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Indian human spaceflight program

They met the last few deadlines , why not give them the benefit of the doubt

This was my original post

Sir there is difference between ISRO and DDRO. One believes in completing work on time and other believes in delaying work as much as it could. ISRO never been late. ISRO made more world records in short time. Including 16th successful launch.

You responded to my post with this, You must have confused my post with the one that i quoted. There was something wrong with the quotes and hardcore's quote became part of my post.
here is Hardcore's quote

Sir i think you should read this. Thank you.
'ISRO has shown it's at par with the best'
M8 they just say anything they want
but are not able to complete most of the things on time
u should know these things:sniper:

ISRO is one of the best organizations India has and it sows the world that India can make contributions on the cutting edge of science.

I hope i cleared that up with you ISRO2 :cheers:

P.S- how do i choose an avatar ?
Sir you have compared ISRO with chinese space agency. Same thing was said to ISRO in an interview. Our ISRO said we are on per with NASA. What ISRO lack is one achievement and thats sending man in space. He said we wont be a match against many countries in military and economy but we are per with NASA and by 2015 we will be truely on per with NASA. Now our neighbours might wont like it but ISRO done more then asian space agencies. Example china sended moon orbitor to take pictures that america doing since 1960s. While ISRO sended moon orbitor to find something. Now tell me sir which was most advanced moon orbitor till now? Yes it was our chandrayaan1. Prove me wrong if u can. Infact 2011 or 2013 chandrayaan-2 would be 6 times more advanced then chandrayaan1. NASA wants to join our chandrayaan-2 which ISRO building with russian space agency. Our moon rovers getting ready now. Thank you.

I don't think any sane, responsible and knowledgeable person from ISRO will claim ISRO is on par with NASA in space technology. You are are getting ahead of yourself and making such claims in your over-enthusiasm without knowing the full facts.
Space technology is a very vast area. ISRO has touched only a few parts of this vast technology area. And ISRO has excelled in those areas, namely: medium lift capability, remote sensing and telecom satellites. ISRO has still a long way to go to achieve heavy lift capable rockets, inter-planetary missions, manned missions, deep space missions etc.
What ISRO means is that areas in which ISRO is presently involved in, they are one of the best.
sir in baby step we achieved alot more then what NASA achieved. 30years old technology? That's even great. America went on moon in 1969 by old technology. Today they have latest technology yet they lack gutts to go on moon. We would love to be 30years behind NASA. its better chance for ISRO to land man on moon.

Why do you have to come blabering on every thread to derail the thread, I mean everitime!!

Here we were having a nice thread to discuss India's human spaceflight programme, in came the troll with typical media hyped blaberings on "India this - Isro that", which helped other known trolls to derail the thread completely. Man, understand one thing, if you're good, the whole world will praise you, no need to beat your own drum. Grow up!!

Guys can we get back to the topic plz.
is this program including any unmanned mission?
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Why do you have to come blabering on every thread to derail the thread, I mean everitime!!

Here we were having a nice thread to discuss India's human spaceflight programme, in came the troll with typical media hyped blaberings on "India this - Isro that", which helped other known trolls to derail the thread completely. Man, understand one thing, if you're good, the whole world will praise you, no need to beat your own drum. Grow up!!

Guys can we get back to the topic plz.

Sir better check who started it before blaming ok?. Go through every post and u will know it. India's first ever human space flight date is set. Its 2015. The spacecraft would be smaller then russian and chinese spacecraft and it would be with more features. Right now work on space craft going on. i seen the heat test on the material that r going to be used in our space craft. Same material used in american space craft.
is this program including any unmanned mission?

Yes sir. Alot of them. including sending mars orbitor and sun orbitor. i heard ISRO planning same mission that NASA already going through. Its learning planets and galaxy but first is chandrayaan-2, mars orbitor etc etc. Russia with china already working on mars orbitor while ISRO will send mars orbitor after russia-china launch mars orbitor. Same like china launch orbitor to moon and then ISRO launched it after 1 and half year.
I don't think any sane, responsible and knowledgeable person from ISRO will claim ISRO is on par with NASA in space technology. You are are getting ahead of yourself and making such claims in your over-enthusiasm without knowing the full facts.
Space technology is a very vast area. ISRO has touched only a few parts of this vast technology area. And ISRO has excelled in those areas, namely: medium lift capability, remote sensing and telecom satellites. ISRO has still a long way to go to achieve heavy lift capable rockets, inter-planetary missions, manned missions, deep space missions etc.
What ISRO means is that areas in which ISRO is presently involved in, they are one of the best.

sir i dont say ISRO is best or per with NASA but ISRO and NASA says it. Am saying what they are saying. i always keeps eye on every interview that isro gives. Recently our missile man Dr kalam advice ISRO to make 1 KG objects to learn moon, mars and other planets. He said that would cut cost from 20,00,00 to just 2,000 dollars. ISRO promised it would be achieved by 2040. So am not saying ISRO best or per with NASA. its NASA himself said it and followed by ISRO. i think they both gotta be fool to say that. Right sir?
sir i dont say ISRO is best or per with NASA but ISRO and NASA says it. Am saying what they are saying. i always keeps eye on every interview that isro gives. Recently our missile man Dr kalam advice ISRO to make 1 KG objects to learn moon, mars and other planets. He said that would cut cost from 20,00,00 to just 2,000 dollars. ISRO promised it would be achieved by 2040. So am not saying ISRO best or per with NASA. its NASA himself said it and followed by ISRO. i think they both gotta be fool to say that. Right sir?

When you quote statements from persons/agencies, you better post the links to back them up. Otherwise you will be simply dismissed as noob/ fanboy/ troll.
Especially bombshell statements like ISRO is on par with NASA should be backed with solid evidence. Hit-and-run statements will only start a flame war.

PS: also, It would be better for everyone here to clearly comprehend what you want to say, if you brush up your English. And use less of 'Sirs' and more of punctuation marks saar.
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ISRO2 sir, you've turned this thread into a joke. Have you ever been outside of mother India to see the world? I reckon you haven't (or you a just cognitively-deficient), because then you would know how childish that statement was. Are you aware that India is THE least advance nation in the entire world, containing ~half of the world's extreme poverty. Not a single one of your technological and scientific industry is even remotely indigenous. Even your space rocket and satellites are foreign. Korea's Samsung decision to instead build a solar mfg plant instead of a semiconductor plant foiled Bharat's desire for their first IC plant. Tiny South Korea (46 million) is light-years ahead of guys (please don't deny it....). Even North Korea (26 million), HK (15 million), and Singapore (11 million) are way ahead of you. China & Japan are ahead of all these, so how do you figure ISRO can even remotely exceed China and Japan? :woot:

Can u backup ur claim with substantial evidences??

Isnt PSLV isnt a indigenous rocket ??

Isnt spacecraft chandrayaan-1 or the technology to reach moon developed by ISRO based on its own R & D??

Do u believe chinese space rocket and satellites are totally indigenous??

If yes,may i know on what parameters , chinese or japanise space technology are even remotely more indigenous than ISRO's??

This is what u said about water discovery on moon surface by chandrayaan-1 payloads :


The moon's gravity is too small to retain light molecules such as water vapors. The 'escape velocity' of such molecular motion have long deprived the moon of water for millions of years.

The water would freeze to ice, thus preventing it from escaping you say?????

WRONG! Please study physics to understand why. :)

well, do u still stuck in that TOTAL NONSENSE and indigenous physics :lol:??

may be only personal explanation by Isro/nasa chief would change ur view about presense of water on moon,I would've recommened a chief of china's space agency,but sadly chinese moon probe failed in bringing forth any new finding.
Anyways, I hope this might help u.


There should be a limit to ones rant ,but then ofcourse one need's big heart to be generous even at the cost of one's indigenous ego.
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Sir better check who started it before blaming ok?. Go through every post and u will know it. India's first ever human space flight date is set. Its 2015. The spacecraft would be smaller then russian and chinese spacecraft and it would be with more features. Right now work on space craft going on. i seen the heat test on the material that r going to be used in our space craft. Same material used in american space craft.

So your logic is like some else had trolled so you can also troll.

If some one else had trolled, report it; don't counter it by your own TROLLING!!!
This is an interesting thread and was a funny read.

Good luck with the Indian program. :)
So your logic is like some else had trolled so you can also troll.

If some one else had trolled, report it; don't counter it by your own TROLLING!!!

Sir i did that before. I reported it and guess what i got the warning saying they didnt found anything offensive in that. So i promised i wont report it again.
Can u backup ur claim with substantial evidences??

Isnt PSLV isnt a indigenous rocket ??

Isnt spacecraft chandrayaan-1 or the technology to reach moon developed by ISRO based on its own R & D??

Do u believe chinese space rocket and satellites are totally indigenous??

If yes,may i know on what parameters , chinese or japanise space technology are even remotely more indigenous than ISRO's??

This is what u said water discovery on moon surface by chandrayaan-1 payloads :

well, do u still stuck in that TOTAL NONSENSE and indigenous physics :lol:??

may be only personal explanation by Isro/nasa chief would change ur view about presense of water on moon,I would've recommened a chief of china's space agency,but sadly chinese moon probe failed in bringing forth any new finding.
Anyways, I hope this might help u.

India's Chandrayaan mission discovers water on Moon_English_Xinhua

There should be a limit to ones rant ,but then ofcourse one need's big heart to be generous even at the cost of one's indigenous ego.

Sir thats what i been trying to say. Their mission was just a pride and symbol type while our ISRO/NASA mission was to research and bring the findings in which we got more then what we expected. Same way 2015 man mission is alot important because ISRO/NASA believes in researching and finding rather then show piece. So its more likely NASA will send man moon and ISRO will follow it. 2015 is important year for ISRO. i think ISRO gonna choose IAF man for 2015 manned space flight?
simple answer regarding India being least developed nation
we have Pakistan in our neighborhood dependent on aid.
Why the name of Pakistan should even come in this thread. Has anybody boasted about Pakistani technology in space program? Pakistan is dependent on aid only because its big neighbour has initiated and sponsored an internal war inside that country.
Indian human space flight program would be more advanced then any asian countries human space flight program. Thats ofcourse china and may be in future japan..

Not true at all!
China has their space program least 5 years ahead of ours.Your comment is way not true.if you want to talk about ISRO and the Indian space research program talk without taking digs at any other country.

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