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Best way to implement Sharia in Pakistan ???


Oct 30, 2012
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Only Pro- Sharia members may participate in this discussion.
We are not discussing the practicability of Sharia so kindly refrain from going off-topic.

I think that there are two different ways to implement Sharia in Pakistan. which one do you think is appropriate and provide reasons.

  1. By legislation
  2. By revolution

@Hazzy997 @Zarvan @Indos @Abu Nasar @Arabian Legend @Kaan @al-Hasani
How about follow it in your life the way you want it and let others do the same?
How about just following the law and abolishing the courts ???

We aren't discussing secularism here mate.
How about just following the law and abolishing the courts ???

We aren't discussing secularism here mate.
Isn't proper following of religion by one's own will and heart , hasn't it been said in the Quran that everything depends on Niyat(intention)?
If your doing it just because your forced to do it or its the law is it the proper following of religion?

Those who want to practice shariah should practice it without any hindrance , who stopping them?
Why must it become the law for them to follow it?
Only Pro- Sharia members may participate in this discussion.
We are not discussing the practicability of Sharia so kindly refrain from going off-topic.

I think that there are two different ways to implement Sharia in Pakistan. which one do you think is appropriate and provide reasons.

  1. By legislation
  2. By revolution

Legislation through Revolution. I can't see it being implemented any other way in Pakistan.
We don't want Sharia in Pakistan

We want to remove religion from state matters and from constitution.

You might not want it but there are millions, billions who do. Islam is perfect, muslims aren't.

Sharia as implemented in the early days of islam was perfect. Just because you have a notion of shariah equates to those regimes such as in saudi, iran etc clearly shows how illiterate you are.

There is not 1 nation on this earth the practices shariah in its true and intended form. Islam has no place for secularism.

Shariah does not equate to discrimination, totalitarianism, subjection. In its true essence it provides freedom, security, prosperity.
Both wont work.

Revolution is out as you dont have peoples support which is very clear to the way the islamic parties did in the elections. You see in our history 2013 elections were the sole elections where any party and i mean any party could have risen up. People were looking for change in the status quo and the islamic parties were an option yet N won majority and PTI and PPP second. Which shows that the parties that want to implement the Shariat just dont come into power and if you say nothing changed. PTI might have lost the elections but without a doubt these elections were shocking especially some of the results were mind-blowing and showed that the people actually had power.

Legislation again wont work as you need 2/3 majority for such a change and the top three parties chant democracy. Might even need more then 2/3 to change the entire system.
Why not join the Taliban? They are also doing a revolution to install Shariah.

why don't you join the nato forces who are trying to implement the NWO secularism across the world.

Since when did shariah= taliban.

According to shariah taliban, isis etc are taking actions contradictory to islam and should be punsished.
Were talking only about Pakistan here , from where do the "Billions" come?
Approximately 80% of the Pakistani population consider themselves religious. did you know that ???

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