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Opinion Poll | Tribal areas should be made into a new province.

Should, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, be made a full fledged province??

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May 3, 2009
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Hello, respected ladies and gents.

I just wanted to know opinions about this topic.

Should Pakistan allow the tribal agencies like FATA, WANA and others to become a full fledged province to have better civil services, law and order and to avoid it becoming yet again the bastion of Fasadi Kharijis?

The benefits are obvious - however i would love to hear from our members at PDF, especially the Pashtun members on PDF. What pros and cons would be taken into account, why and why not?

Please participate in an open and civil debate.

@ghilzai @Hyperion @farhan_9909 @TaimiKhan @RescueRanger @Pak-one @Spring Onion. (Please tag other Pashtun members too)

Best | Aeronaut
Yes, it would be good to have them as a province with their own budget, and Police Force, this will also allow them to have courts instead of jirgas, schools instead of madrasas, colleges and universities should be made there.

FATA area has alot of potential for business and economic activities. Industries and mining sectors, having a provincial setup will improve their situation.
I think Waziristan should be separated from rest of FATA. FATA & Waziristan should be separate provinces...but this is my opinion & obviously i'am no body. It is people of those areas to decide.

As requested by @Aeronaut i' am inviting some other Pakistani Pakhtun members @Pukhtoon @chavunist @Pakhtun Bangash
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Yes it should be made under the name "Qablistan" as proposed earlier

All the Problem in FATA arise because of 2 major reasons

*Extremely less literacy rate
*Zero Development in the region which has now lead to unemployments.

Also please do watch the interview of Ayaz Wazir(from Wana)

He mentions the solution of Problems in FATA.

Jawab With Deyh ayaz wazir former ambassador of pakistan exclusive interview- 1st December 2013

*Either a New province
*Or Merge it with KPK

Both the solutions would be a welcome move
though i support the idea - but main question is how are you going to operate in the area - you can have DCO / DC in the area to co-ordinate things but how are you going to operate LEA along with tribal lashkars??
they are not used to of paying taxes so how are you going to operate the IRS??
i wonder if they are going to bother taking permission / noc from local DCO prior setting up the thaila....
then comes the courts & Jirgas - as you yourself have said both can't work parallel to each other....
Hello, respected ladies and gents.

I just wanted to know opinions about this topic.

Should Pakistan allow the tribal agencies like FATA, WANA and others to become a full fledged province to have better civil services, law and order and to avoid it becoming yet again the bastion of Fasadi Kharijis?

The benefits are obvious - however i would love to hear from our members at PDF, especially the Pashtun members on PDF. What pros and cons would be taken into account, why and why not?

Please participate in an open and civil debate.

@ghilzai @Hyperion @farhan_9909 @TaimiKhan @RescueRanger @Pak-one @Spring Onion. (Please tag other Pashtun members too)

Best | Aeronaut

As an outside observer here in the US I would think the first major improvement in these areas if made into a unified single Province would be improved tourism, which creates jobs and good cash flow.

Having a unified government with public schools, courts, health and medical care improvements, better roads, better power, etc, etc. most definitely will help overcome the backward disassembled practices of the past and still currently more insular primitive existence.

I did not vote in your poll as that poll belongs to your indigenous Pakistani members here.
As an outside observer here in the US I would think the first major improvement in these areas if made into a unified single Province would be improved tourism, which creates jobs and good cash flow.

Having a unified government with public schools, courts, health and medical care improvements, better roads, better power, etc, etc. most definitely will help overcome the backward disassembled practices of the past and still currently more insular primitive existence.

I did not vote in your poll as that poll belongs to your indigenous Pakistani members here.

That is a very educated opinion sir.
We can 'institutionalize' Jirgas as a 'parallel' system in LBGs. Many of our tribal brethren are folks of the old school thinking. They might take the eradication of Jirgas as an assault on their way of life, which is not what we want.



No jirgas and no parallel legal system. These systems are a curse. There should only and only be one system---the law of the land.

Jirga system should have been completely abolished right from day one. They take every legal action as an assault on their way of life.

Fata needs to come to mainstream pakistan and not the other way around.
1-Abolish FCR.
2-Pull out army from the area, they dont like fauji boots on their soil
3-Extend the jurisdiction of the Supreme and High courts to FATA, abolish FCR jirgas. FCR jirga members are officially nominated by political administration, they are corrupt and can be bribed ...............the historical and traditional role of jirga was to either act as shura of the village/clan or as mediator/third party in the conflict or issue between two parties who want to resolve it. . This traditional concept of jirga is retained in KPK, Reduce the role of jirga in FATA as it is in KPK.
4- Enforce law through police.but retain "chagha", the call to gather aman lashkars and patrol parties for security of village in bad times.
5- I highly doubt that they will pay taxes. The region is highly under-developed and poor.
6- Their interactions with tribes on other side of durand shouldnt be prevented, it is said that livelihood of 45-50% tribals is based on trade with Afghanistan.
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1-Abolish FCR.
2-Pull out army from the area, they dont like fauji boots on their soil
3-Extend the jurisdiction of the Supreme and High courts to FATA, abolish FCR jirgas. FCR jirga members are officially nominated by political administration, they are corrupt and can be bribed ...............the historical and traditional role of jirga was to either act as shura of the village/clan or as mediator/third party in the conflict or issue between two parties who want to resolve it. . This traditional concept of jirga is retained in KPK, Reduce the role of jirga in FATA as it is in KPK.
4- Enforce law through police.but retain "chagha", the call to gather aman lashkars and patrol parties for security of village in bad times.
5- I highly doubt that they will pay taxes. The region is highly under-developed and poor.
6- Their interactions with tribes on other side of durand shouldnt be prevented, it is said that livelihood of 45-50% tribals is based on trade with Afghanistan.
Stop calling them backward and stop messing with them on USA orders get out of the area abolish FCR slowly bring education their and use the minerals of that area

No jirgas and no parallel legal system. These systems are a curse. There should only and only be one system---the law of the land.

Jirga system should have been completely abolished right from day one. They take every legal action as an assault on their way of life.

Fata needs to come to mainstream pakistan and not the other way around.

Sorry to disagree. The 'law of the land' that you talk of is a curse. I hope you never have to deal with courts here in Pakistan. FATA people do not want the Thana-Court system prevalent in the rest of Pakistan. Talk to any lawyer; (99%) their first advise would be to frame a case based on lies. Our legal system functions on the premise of wheels within Wheels within WHEELS.

Jirga system as practiced in FATA is unique to them and not like rape-jirgas elsewhere. There are problems, yes. But our legal system is a big big contributor to support for Taliban....

My support for province-hood for FATA is based on the uniqueness of this area. Otherwise, it would be better to have them merge with KPK.

Any jirga system is a curse. Also---as a citizen of a state---it is the citizen's right to be tried in a court of law----not a co'ck and bu-ll jirga.

Just because pakistanis are 'cowards' and cannot enforce the implementtion of law and cannot stand up for their rights---it does not mean that the sanity cannot prevail.

The problem with pakistanis is that they are so misguided in their thought and ideology--nd the basic fundamentals

Any jirga system is a curse. Also---as a citizen of a state---it is the citizen's right to be tried in a court of law----not a co'ck and bu-ll jirga.

Just because pakistanis are 'cowards' and cannot enforce the implementtion of law and cannot stand up for their rights---it does not mean that the sanity cannot prevail.

The problem with pakistanis is that they are so misguided in their thought and ideology--nd the basic fundamentals

Platitudes do not solve anything. Proclamations do not provide solutions. Care to talk specifics?

I am actively engaged in two property dispute. For one of those, the litigation has been going on for more than three decades. My father passed away without having seen the end of it. We are the wronged party and the occupants are preparing to create FIFTH fraud to keep my family out of our rightful property. I, like my father before me, have gone to courts, gone to police stations, gone to Anti-Corruption Establishment, etc... We left NO avenue unexplored. And yet we are dispossessed from our property. Because our courts, police, establishment all favor fraudsters, cheats, & Embezzlers. I have just won a court decision pertaining to THIRD fraud. I have yet to disentangle the tentacles of FOURTH fraud, and I know that the occupants are preparing FIFTH fraud.

The papers are clear. Any blind uneducated person can see in ONE minute the obvious frauds, but our courts take decades to decide upon obvious forgeries.

Just two days ago, I was talking to one of my lawyers (yes I have a team of lawyers who suck my blood), and the good fellow says: "Sir, what you propose can happen under Taliban - They can sort this out in five minutes, but do not expect our courts to take less than a few years." These are not my words, mind you. This was a lawyer talking. I wish I could put the matter to a Jirga. They would know in ONE minute what our august Lahore High Court has not come to realize in decades.

Now what was that sermon you were giving me about rule or law and law of land and other miscellaneous $hit????

The THIRD and FOURTH fraud relating to the property in question pertains to using the name of an expatriate lady, who happens to be related to the fraudsters. Until two years ago, she had no clue that she had been involved in a fraud, for which she would be liable in courts of Pakistan and UK. I hope one day some one who knows of your real identity creates a fraud using your name. You might, then, realize what it is to be made a party to a fraud without your consent or knowledge. It would take you a few years to unentangle yourself from it.

Now imagine how I feel about bloody useless sermons about rule of law and other such Qrap.

I have sacrificed, I pay a price everyday. I do not need YOU to tell me that Pakistanis are cowards and that they can not stand up for their rights.

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