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Israel’s Deadliest Submarines Are Nearly Ready

Guys are we taking about the energy released from the explosion or actual weight carried by the cruise missile. Now tell me 5 KG plutonium rapped with a trigger will put in cruise missile and fired explode in Sailkot. What is the amount of energy released by the explosion and what happens to that city.
Pakistan bought them in 99 n 2000s...
Israel bought them in 2006. So?

Construction done in Pakistan under tot.. Might reduce a little cost aswell...
ToT is actually INCREASING the cost not decreasing.


How many nuclear cruise missiles each submarine can carry? That is the yield. Please clarify it for me and the readers.
All we know that in addition to 6 533-mm torpedo tubes used on 212 submarines, Dolphins have also 4 650-mm torpedo tubes.
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Exactly. The warhead is 200 KG which is a very small nuclear warhead.

My information is always impeccable. I already told you so.

Just to put things in perspective for you....

Pakistan's air-launched nuclear cruise missile...Ra'ad.....can carry 450 kg warhead.

More than TWICE the size of Israeli cruise missile's warhead.

he he he he dekho to kaun kisko bola chawal :haha:

by the way do you know there is something called "minuetrisation" well gone are the days when a 200 KT warhead was at least 1 Tonnes in wieght and almost1.5Min dia what we have these days is lighter and smaller at least by 4X but your ego and hatered towards israel will never let you see the reality :coffee:

Oh dumbfuck, its not about ego or whatever.

Its just that I have superior knowledge of military affairs than annoying retards like you.

I am well aware of miniaturization (correct spelling unlike yours)...

But Israeli cruise missile DO NOT have the capacity to deliver a 200kt nuclear strike.

Do you even have any fcuking idea how MASSIVE 200KT blast is?

All we know that in addition to 6 533-mm torpedo tubes used on 212 submarines, Dolphins have also 4 650-mm torpedo tubes.

So each submarine can carry four nuclear cruise missiles. Do you have any idea what is the yield of those warheads?

You are wrong here. There are American and Russian cruise missiles with yield around 200kt. Israel may or may not have 200kt but many navies have such weapons.

Which one's? I wanna see
Exactly. The warhead is 200 KG which is a very small nuclear warhead.

My information is always impeccable. I already told you so.

Just to put things in perspective for you....

Pakistan's air-launched nuclear cruise missile...Ra'ad.....can carry 450 kg warhead.

More than TWICE the size of Israeli cruise missile's warhead.

Oh dumbfuck, its not about ego or whatever.

Its just that I have superior knowledge of military affairs than annoying retards like you.

I am well aware of miniaturization (correct spelling unlike yours)...

But Israeli cruise missile DO NOT have the capacity to deliver a 200kt nuclear strike.

Do you even have any fcuking idea how MASSIVE 200KT blast is?

So each submarine can carry four nuclear cruise missiles. Do you have any idea what is the yield of those warheads?

Which one's? I wanna see
RK-55 granat to begin with. it had 200 KT warhead on it.
Exactly. The warhead is 200 KG which is a very small nuclear warhead.

My information is always impeccable. I already told you so.

Just to put things in perspective for you....

Pakistan's air-launched nuclear cruise missile...Ra'ad.....can carry 450 kg warhead.

More than TWICE the size of Israeli cruise missile's warhead.

Just because Raad carry heavier payload doesnot necessarily translate to it having higher yield . It all depends upon sophistication each country achieved .

Also 200kg is not a very small warhead . For example French TN-70 warhead had a weight less than 200 kg and yield of 150 kt.
In 56,67 wars the Arabs might have had more equipments, nothing for sure apart from the 400 Egyptian warplanes that were destroyed in 67 on their open airfields, but Usrael always had better equipment, the West has always looked to that and assisted Usrael with money, latest weapons and more than often times with physical presence.
Actually everyone knows that they are mostly atheists, and it is the moral and material support they get from all the western world that keeps them alive. Take these submarines for example; while any other nation on earth would have to pay 600 million $ for each, Usrael is getting them for less than 200 million $, if we count the ones for free and the half priced ones, and even this billion $ (for 6 most sophisticated submarines) or so is going to be paid by foreign military aid.
they were smarter a too big word to use, the truth is that most if not all the neighboring countries were just getting their independence and not very well organized, also they were not allowed to arm as they wished or could., While the Usrealis brought their WW2 experience along the Brits to the middle east.
Anyhow these new subs are going to be armed with missiles as well as torpedoes, nuclear missiles are a myth in my humble opinion. their weakness is that they have to be contained in the Mediterranean see in order to protect Usrael, if they venture out the won't have the range to hit anyone of their enemies. and the Mediterranean is not an open sea like the Atlantic, the Pacific or the South Asian sea. being contained in that Area which is roaming with all kinds of merchant and navy ships and submarines of other nations, makes their role a very limited one to the defense of the shores of Usrael.

Better Equipment ≠ Victory
Better Commanders = Victory

Over the past 2 decades, according to researchers, Israelis have become more religious and nationalistic. Partly due to the right-parties, wars, and intifada. Israeli youth are beginning to see themselves as people surrounded by enemies.

Whether they were disorganized, wanted Palestine for themselves, or popularity for standing up to the Brits, you don't continuously pick a fight you're not going to win.

There are rumors that Israel has Dolphins in Persian Gulf and/or Arabian Sea to keep an eye on Iran.

But you're wrong on the limited potential of the Israeli Submarine Fleet. What is deterrence? Lets say Deterrence = Defense, since the threat of facing threatening weapons keeps enemies from attacking you. By that logic, some can say that Deterrence = Offense. Since just the incalculable nature the enemy's willingness to attack you preemptively is enoug psychological warfare. General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.'

The Samson Option, if Israel is on the verge of defeat the IDF will deploy Nuclear Weapons to wipe out the enemy's country. These Subs will offer Israel the Third-Triad of Nuclear Deterrence. Israel is only kilometers wide, any long range missile launch would take hours to prep, hardly enough time to carry out the Samson Option, while Subs out at sea with nuclear tipped missiles, or the perception of having them will keep General Dayan cozy in his grave.
Exactly. The warhead is 200 KG which is a very small nuclear warhead.

My information is always impeccable. I already told you so.

Just to put things in perspective for you....

Pakistan's air-launched nuclear cruise missile...Ra'ad.....can carry 450 kg warhead.

More than TWICE the size of Israeli cruise missile's warhead.

Oh dumbfuck, its not about ego or whatever.

Its just that I have superior knowledge of military affairs than annoying retards like you.

I am well aware of miniaturization (correct spelling unlike yours)...

But Israeli cruise missile DO NOT have the capacity to deliver a 200kt nuclear strike.

Do you even have any fcuking idea how MASSIVE 200KT blast is?

So each submarine can carry four nuclear cruise missiles. Do you have any idea what is the yield of those warheads?

Which one's? I wanna see
well keep dreaming about ummahs might and always taking your enemies as weak and morally corrupt at your own peril :haha:

but smrat guy things are not that simple:azn:
Israel have 6 subs.
Now we consider to upgrade our naval boat because we have new gas in the see that need to be protected

AAAhhh... you mean you found something new to steal from Palestinian land and waters. bloody israeli thieves.
Right. Appears this will put pressure on the Palestinian Navy and MAY just tilt the odds more.
"The first two submarines were paid for by the German people, and the following three were heavily subsidized, according to Der Spiegel. The newspaper has reported, based on a WikiLeaks cable, that the submarine subsidies were a response to Israeli demands for "Holocaust reparations from Germany".

"Steffen Seibert, a spokesperson for Merkel, told Der Spiegel that all submarines had been delivered unarmed, and that the government "will not speculate on subsequent arming."

The White Resister - Germany Gives Israel Nuclear Attack Submarines as a Holocaust Compensation
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