Secretary of State John Kerry stopped just short of saying President Barack Obama was ready to act militarily, yet his closing words suggested it was only a matter of when, not if, the move would be made.

Read U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's Syria statement
Syria accused of destroying evidence ahead of UN team
Obama "has also been in close touch with the leaders of our key allies, and the president will be making an informed decision about how to respond to this indiscriminate use of chemical weapons," Kerry said. "But make no mistake: President Obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world’s most heinous weapons against the world’s most vulnerable people."

Two administration officials said the U.S. was expected to make public a more formal determination of chemical weapons use on Tuesday, with an announcement of Obama's response likely to follow quickly. The officials insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the internal deliberations.
"The fact that chemical weapons were used on a widespread basis, against innocent civilians, with tragic results is undeniable," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Monday. "And there is very little doubt in our minds that the Syrian regime is culpable."

Tactical decisions
The West wants to punish Syria for using chemical weapons, but not effect regime change or strengthen the rebels, observers say.

The most likely American military action would be to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles at night from warships in the Mediterranean, officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The U.S. navy last week moved a fourth destroyer into the eastern Mediterranean.

Likely the targets would be tied to the regime's ability to launch chemical weapons attacks. Possible targets would include weapons arsenals, command and control centres, radar and communications facilities, and other military headquarters. Less likely was a strike on a chemical weapons site because of the risk of releasing toxic gases.

Obama has ruled out putting American troops on the ground, and officials say they also are not considering setting up a unilateral no-fly zone.

The U.S. assessment is based in part on the number of reported victims, the symptoms of those injured or killed and witness accounts.

Assad has denied launching a chemical attack, blaming "terrorists" for the incident.

However, the regime prevented UN inspectors from visiting the site of the Aug. 21 attack until Monday. The team reached the site despite coming under fire from a sniper and was able to speak with survivors and physicians who treated the victims. They also used instruments to try to determine what chemical agent was used.

It's unclear whether Obama would seek authority from the United Nations or Congress before using force. The president has spoken frequently about his preference for taking military action only with international backing, but it is likely Russia and China would block U.S. efforts to authorize action through the UN Security Council.

Kerry on Monday made several veiled warnings to Russia, which has propped up Assad's regime, blocked action against Syria at the UN, and disputed evidence of the government's chemical weapons use.
"Anyone who can claim that an attack of this staggering scale can be contrived or fabricated needs to check their conscience and their own moral compass," Kerry said.

The U.S. State Department on Monday postponed a meeting scheduled for Wednesday in The Hague between senior diplomats from the United States and Russia due to "ongoing consultations" over the chemical weapons attack in Syria.

"We will work with our Russian counterparts to reschedule the meeting," the senior official said, adding that the chemical weapons attack demonstrated the need for a "comprehensive and durable political solution" to end the bloodshed.

In London, British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke on Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the BBC reported. However, Russia maintained its opposition to military action, with its foreign minister appearing to rule out becoming embroiled in any conflict.


News URL: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/08/27/syria-war-clouds-gather.html

News URL(francais): http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/International/2013/08/26/001-onu-damas-armes.shtml
Kerry said. "But make no mistake: President Obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world’s most heinous weapons against the world’s most vulnerable people."
It still puzzles the mind as to who has given Mr Obama the right to act as Messiah for the world. Words quoted reflects arrogance. These words indicate as if the most heinous of the weapons, nuclear bomb, was used by someone else rather the USA. The story of Anthrax is still fresh in the minds, the hoax of Anthrax, which was produced only in USA.

In this case also, chemical weapons has been used through their covert operatives and now the blame is being shifted to Syria. An excuse good enough to do a military intervention. In Iraq also fabricated news of WMD made grounds of them to unilateral mandate to intervene.
It still puzzles the mind as to who has given Mr Obama the right to act as Messiah for the world. Words quoted reflects arrogance. These words indicate as if the most heinous of the weapons, nuclear bomb, was used by someone else rather the USA. The story of Anthrax is still fresh in the minds, the hoax of Anthrax, which was produced only in USA.

In this case also, chemical weapons has been used through their covert operatives and now the blame is being shifted to Syria. An excuse good enough to do a military intervention. In Iraq also fabricated news of WMD made grounds of them to unilateral mandate to intervene.

monsieur answer my question, do you support the usage of chemical weapons by the regime forces on the innocent civilians? At least in west, folks are trying to go out of our way to support the civilians in some way and no doubt as well as our allies in the middle east but please be considerate as we are right now in economic downturn. I do not see the rest of the world and sadly including china taking a stand on this and I do understand that the rebel forces are not angels either but something needs to be done as chemical weapons do clearly cross the line.

It's ironic that your signature is quite contradictory to what you write mon ami though once again you are entitled to your opinion and shukariya/merci for expressing it.
monsieur answer my question, do you support the usage of chemical weapons by the regime forces on the innocent civilians?

Are you serious? We don't even know whether it was Assad or the FSA talibunnies who used it to implicate Assad.

How can you be so sure that Assad used it?

At least in west, folks are trying to go out of our way to support the civilians in some way and no doubt as well as our allies in the middle east but please be considerate as we are right now in economic downturn.

You are really new to geo-politics, mon ami. Do you even know what you are supporting? Syria under Assad may not have democracy but it is a peaceful, open-minded society with friendly Syrians not radicalized along the lines of AQ.

You people are supporting the very reason why your along with rest of NATO troops are getting massacred in Afghanistan. And still you are making the same mistake.

The fall of Syria will trigger in a wave of attacks all across Middle East including the 6 GCC kingdoms, which will eventually affect your own businesses there and thereby the entire world oil supply. Do you want that to happen?

For USA it is easy because they import all their oil from you and from Venezuela on the other end of the world, but entire ASIA pacific will be in crisis if FSA types come into power.

Wake up.

Open your damn eyes.

This was the same mistake we warned you guys against in 2002 when your leader Mr. W entered Afghanistan in Vietnam style, sending B-52s flying the length and breadth of Afghanistan and carpet bombing everything that moved. Where did it get US or rest of the West? You are protected by oil revenues but see where Europe has gone.

Don't ignore this warning at least.

I do not see the rest of the world and sadly including china taking a stand on this and I do understand that the rebel forces are not angels either but something needs to be done as chemical weapons do clearly cross the line.

Who fired it?

Did Assad do it?

Or was it FSA dressed as Syrian Army?

We don't know. USA doesn't know and no one knows for sure.

Obama is simply ignoring the truth to forward his interests in the region which even his own nationals are against.

Entire West was cursing Bush but now this man will be the last nail in the coffin of US economy if he continues this policy.

Let this matter be solved by Syrian government. It is their internal issue.

Violating the UNSC mandate would lead to needless wars between bigger powers.
People seem to overlook the GCC's stance on this, they want to intervene. Its not the US alone, its France and the GCC who are the most vocal about it.
People seem to overlook the GCC's stance on this, they want to intervene. Its not the US alone, its France and the GCC who are the most vocal about it.
Who controls GCC stance?
It still puzzles the mind as to who has given Mr Obama the right to act as Messiah for the world.
It often puzzles Americans' minds as to why is it that whenever there is a natural disaster somewhere in the world, America is somehow obligated to come to the rescue. If we refuse, not that we ever did to my memory, we would be morally condemned to be callous to the plight of the world's poor.

We are obligated, but should be denied rights and responsibilities. Is that how it works?

These words indicate as if the most heinous of the weapons, nuclear bomb, was used by someone else rather the USA.
The nuclear weapons back in WW II was used in the context of a global conflict. What is the context of the chemical weapons usage here, by anyone?

In this case also, chemical weapons has been used through their covert operatives and now the blame is being shifted to Syria.
Any evidences of this?

An excuse good enough to do a military intervention. In Iraq also fabricated news of WMD made grounds of them to unilateral mandate to intervene.
Who fabricated Iraqi WMD programs?
Who controls GCC stance?

If you really think the US is behind their strategic rivalry with Iran, you need to do some more research. Assad is an Iranian ally, and like Hezbullah they want Iranian influance out of Arab lands.

GCC is like Israel in their degree of influence on US policies in the ME.
It often puzzles Americans' minds as to why is it that whenever there is a natural disaster somewhere in the world, America is somehow obligated to come to the rescue. If we refuse, not that we ever did to my memory, we would be morally condemned to be callous to the plight of the world's poor.
For once they should refuse and CIA will die as that is one good source of infiltrating agents in any country.

The nuclear weapons back in WW II was used in the context of a global conflict. What is the context of the chemical weapons usage here, by anyone?
A global conflict also does not justify use of nuclear weapon. USA pioneered it and now asking others to disarm; first of all they should shut down their nuclear capability, stop production of chemical and biological weapons and only then they MAY raise a voice. US does not indulge in anything where it does not have an interest.
Any evidences of this?
Any evidence Syrian govt used it?
Who fabricated Iraqi WMD programs?
You need to check on official record of your own country especially CIA. It has been accepted and substantiated by the fact that to date no WMD has been found in Iraq.
If you really think the US is behind their strategic rivalry with Iran, you need to do some more research. Assad is an Iranian ally, and like Hezbullah they want Iranian influance out of Arab lands.

GCC is like Israel in their degree of influence on US policies in the ME.
Thanks for supporting my point of view, in a different way.
For once they should refuse and CIA will die as that is one good source of infiltrating agents in any country.
The CIA...Next to the Mossad, the bane of the Muslims. :lol:

A global conflict also does not justify use of nuclear weapon.
Sure it does. The enemy was atrocious.

USA pioneered it and now asking others to disarm; first of all they should shut down their nuclear capability, stop production of chemical and biological weapons and only then they MAY raise a voice. US does not indulge in anything where it does not have an interest.

First...Disarmament is on going since the end of the Cold War.

Second...The world agreed that it is absurd for the US to simply completely disarm our nuclear weapons stockpile when there are still real threats.

You are way off base here.

Any evidence Syrian govt used it?
We would like to find out. Do you?

You need to check on official record of your own country especially CIA. It has been accepted and substantiated by the fact that to date no WMD has been found in Iraq.
There goes the CIA again...:lol:

You have a shallow understanding of the WMD issue and a lack of critical thinking skill to boot. Think about this for a moment.

Why, if the CIA is that powerful, were no functional nuclear weapons found in Iraq? After all, we made the first nuclear weapons, surely we could have rigged up a device that is just a few parts short of being a fully functional nuclear weapons and present it to the world thus: 'Looky here...Look what we found in the basement of Saddam's Baghdad golden palace...!!!'

On the one hand, the US is nearly omnipotent. We can do everything on Earth, from affecting the weather to scanning people's minds. But on the other hand, we are so incompetent in Iraq that we cannot rig up a nuclear warhead with Iraqi fissionable uranium signatures.

The conspiratorial Muslim mind is ever a source of amusement in its contradictions.
First...Disarmament is on going since the end of the Cold War.

Second...The world agreed that it is absurd for the US to simply completely disarm our nuclear weapons stockpile when there are still real threats.
How many years now since Cold War is over? Since then how many new types of weapon have been developed by USA?

World Agreed!!! just like World in WWF.
You have a shallow understanding of the WMD issue and a lack of critical thinking skill to boot. Think about this for a moment.
Yeah you are right. I waste my so many years.

No point arguing on this tread any more.
This is hardly ' Breaking News".

It has been the worst kept secret all along. Assad has brought it upon himself.

He needs to go before Syria gets devastated like Somalia.
Kerry said. "But make no mistake: President Obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world’s most heinous weapons against the world’s most vulnerable people."

What Mr Obama is doing for the People of Burma, Xinjiang, Palestine, Kashmir etc.... Do Obama have balls to solve all this problem... what a joke.....

All Hear... America is coming to Save the World.:omghaha::yay:

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