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'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

^^^ other things apart, the chinese lizard gives a "racist" angle to even this (by "thanking" not the issue being discussed, but his twisted racist thoughts) .. even without knowing anonymous user is a singaporean of whichever ethnicity - indian, chinese or malay.

don't know if anonymous user is a typical singaporean or not --- but almost all singaporeans (of any ethnic background), invariably call themselves singaporean, not indian, chinese or malay.

even "PRC" chinese are foreigners here .. as as "Indian" Indians !!!! --- my friend once asked an "indian looking person": are you indian? (with the intention of further asking for indian restaurant), he replied, "no, singaporean". but yes, he could guide us to indian restaurants which he very well knew. ditto same experience with my condo-neighbour, " are you chinese?" reply- "no, singaporean".

And they are right, if they live here, this is their country and home.

As a guest, working in Singapore, it is unwise to use racial slur while commenting on race relations in Singapore. I believe you have no idea of how sensitive it is, if racial slur is being used to describe the various races in Singapore, you can even expect a visit from the ISD/police if you are not careful. For your information, Chinese Singaporean always refers to themselves as Chinese by race and Singaporean by nationality.
I try not to discriminate (ultimately everyone at some level does), Singaporeans can be an odd lot I have seen racist terms used on Indians, Pinoys and other nationality by the Singaporean Chinese which makes me uncomfortable and this is not what Singapore represents. On the other I once seen a coffee shop Auntie (Singaporean Chinese) cracking jokes with a Bangladesh construction worker buying coffee teaching him the coffee shop lingo. Good and Bad its all there

Our government is trying to strike up a balance between foreigners and locals, but the locals were made to jumps hoops since young especially those without resources and if the government should take all steps to help them besides giving them dead end offers like being taxi drivers etc (I am referring to unemployed PMETs here), even government organization don't prioritize on hiring locals says a lot. Some taxi drivers with cancer driver their cabs up to the last day they drop dead.

The main things the government should assist with are local firms hiring locals people in bread and butter sectors (manufacturing/engineering etc). Industry like finance and biotech firms run by MNC's should be cut some slack since as you rightly said they bring in the people with the skill sets which the locals do not otherwise possess (Evident from my day to day interaction with locals vs foreigners in the firm).

Anyway if the government does not find a balance soon it will just be detrimental to nation as a whole.

Ps I'm probably not a typical Sinkie, most Singaporeans have a less pragmatic look on the situation. I just think we have to strike some balance before the pot bubbles over.

Local vs foreigners is the issue what I originally intended this thread to be. And this is an issue in USA as well (.. so much hue and cry over H1B and L1 visas). And those countries which have sizable foriegn power, this is always (valid) point of discussion.

(India or say china doesn't have this issue because foreign workers (legal ones alteast) are even less than 1%; in any case, illegal Banglaeshis, for example, is still an issue in India -- even though ethnically bangladeshis are indistinguishable from Indians).

But the thing is, mid-way, this became a racist issue (which some other posters, esp "LightingBolt" tried to make this to be).. .. and which I know Singapore is to a large extent free off. And Singapore govt knows that progress needs peace ... not violence or even ill-will among its citizens of different background.. from which they came from, a few generations back.

-- Back to the topic, I still believe singapore became richer because it managed to attract rich foreigners (for whatever reasons) ... rich Eurpoeans / americans precisely ... and they could come is sufficient numbers in a small country like singapore to completely transform the small country itself (This kind of transformation isn't possible in India or china, or even bangladesh or pakistan -- there not so many rich Europeans or Americans to come and transform these large countries).

Rich (and perhaps, corrupt) malaysians and indonesians come much later. I don't think they are the ones whos "transformed" singapore. The riches essentially came from Europe and USA. Even today, the "super rich" guys are the Europeans and Americans... the million dollar guys. If you don't see them, I can't help it.

Marina Bay Sands was built "entirely" on American money. In 2008, while it was being constructed, funding problems happened in US .. and the American proprieter put in his own personal money to complete it.

If this "sands" guy had set up the same thing in Mumbai ... it would not have made much difference, since even Mumbai is too big. Mumbai would need atleast 3 times more "rich" people to come over. (even HK is one-third of mumbai.. and close to SG). But singapore is milking the "tourism" revenues because of marina bay sands.

At a micro-level, Europeans are paying me, not singaporeans. And in the process, I end up transferring a huge part of that money to singapore.. paying a sizable amount of tax.. and fukking high rent. Add up the salaries earned by foreigners in singapore (with those salaries mostly paid by revenues outside singapore !!), .. and the taxes / rentals drawn by singapore from these salaries .. you'll see what's funding the infrastructure in singapore.

Singapore charges market rates for everything .. so I pay along for the SMRTs, the expressways, the escalator and all while I use them. In form of the "rent" I (or okay, my european employer by proxy) pays for the swimming pools and jaccuzzis. High rise towers are paid for the companies (eh.. I see mostly MNC occupants !! I don't know, if you don't !), who pick up the office space.

Singapore doesn't have the "mineral wealth" to fund all this .. with its "own" internal funds. It's ALL foreign. You talk of manufacturing .. there too "all" raw materials have to be imported. That said, singapore like all financial hubs is a service economy, not a manufacturing economy (which needs lot of domestic mineral prodution .. only known exceptions being Japan / SK).

As for singaporeans, themselves,.. they do enjoy a LOT of "welfare" benefits:
(contrary to what you said, before)

1. Only singaporeans can buy HDBs .. heavily subsidized.
2. Medical costs rip the foreigners - I went to an eye care hospital .. it said for the same doctor consultation, singaporeans to pay $25 .. PRs $90 .. foreigners $ 190 !!!
3. Buying property - more stamp duties for foreigners now -- so they remain locked into high rentals.

That apart, foreigners have to pay regular air tickets (with family) to the home country, a couple of times a year .. which singaporeans don't have to since, they have the home in singapore itself.

I know, if on the net basis, it doesn't work out for foreigners, they won't come anyways.

But it's up to the employers (in most cases European / US employers) to make good the deal, inspite of all these disadvantage to foreigners. It the deal isn't good .. I'd walk out. If singapore become even more costlier, the deal goes bad .. either the employer fills in with a higher salary or you move out for the next best deal available, around the world.
I wonder What is Singaporean mean?
Is that mean Native people of that Island or some Foreigners who flooding that tiny Island and took it from Native People?

It is a good question to ask of the Americans, or the Australians,the Canadians etc for that matter。
Local vs foreigners is the issue what I originally intended this thread to be. And this is an issue in USA as well (.. so much hue and cry over H1B and L1 visas). And those countries which have sizable foriegn power, this is always (valid) point of discussion.

(India or say china doesn't have this issue because foreign workers (legal ones alteast) are even less than 1%; in any case, illegal Banglaeshis, for example, is still an issue in India -- even though ethnically bangladeshis are indistinguishable from Indians).

But the thing is, mid-way, this became a racist issue (which some other posters, esp "LightingBolt" tried to make this to be).. .. and which I know Singapore is to a large extent free off. And Singapore govt knows that progress needs peace ... not violence or even ill-will among its citizens of different background.. from which they came from, a few generations back.

-- Back to the topic, I still believe singapore became richer because it managed to attract rich foreigners (for whatever reasons) ... rich Eurpoeans / americans precisely ... and they could come is sufficient numbers in a small country like singapore to completely transform the small country itself (This kind of transformation isn't possible in India or china, or even bangladesh or pakistan -- there not so many rich Europeans or Americans to come and transform these large countries).

Rich (and perhaps, corrupt) malaysians and indonesians come much later. I don't think they are the ones whos "transformed" singapore. The riches essentially came from Europe and USA. Even today, the "super rich" guys are the Europeans and Americans... the million dollar guys. If you don't see them, I can't help it.

Marina Bay Sands was built "entirely" on American money. In 2008, while it was being constructed, funding problems happened in US .. and the American proprieter put in his own personal money to complete it.

If this "sands" guy had set up the same thing in Mumbai ... it would not have made much difference, since even Mumbai is too big. Mumbai would need atleast 3 times more "rich" people to come over. (even HK is one-third of mumbai.. and close to SG). But singapore is milking the "tourism" revenues because of marina bay sands.

At a micro-level, Europeans are paying me, not singaporeans. And in the process, I end up transferring a huge part of that money to singapore.. paying a sizable amount of tax.. and fukking high rent. Add up the salaries earned by foreigners in singapore (with those salaries mostly paid by revenues outside singapore !!), .. and the taxes / rentals drawn by singapore from these salaries .. you'll see what's funding the infrastructure in singapore.

Singapore charges market rates for everything .. so I pay along for the SMRTs, the expressways, the escalator and all while I use them. In form of the "rent" I (or okay, my european employer by proxy) pays for the swimming pools and jaccuzzis. High rise towers are paid for the companies (eh.. I see mostly MNC occupants !! I don't know, if you don't !), who pick up the office space.

Singapore doesn't have the "mineral wealth" to fund all this .. with its "own" internal funds. It's ALL foreign. You talk of manufacturing .. there too "all" raw materials have to be imported. That said, singapore like all financial hubs is a service economy, not a manufacturing economy (which needs lot of domestic mineral prodution .. only known exceptions being Japan / SK).

As for singaporeans, themselves,.. they do enjoy a LOT of "welfare" benefits:
(contrary to what you said, before)

1. Only singaporeans can buy HDBs .. heavily subsidized.
2. Medical costs rip the foreigners - I went to an eye care hospital .. it said for the same doctor consultation, singaporeans to pay $25 .. PRs $90 .. foreigners $ 190 !!!
3. Buying property - more stamp duties for foreigners now -- so they remain locked into high rentals.

That apart, foreigners have to pay regular air tickets (with family) to the home country, a couple of times a year .. which singaporeans don't have to since, they have the home in singapore itself.

I know, if on the net basis, it doesn't work out for foreigners, they won't come anyways.

But it's up to the employers (in most cases European / US employers) to make good the deal, inspite of all these disadvantage to foreigners. It the deal isn't good .. I'd walk out. If singapore become even more costlier, the deal goes bad .. either the employer fills in with a higher salary or you move out for the next best deal available, around the world.

@AADHAAR. Please allow me to recap you problems with Singapore and the Singaporean landlord. I can help propose some solution to your problems.

1. You dislike paying rental to the Landlord because he does not deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labour, even if it is your employer who is paying him. Proposed Solution: Decline your posting to Singapore.

2. You dislike shopping at overpriced Shopping Centres/medical care etc. Proposed Solution: You can decline your posting to Singapore.

3. You rather pay your taxes to Indian Government. Proposed Solution: You can always get your employer to set up shop in India and you be posted there. See problem solved. Easy right?

You have already said that it is not Singaporean that pay your wages and you owe Singapore nothing. On the other hand Singapore also owe you nothing, so don't you think the best solution is just to decline your posting to save you from all your anguish and bitching.
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As a guest, working in Singapore, it is unwise to use racial slur while commenting on race relations in Singapore. I believe you have no idea of how sensitive it is, if racial slur is being used to describe the various races in Singapore, you can even expect a visit from the ISD/police if you are not careful. For your information, Chinese Singaporean always refers to themselves as Chinese by race and Singaporean by nationality.

Well, alright and accept that. I don't know the history, but just found that foreigners from PRC in singapore should not be called with reference to that country. I have no problem calling them chinese nationals, but the old post is no longer editable.


This is the reason why I resist calling Chinese from the mainland ‘PRC Chinese’; it is to the credit of local press that they have not endorsed this term either, preferring ‘Chinese nationals’ or other similar phraseology. The pejorative ‘PRC’ remains widely used in the realm of the often tendentious Singaporean blogosphere; but then blogosphere everywhere is tendentious.

But you should note that how I'd feel to "LightingBolt's" post.

If you have no comments on that post, I have take it you are biased.

And if goes further, that if you actually support what he wrote .. you are a kind of singaporean I haven't encountered in daily life. Can you put in a reply to his / her post?

No point having a discussion further with you, if you want to castigate me but support that one.
Well, alright and accept that. I don't know the history, but just found that foreigners from PRC in singapore should not be called with reference to that country. I have no problem calling them chinese nationals, but the old post is no longer editable.

Why Chinese nationals and S'poreans don't always get along | Views | Singapolitics

But you should note that how I'd feel to "LightingBolt's" post.

If you have no comments on that post, I have take it you are biased.

And if goes further, that if you actually support what he wrote .. you are a kind of singaporean I haven't encountered in daily life. Can you put in a reply to his / her post?

No point having a discussion further with you, if you want to castigate me but support that one.

And the other point is, which is raised in the article itself ... Singaporeans are much better off .. living off the earnings of foreign talent ... but they have had to accept a relavitely poorer status ... than those foreigners themselves.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/280697-singapore-my-home-daddy.html#ixzz2grY0dfgs

Am I being bias; Please read your post #5, then tell me. Your contention that we Singaporean have to accept a relatively poorer status in our own country than those foreigner because we are living off the earnings of foreign talent. Are Singaporean pimps living off the earnings of others? You tell me. Do I find Indian from India with such attitude objectionable? You tell me. Are you being arrogant? Before you got carried away, let me tell you this. Banking is not rocket science. Trading in FOREX is really a big casino.
-- Back to the topic, I still believe singapore became richer because it managed to attract rich foreigners (for whatever reasons) ... rich Eurpoeans / americans precisely ... and they could come is sufficient numbers in a small country like singapore to completely transform the small country itself (This kind of transformation isn't possible in India or china, or even bangladesh or pakistan -- there not so many rich Europeans or Americans to come and transform these large countries). .

Okay lets lay down some ground factors which contributed to Singapore success
Since the 80’s Singapore manage to attract foreign investment mainly in export-oriented manufacturing, petroleum refining and shipping; production of goods and services for the domestic economy. These were the backbone of the economy. Let’s be honest, was foreign investment involved yes there was, but at the time can you name me one country that didn’t have similar foreign investment?

Why did Singapore make it and not other countries? Simple we had a great and effective government who knew how to plan and create an effective workforce, a workforce which they have been directing to the areas of educations since the 90’s. In fact other countries have been copying our systems with traffic control (London Congestion charge is based on Singapore’s model which was implemented since the 90’s). Our city state planning is top notch and that’s why business like to come here, can you name me another city like ours in Asia with a majority English speaking that comes even close to ours? If there is such a city and cheaper I am surprise banks have not moved there already.

Also China did it quite well no? They use a similar model to Singapore, Foreign FDI but more importantly good governance.. Actually most east Asian countries have this model.

Rich (and perhaps, corrupt) malaysians and indonesians come much later. I don't think they are the ones whos "transformed" singapore. The riches essentially came from Europe and USA. Even today, the "super rich" guys are the Europeans and Americans... the million dollar guys. If you don't see them, I can't help it. .
Marina Bay Sands was built "entirely" on American money. In 2008, while it was being constructed, funding problems happened in US .. and the American proprieter put in his own personal money to complete it.
If this "sands" guy had set up the same thing in Mumbai ... it would not have made much difference, since even Mumbai is too big. Mumbai would need atleast 3 times more "rich" people to come over. (even HK is one-third of mumbai.. and close to SG). But singapore is milking the "tourism" revenues because of marina bay sands.

This part makes me wonder how much you do know Singapore? the money the Indonesians and Malaysians keep in Singapore is in the 10’s or not 100’s of Billions (USD), Your regular Indonesian billionaire is very different from your Indian/US Billionaire, for starters they are not showy. Their money is earned thru strange means and when you’re doing business in a violent country with millions of poor you do not advertise how rich you are by building a mega building as a house (likely get burnt). Majority of them do not appear on Forbes and they do not want to be. (Where do you think the money from illegal logging, illegal coal extraction, palm oil & forest burning etc go to?). These kind of money does not go into funding projects like the MBS casino, but that does not mean Singapore does not benefit, if you think Malaysians and Indonesian rich have little contribution in Singapore you have very little knowledge of this region. (and I mean that seriously, no offence).

Sands will not build in Mumbai due to number of factors i.e investment risk due to the surrounding and political arena. As for attracting the rich to gamble? Let’s face it Chinese are the world’s biggest gamblers, if I was a mega Chinese gambler and had a choice between 1. Macau 2. Singapore 3. Australia 4. Philippines 5. Mumbai (what order do you think I will rank these destinations) You ask why doesn’t sands build a casino in which ever country?

At a micro-level, Europeans are paying me, not singaporeans. And in the process, I end up transferring a huge part of that money to singapore.. paying a sizable amount of tax.. and fukking high rent. Add up the salaries earned by foreigners in singapore (with those salaries mostly paid by revenues outside singapore !!), .. and the taxes / rentals drawn by singapore from these salaries .. you'll see what's funding the infrastructure in singapore.

Infrastructure funding
Firstly our main infrastructure, PIE, ECP, MRT line Red and Green have been there long before the mega influx of foreigner, we always low skilled foreigners but that changed around 2005 or 2006. By then our reserves had already hit the 150 Billion mark so where can you explain more on how Foreigners are funding the infrastructure? Break down below in various sectors to assist on this.

Singapore - Official Foreign Reserves | Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute

Singapore charges market rates for everything .. so I pay along for the SMRTs, the expressways, the escalator and all while I use them. In form of the "rent" I (or okay, my european employer by proxy) pays for the swimming pools and jaccuzzis. High rise towers are paid for the companies (eh.. I see mostly MNC occupants !! I don't know, if you don't !), who pick up the office space.

Lets take a look at the latest and hottest building to be in at Singapore CBD (Marina Bay Financial)

Tower 1’s anchor tenant is Standard Chartered Bank. Interestingly majotiry shares are owned by a Singapore Family (Khoo Teck Puat before passing)

Tower 2 anchor tenant which I believe is Barclays: MNC no Singapore influence

Tower 3 anchor tenant DBS Bank (Singapore local bank)

*Singapore probably owns UBS as well lol

Not too bad from what I see, I assume you don’t work in this area, do you work in ORQ?

Singapore doesn't have the "mineral wealth" to fund all this .. with its "own" internal funds. It's ALL foreign. You talk of manufacturing .. there too "all" raw materials have to be imported. That said, singapore like all financial hubs is a service economy, not a manufacturing economy (which needs lot of domestic mineral prodution .. only known exceptions being Japan / SK).

Does it matter if we import the raw materials? Of course not, China does it so Japan as you said.

Fyi manufacturing makes up 24% of GDP from the 2011 figures, finance is … 11% among other things (fyi we manufacture a lot of pharma stuff besides the oil related crap. So saying that is not accurate.

As for singaporeans, themselves,.. they do enjoy a LOT of "welfare" benefits:
(contrary to what you said, before)

1. Only singaporeans can buy HDBs .. heavily subsidized.
2. Medical costs rip the foreigners - I went to an eye care hospital .. it said for the same doctor consultation, singaporeans to pay $25 .. PRs $90 .. foreigners $ 190 !!!
3. Buying property - more stamp duties for foreigners now -- so they remain locked into high rentals.

1. Taxi driver take home pay is about 2K per month (no CPF), how much would you say a heavily subsidized HDB cost?

2. I am surprise your company didn’t provide full insurance (mine does), Also I have seen an eye doc as a private patient (if company does not pay) and my charges are about 100 bucks for consult, what kind of operation/consultation was this?

3. Stamp duties are needed to cool down the market, they even impact normal Singaporeans. Hell I have to pay 10% stamp duty if I want to buy a property now. Its not discriminatory.

That apart, foreigners have to pay regular air tickets (with family) to the home country, a couple of times a year .. which singaporeans don't have to since, they have the home in singapore itself.

I know, if on the net basis, it doesn't work out for foreigners, they won't come anyways.

But it's up to the employers (in most cases European / US employers) to make good the deal, inspite of all these disadvantage to foreigners. It the deal isn't good .. I'd walk out. If singapore become even more costlier, the deal goes bad .. either the employer fills in with a higher salary or you move out for the next best deal available, around the world.

Ultimately besides the hiring issue Singapore still has everything a Bank would want in a nation in terms of stability and other factors. Plus a government that sides business when manpower disputes come to the table.

With the situation in Europe foreign labour will just keep coming in, we have several analyst on the floor (basic analyst) one from France and another from Poland as contract staff. Years ago that just did not happen. But anyway you choose whats best for you and your family. I know Indians who wanna stay (one I am trying to help find a job for) and others who wanna leave so..

At the end of day Singapore has the competitive advantage now which the government is milking but the locals need to benefit more from this.

I should also mentioned that Chinese Dragon is a good pal of mine on the forum (HK Chinese). He used to really support Indian Chinese relations until some Indian forums got him riled up and changed him which is really unfortunate. But he remain ones of the great Chinese forums on this site.
Aren't you of indian origin yourself...

MAte, I am really curious to know how you came to that conclusion. No seriously tell me thanks

I am 3rd Generation Singapore Chinese, grandparents hailed from this area called Fujian province in some small village which I forgot the name of. Parents were raised and bred in Singapore.
As a guest, working in Singapore, it is unwise to use racial slur while commenting on race relations in Singapore. I believe you have no idea of how sensitive it is, if racial slur is being used to describe the various races in Singapore, you can even expect a visit from the ISD/police if you are not careful. For your information, Chinese Singaporean always refers to themselves as Chinese by race and Singaporean by nationality.

Welcome to the forum thought I was the only Sinkie here lol
Thanks. You have given a befitting reply to that obnoxious character.

Thanks, as forum people go AADHAAR isn't too bad. Least he got some reasoning in his logic (barring the racist stuff), I decided to reply him mainly because I'm quite fed up of how Foreigners view Singapore as we need them here (most of these individuals comes from the finance industry)

Most of these high serviced industries where not even here in the 80's & 90's where we watched Singapore tranform from a piddling messy town to a efficient metropolis, they used to laugh at the laws we had on spitting, toilet flushing, chewing gum ban etc

Now that these bygone laws have ensured a clean and orderly city state, they move into the country and start assuming we owe it all to them. Ridiculous!
Stupid . .I live in Singapore. and for quite long.

This is just about why all countries don't do a "Singapore" ... and perhaps the big ones can't.

40% of residents in Singapore .. are foreigners .. and are rich (if you leave the maids or construction workers).

If 40% of residents in India .. were to be foreigners .. and rich ... -> first question is are there 480 million rich people in the world?

And the other point is, which is raised in the article itself ... Singaporeans are much better off .. living off the earnings of foreign talent ... but they have had to accept a relavitely poorer status ... than those foreigners themselves.

Off course the foreigners themeselves set a quite high benchmark for "richness" ... so Singaporeans are still well-off by world standards.

Yes, mainlanders are talented in driving the bus.

http://sg.news. yahoo . com /singapore-deport-chinese-bus-drivers-strike-135807638.html

Aren't the people who built Singapore, and now have to accept people like you into their country, the same people as Mainlanders? Aren't they descended from Mainlanders themselves?

You Indians are truly pests. You should be grateful when a country grants you the right to live with them. They don't gain even close to as much as you do in such an exchange. I doubt they'd have much to lose if even the smartest Indians had left; after all, Singapore, Canada, the UK, USA, etc. got on just fine before Indians started showing up.
Good post. I also observed the audacity of the immigrant population claiming they are the reason for success in Europe.
Delusions like, Indians are ruling class in UK and alike.....quite funny.

Indians have three no's going for them - lazy, dumb, and violent.

Each group, whether they be national, ethnic, religious, racial, etc. have at least one good thing to say about them. Mexicans might not be very smart, nor peaceful, but they are very hard workers. While their lack of intellectually superiority will limit their opportunities in wealth creation and innovation, and their violence does likewise in regards to social and political stability (especially in a multi-racial society like the USA), their ability to work for long hours consistently and productively gives them a 'place', so to speak, in the world.

Mexicans are just one example but you get the point.

Indians are not only intellectually daft (even more so than Mexicans) and quite violent (though fair to say considerably less so than Mexicans, though violent nonetheless), they are ALSO not hard workers. They are VERY lazy and are about as productive as Africans.

Indians have nothing going for them, except a huge population making up 1/5th of the planet, giving them the false and arrogant belief that these small immigrant communities that are set-up by rich nations to attract the smarter of their 1.2 BILLION people, are in fact representative of the population as a whole.

This is just proof pudding that Indians can't possibly comprehend simple things; the Indians in Singapore or the US, no matter how rich, are not only worthless when it comes to their contributions to the entire country, but are also nowhere near a true sampling of the average Indian living in INDIA.

Do you know what's the best sampling of the Indian people?

No offence but your views are BS, Singapore was strong due to a strong government which created a stable nation and attracting FDI which hired many locals which in turn built this nation. And this was way before investment bank ever came into the picture. Your statement reminds me of some other people who says that without British colonization India would have never amounted to anything (is that true? you tell me)

Of course no one is here for a charity you got that right, and I never said to kick out all foreigners (quote the part that made you think so?) I said government policies were to lax and they must place citizens first. Either you misunderstood that or you think that its not acceptable??

As you said this is no charity case, companies located here because this is a world class city state, good infra, water, electric etc at a rate cheaper than equivalent cities like New York or London. Hell contractors taken on board in Singapore (foreigners included) work pass 10 - 12 hours daily no complaints. In UK contractors work 8 hours which means 8 hours and that's at a 1500 - 5000 GBP daily going rate (I know cause I work with them). Banks are not stupid, a simple manpower change is not going to change things for them unless it was extremely drastic (i.e only hire locals). They look at other things as well like our weak manpower laws (in UK not a week goes by without some lawsuit), and reputation, location etc. If another city had all these factors they would be there already, why move to a city halfway round the world when Glasgow or Poland serves as a equally good platform? India is out as I am well aware of the various strikes/blackouts/floods/protest etc which hamper my Wipro operations quite frequently

As for the people Singapore is unique ultimately the government here decides and plan what they want the populace to study by allocated quotas in certain industry they deemed good for the nation. Imagine a government that made it hard for you to study anything but engineering and later sells you out by opening the engineering market to foreigners. That's ridiculous, least if people were given choices of what they wanted to do in life then they might not be so unhappy.

Our government is actually very very authoritarian and in some places have less freedom compared to China but people laud the SG govt yet frown on China's one because one benefits them and another doesn't convenient don't you think?

This is not xenophobia, this is a demand for the government to put the citizens first the same people who heeded the governments call for building the nation and then get sold out. LKY and GCT would have not allowed this to happen in their watch.

Ironically my family makes up the top 0.5% of the Singaporean HNI and we actually gained a lot from our land banks bought by my forefathers due to this foreigner influx and property boom. But money is not everything, the people of the nation should be happy and benefit as a whole.

Luckily change is happening, should be fun to watch.

Singapore is where it is today due to a hard-working, intellectually superior, peaceful, serene, and prosperous people. These are things that Indians lack, so they could not possibly understand how the most populous country per sq. mile could achieve such a high standard of living, when they themselves have had a huge head-start.
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