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Angry India tells US 'times have changed' after diplomat spat

Thats one side of the coin other side being can you trust a nation which is a nuclear power that has no emotion, thats even scary, after seeing what happened after the first nuclear weapon went off in Japan who could have used the second one,to be moved one needs emotion.
Cold and calculated is preferred over running high on emotion when handling international affairs.

Only knuckleheads would burn flags and effigies. Civilized people sit down and talk.
What in the world is India doing. The lady was obviously abusing a contract and was going against American laws of minimum wage. Not being a full diplomat she does not have diplomatic immunity so she cannot encore her countries laws in the US. We're already in hot water with our economic collapse, China's aggression and our loosing of allies can we really afford to alienate the US over this ? They said sorry just let them try her and ask them for fair justice
Cold and calculated is preferred over running high on emotion when handling international affairs.

Like a poker players sit on the Holdem table and call someone bluff but the other player get call out knew exactly what you have on your hand, and he called your bluff, your *** out when you show your hand.
Backdoor channel diplomacy always useful when a nation in a legal trouble in a foreign land. Don't ever bring a negative news to light if you in the receiving end of it.

I can't agree more, sir.
Thats true, if its not resolved we can expect that to happen,its a two way street.if we have to go by book, then whats the point in saying friend.

Things may get out off the track off and on buddy.

I take no shot against India, but I guess you guys took it too far.
Well, now I am so glad I do not have to subject myself to a call center located in the 'Incredibly Awesome, Shining yet Stinky India'!
Merely due to the fact that it was 'painfully hard' to decipher 'Wictor's' (Victor's) articulate manner of speech. I wish he came with 'subtitles'!

FYI, it's much easier to communicate & comprehend, folks from Philippines!

Anyway the rest of the Bull Crap that you just 'rattled off' i.e. wrote without pausing, I am assuming you talk like that too! I would just like to ask you what is your point?!

Word of Advice bud.....Lay Off The Cow Juice!

LOL, we have here a camel piss desi yankee who acts more yankee thaan a real yankee....at least we earn a living out of a honest day's work compared to the "aid" in exchange to aa drone up your @ss" that you folks are subjected to.
What in the world is India doing. The lady was obviously abusing a contract and was going against American laws of minimum wage. Not being a full diplomat she does not have diplomatic immunity so she cannot encore her countries laws in the US. We're already in hot water with our economic collapse, China's aggression and our loosing of allies can we really afford to alienate the US over this ? They said sorry just let them try her and ask them for fair justice

The defendant will get her full immunity from the UN mission but the UN human right mission prohibit UN member from human trafficking and exploitation of slave labor, too bad this are the crime she been charged with. Only way backdoor diplomacy channel with the help of US government will persuaded UN to accept her application and not kick her application aside.
My suggestion to the Indian posters here, read the comment section of the Hindustantimes.com. The commentators there have more sense than the Indians here on pdf.

Reading the Hindustantimes.com comments makes me feel India still has hope.

Keep your suggestions to yourselves ....

Nobody needs your nonsense suggestions....
Unfortunately I don't believe it will be long before China or Pakistan exploits this cooling of US-India ties.

Putting ego and nationalism before national self-interest and security is why India will not be taken seriously as a world power in this lifetime.
The defendant will get her full immunity from the UN mission but the UN human right mission prohibit UN member from human trafficking and exploitation of slave labor, too bad this are the crime she been charged with. Only way backdoor diplomacy channel with the help of US government will persuaded UN to accept her application and not kick her application aside.

and US will oblige India by all means ....
after all what use Asian pivot strategy will be - if India is no longer part of it ???
"India Softens Stand"

Devyani Khobragade’s arrest: India softens stand, says it will find a solution; BJP praises govt for ‘courage’ - The Times of India

Seems like India is getting the memo that playing to public nationalism is not wise in the long run.

No way, there was talk here of launching nuclear missiles at Washington and parking an aircraft carrier off the coast of New York.

This is it.......

@KRAIT @ExtraOdinary @Dillinger @hinduguy @levina @nair @Srinivas @SMStealth

What should be India's next step:

1. Launch Agni 5s to attack Washington.

2. Send INS Vikramaditya to American waters.

3. Send INS Chakra to American waters.

4. Pre-emptive strikes on Diago Garcia.

Any other options??
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