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Can you compare India and Pakistan?

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very goooood i m impressed, the team was appointed only after some one complained, when this did Gujrat thing happened?
What do law enforcing agencies of so called super power smoke?
Where the hell were they when it was all happening, one of the killers was firs sentenced to death then freed coz of Modi contacts ( Thelkha Tv report)
Very good so u mean no matter how much of a thug & killer a person is as long as he's doing good jobs, the blood of hundreds on his hands can go unnoticed & without any punishment..

''innocent until proven''

btw, plz update me with the actions taken by GOP against who attacked the christians in pakistan !
Yeah I agree with it....

But what has Pakistan gained out of it... apart from economic, social and political turnmoil within Pakistan....

My sole intention is not to malign Pakistan but to make people understand that stop comparing India and Pakistan....

India has certain problems within it and so do Pakistan and comparing with Indian defense spendings and economy Pakistan creates problem for itself....

Yoo buddy, you start the thread and start making comparison and then its you again who is advocating to stop comparing India and Pakistan? Only an Indian mind could do great things like that. :azn:
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You buddy, you start the threat and start making comparision and then its you again who is advocating to stop comparing India and Pakistan? Only an Indian mind could do great things like that. :azn:

Yes for the sake now and then people start comparing the economies across the threads. So consolidated all the data and segregated at one place........... And the title itself poses a question can we compare India and Pakistan? And the answer is nooooooooooooooo and so please stop doing that across the forum
Since you are being so humble let me ask you this. Why India has to cry over all that Pakistan do....... Just recently over 200 missle! Pakistani using american aid to defend Pakistan to any country, Why India is crying to USA and world that Pakistan will use this weapon against india during war? My say to India is that don't bother Pakistan and those weaponss will not be used against you but if you bother Pakistan then those weapons will be teaching some lessons. You compairing India and Pakistan? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat:woot: Pakistan is a country of 170 millions and india is 1100 millions.. Its simple and easy to understand that India will be doing more since It has alot of people . I tell you what Pakistan has achived, It's how to control a country of 1100 million people. Live your life and let us live ours, Peace and yeh stop being naughty boy ;) :azn::pakistan::police:

Regarding aid and everything please refer to my posts in thread for the Pakistan asking for drones.. I think that will clear your point
meaning nothing will be done...

Punjab: Rs 0.5m for Gojra victims
.:: SAMAA - Punjab: Rs 0.5m for Gojra victims
search for rest of 'em ur self..

My question was '' what are the actions taken against the culprits ?? :disagree:

Father Pascal, who traveled from Faisalabad to lead the protest, told SAMAA that they wanted justice. “We are citizens of the same country and we want justice,” he said, lamenting that it was taking so long for the police to put the people who did this behind bars.

“The authorities informed us that FIR No. 462 had been registered but after an investigation we found that no such FIR had been registered,” he said.

8 weeks to pay Rs 262.4 cr to riot victims: Gujarat High Court tells state, Centre
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I think maybe our kachcha bhai lost his girlfriend to a Pathan jawaan so he came to the computer to soothe his ego... :rofl:

On topic, everybody acknowledges India is doing better. It has seven times the resources of Pakistan so it da*n well better do better. Although, clearly, not nearly as well as China, which would be a fairer comparison, resource-wise.

Bottom line, if you want to feel better by comparing yourself to Pakistan, because looking at China is too painful, go ahead. Knock yourselves out!

Thank you better you remember what you just said across the forum...

By the way dont know about loosing girlfriend to a Pathan but yeah i did hurt someone's ego who were trying to malign India when consolidated at one place
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There's no point of this thread. We've discussed these topics to death and there's nothing positive that ever comes out of such discussions and it always leads to mudslinging and dick measuring at the end.

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