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The debris of Kamra Attack dumped on three Junior Officers


Sep 19, 2008
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3 officials held responsible for Kamra base attack
ISLAMABAD - As many as three Pakistan Air Force (PAF) personnel have been held responsible for attack on Kamra airbase.
A court has been formed under a senior officer to court martial these three junior rank employees.
As per media reports, terrorists targeted Kamra Airbase on the night between August 15 and 16, 2012. Two or three aircraft were badly damaged in the attack and loss caused this way runs into Rs 2.5 billion.
It was said in the charge sheet against these three PAF personnel that three PAF employees who were deployed in airbase have failed to safeguard national assets. However, no senior officer has been held responsible. These three personnel have been arrested. The court will initiate court martial proceedings on November 11.
how many saab 2000 awacs are in service?
and how much damage was inflicted on these aircraft?
Instead of court martial of the Air Base Commander, they resort to such lowly bureaucratic tactics. Just goes to show that PAF high officials have lost their balls to do the right thing!
PAF is doing the job aas punjab police now :partay:
Sir please don't quote this news without any details most probably these were part of Jihadis they were the insiders who have them information they are not being charged for being not able to protect the planes most probably they are being charged for being part of some network @hasnain0099
Instead of court martial of the Air Base Commander, they resort to such lowly bureaucratic tactics. Just goes to show that PAF high officials have lost their balls to do the right thing!
Sir they are not being charged for failing to protect the planes they are being charged because they gave those attackers the information Sir just like Mehran Base attack two of Navy guys were involved and they gave information and also Musharraf attack
Shody journalism. The details of the court martial is not known. In this case the investigation seems to have led to information being passed by the accused to terrorists.
Shody journalism. The details of the court martial is not known. In this case the investigation seems to have led to information being passed by the accused to terrorists.

What is the motivation for insiders to divulge info to TTP? Money, or sympathy with the ideology and goals of the TTP?

And is that really true, that these officers have been accused of aiding the enemy? That sounds like medium or high treason, usually punishable by death in military law.
Shody journalism. The details of the court martial is not known. In this case the investigation seems to have led to information being passed by the accused to terrorists.
Does this ring any bells? This is what a professional military does.
US generals forced to retire early over Taliban attack
The decision follows an investigation into the circumstances of an attack on Camp Bastion, in south western Afghanistan which killed two Marines
The head of the US Marine Corps has ordered two generals into retirement because they failed to defend Camp Bastion in Afghanistan during an attack by the Taliban in which two Marines died.

General James Amos said that Major General Charles M Gurganus and Major General Gregg A Sturdevant “did not take adequate force protection measures” to stop the 2012 attack on the airfield in south-western Afghanistan when the Taliban attacked.

Gen Amos said he made the decision against the pair after reviewing the results of an investigation by US Central Command.

Eight other personnel were wounded in the attack.

“While I am mindful of the degree of difficulty the Marines in Afghanistan faced in accomplishing a demanding combat mission with a rapidly declining force, my duty requires me to remain true to the timeless axioms related relating to command responsibility and accountability,” Gen Amos said.

During the attack on the British-run base, six fighter jets worth $200 million (£123 million) were also destroyed.

Maj Gen Sturdevant was in charge of Marine aviation in that region of Afghanistan.

Gen Amos asked the two generals to retire today and they agreed.

Maj Gen Gurganus, who had referred to the Taliban's penetration of Camp Bastion's supposedly secure 37 km perimeter as a “lucky break,” had been nominated for promotion to three-star rank; that nomination had been put on hold during the investigation. He will retire as a two-star general.

After Amos's announcement, Maj Gen Gurganus issued a brief statement saying he felt privileged to have served in the Marine Corps for 37 years. “I will treasure that forever. I have complete trust and confidence in the leadership of our Corps and fully respect the decision of our Commandant.”

The attack last September, in which insurgents armed with rocket-propelled grenades blew up jets, is reported to have occurred while Prince Harry was stationed at the base, in Helmand Province. There were claims that the Prince was hidden away in a safe room while the attack was going on.

This is thought to be the first time a general has been dismissed for negligence following a successful enemy assault since the Vietnam War.

The base commander is DIRECTLY responsible for this debacle. He should be the first one to have his reputation put on the line. Then the DSG Major.

I guess by Junior officials, the news means the sentry who ran away from his post.
Does this ring any bells? This is what a professional military does.

No doubt that the person responsible for this attack eventually has to be the person running the base. And the base commander should have been tried for this travesty. And hopefully one day we will become a professional army with proper checks and balances.

This news however is jumping to conclusive proof that the court martial was done because of lapse in security, however the fact is that those three junior officers are being tried because of giving the enemy base information. Two very separate allegations.
What is the motivation for insiders to divulge info to TTP? Money, or sympathy with the ideology and goals of the TTP?

And is that really true, that these officers have been accused of aiding the enemy? That sounds like medium or high treason, usually punishable by death in military law.

It depends if the information was given knowing it would harm the base or some other unforeseen circumstance. That is why there is an investigation. They have pin pointed the leak and started the necessary proceedings against them.
It depends if the information was given knowing it would harm the base or some other unforeseen circumstance. That is why there is an investigation. They have pin pointed the leak and started the necessary proceedings against them.

The kind of info they gave away, which enabled terrorists to infiltrate the base and destroy prized assets, could not have been used for any other purpose, could it? If they divulged the layout, security measures and other tactical info, what did they think the receivers would use it for?

The other possibility is that these army guys may have simply been talking loosely all over the place, and nefarious elements happened to glean useful info from them. But that is very unlikely, because to execute such an audacious attack, they would have needed very specific and detailed information. Inside help seems to be the only way.

I don't see how anybody can be hoodwinked into giving out information of this nature, whether by honey trap or similar means.

And on another note, it is shocking that the base commander and base security forces in both the Kamra attack and Mehran attack have not been dismissed or even prosecuted. Even with inside info, it should not be possible for a handful of gunmen to infiltrate such highly sensitive locations.

(BTW who provides base security in pak for military installations? Is there an equivalent of military police or India's defence security corps?)

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