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Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

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May 29, 2014
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United States
Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist? Let's discuss the view points.
I believe that Israel has every right to exist as a nation state, and is already existing, included into the family of nations. What I would like to ask some of my Middle Eastern colleagues is this: what will it take for the region to recognize the State of Israel and to officially begin proper diplomatic talks?
Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist? Let's discuss the view points.

You opened up this thread....what do you think should be the case? Also, others like it or not, Israel is as much of a reality as anything else that exists on the map. Some make the case as to the "land" is someone else's.......so where do many, may millions Jews should go? This is where their generations have lived now just like the Arabs.

So I think everyone should calm the fu*ck down and try to come up with more mature conditions. Palestinians need to realize, what land are they fighting for? The land which I can't ever see emptying up or going on "sale" for the next 100 years (in my lifetime). So....with that in mind, what is it that the Palestinians need since the land is "unavailable"? They need access to education, jobs, economy and investments and growth. All of this won't happen if they keep asking for their land to be vacated and the rocket attacks continue by Hamas. Can both of these guys work towards supporting each other in a two state solution and in return ask each other to treat each other's population without any threats and harm and let people prosper? I think that's easily do-able between any two non-violent parties.

I wish there were Arab leaders who knew how to negotiate democratically and can speak to Israelis with mutual respect. Once the extremism is out of the context and the stance on the "land" becomes more flexible, I am sure the world powers will work with the Palestinians, and I am sure the Israelis would too. This bloodshed for decades needs to stop but the intensity and extremism has to be taken out of these discussions so everyone can move forward towards a mutually agreeable solution.
In this world, it is not about right, but about power.

America, Canada, Australia, etc. all their native populations were displaced by European descendants.

Now nobody even cares, they just accept that these are now white-majority countries. And everyone knows that Native Americans have no chance of regaining their sovereignty over their ancestral lands.

That's the truth of this world. Either you have the power to protect your sovereignty, or you don't.

And if you lose your sovereignty, it doesn't matter how many liberals across the world cry for your benefit, nothing will happen unless you have power on the ground.
A state of had the right to exist, the current state of Israel can continue to exist in some form or another.

But the current state cannot and should not be allowed to 'exist' on Palestinian land, wage war against others and cause trouble in the region.

Israel's drug dealer also needs to take it easy, have pity on the junkie.

For the US to be brokering peace talks is a load of nonsense, it's a joke.
Absolutely, Israel is a valid and sovereign state with every right to exist in peace and within its recognized borders, as much as any one of the many countries the British Empire spawned from its administrative units when it wrapped up its dominions.
I believe that Israel has every right to exist as a nation state, and is already existing, included into the family of nations. What I would like to ask some of my Middle Eastern colleagues is this: what will it take for the region to recognize the State of Israel and to officially begin proper diplomatic talks?

Zionists can go back to Europe from where they were evicted from.

How would you like it if some European people came into your country, occupied your land, placed your family in a refugee camp and claimed they had every right to exist on your land?

Zionists are ethnic European people, not Asian. They do not have the right to occupy a part of Asia. Just because Christian Europe decided to reject and expel fellow Zionist Europeans due to their religious differences, it doesn't mean Muslim Asians should be forced to accept these unwanted scum bags as human beings.

Maybe the Japanese people have a big heart and they're willing to award some of their Senkaku Islands to Zionists like the Soviet Union created the Jewish Autonomous Region for them?

Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe the Japanese people have a big heart and they're willing to award some of their Senkaku Islands to Zionists like the Soviet Union created the Jewish Autonomous Region for them?

There is plenty of land around the world, the point is that the Jews don't want it.

They want Jerusalem.
There is plenty of land around the world, the point is that the Jews don't want it.

They want Jerusalem.

They're not even Jews. Judaism is a religion for the Hebrew people only - a race Chosen by Allah in the three Ibrahimi religions.

One simply cannot convert into Judaism. If any non-Hebrews try to, they are just fake Jews which in this case are the current Zionists occupying Philistine. The ethnic Jewish people are scattered all over Asia waiting for their prophesied Three Kings to come, collect them and take them to Al-Quds (Jerusalem). The largest majority of ethnic Hebrews live in Iran who despise the Zionists.

Why Orthodox Jews are Opposed to the Zionist State

Christian Europe does not want the Zionists back in their lands and they're more than happy to get rid of them once and for all. Christian Europe bends over backwards and attempts all sorts of other circus stunts to justify the Zionist occupation of Asian lands.
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then give our hindu land ! islamic invaders !

I hate to correct you......but if you read history, the parts near Islamabad / the Frontier go thousands of year back with a very civilized population.
The cities found didn't have any specific temples and idles referring to Hindusim at all. In fact, the cities were way ahead of their time and showed a proper modern city system even thousands of years ago. They had canals, nice homes with proper sunlight / illumination structures, irrigation system with canals, walk ways, proper food utensils, streets, etc (No Ferrari's or Lamborghini's though :(, I was very disappointed at that )

I've actually seen pictures of those cities and I remember going through these discussions in our history and arch classes. Very amazing stuff

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