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U.S. unlikely to back down on Taiwan issue


Mar 21, 2013
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United States

Taipei, May 6 (CNA) The United States is unlikely to back down to China on the Taiwan issue, given the lack of mutual trust between Washington and Taiwan's giant neighbor, the National Security Bureau (NSB) said in a new report.

The U.S. and China remain in a competitive relationship, despite the hope of both sides that positive interactions can be maintained, the NSB said in the report, scheduled to be presented to the Legislature's Foreign and National Defense Committee hearing Wednesday.

The NSB said in the report, which was provided to reporters and lawmakers Tuesday and deals with the impact on Taiwan of recent overseas visits by Chinese and U.S. leaders, that Washington is not expected to step back on its stance regarding Taiwan, because of the competitive nature of U.S.-Sino ties.

After establishing the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2000, the NSB noted, Beijing is expected to launch a forum with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States later this year.

This will lead to the growing possibility of Taiwan's allies in Latin America and the Caribbean being drawn to Beijing, the NSB said.

The Chinese leaders' stance of seeking to control Taiwan's presence in the global community could be an obstacle to Taiwan's participation in regional trade blocs, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the NSB added.

(By Wang Ching-yi and Kay Liu)

U.S. unlikely to back down on Taiwan issue | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
These Taiwanese lame and spineless, why would they still insist that America will fight to death for a bunch of non-white people?
We are. All we need to do is look at China and they poop their pants. That's why Taiwan is still Taiwan, little fellow.

Every can act tough on the Internet, even the Viets keep barking that they will break China apart, do you think that we fcking care about it?

Stay with your broken economy before sticking your nose on someone else's business.
Funny part is taiwan accused US of dodging F-16 upgrades deal and here taiwanese writers are dreaming US would fight for them. It would take 5 years for those F-16s if ever US agree to upgrade radars by that time PLAF/PLANAF would add 300 more 4.5Gen Inventory.

The region is more complicated than Ukraine, so US is helpless here it can only issue fake warnings, hue and cry. Russians are economically not in good condition compared to China yet world is reluctant to take action against russians including UN so China is world economic power alot is at stake in the west they won't ruin their economy for taiwan dispute.
Every can act tough on the Internet,...
Describe you guys here perfectly. Not one of you ever served in the military, and yet all of you talk tough about 'nuking' this and that country. I once worked around nuclear bombs while you guys do not know what a .22 recoil felt like. So take your own criticisms and STFU.
...Stay with your broken economy before sticking your nose on someone else's business.

Even with the economy and six years of a crappy President and we'd STILL bitch slap China. China has 300,000,000 people doing O.K. BUT you have ONE BILLION people that doesn't have a pot to piss in.:rofl:
... even the Viets keep barking that they will break China apart, do you think that we fcking care about it?...

Yeah. China is afraid of a little group of Falun Gong. What are you going to do against a REAL adversary ?:china:
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