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Qaeda could provoke new India-Pakistan wa


Nov 12, 2009
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Al-Qaeda is seeking to de-stabilise the entire South Asia region and could trigger a new war between Pakistan and India, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates told reporters on Wednesday.

Groups under Al-Qaeda's "syndicate" in Afghanistan and Pakistan are trying "to destabilise not just Afghanistan, not just Pakistan, but potentially the whole region by provoking a conflict perhaps between India and Pakistan through some provocative act," Gates said during a visit to New Delhi.

Despite the great "restraint" shown by India after the Mumbai attacks by Pakistan-based militants, New Delhi could easily lose patience if there were a repeat attack, he said.

"I think it's not unreasonable to assume Indian patience would be limited were there to be further attacks," Gates told reporters on a trip to New Delhi.

Qaeda could provoke new India-Pakistan war: Gates | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Well considering the situation in Subcontinent today....one can only prey for no more such Terrorist attack does not get unfolded.....

But do you think India Pakistan should allow these terrorists to control our relationships.
But do you think India Pakistan should allow these terrorists to control our relationships.

Unfortunately the above had already happened.

And for the article; terrorist minded people are operating on both sides of the line. Let it be the hardliner hindu fundamentalists, or TTP & company.
Unfortunately the above had already happened.

And for the article; terrorist minded people are operating on both sides of the line. Let it be the hardliner hindu fundamentalists, or TTP & company.

But why should ordinary mostly peace loving Pakistanis and Indians suffer due to the actions of a few extremists? We are separated by fear of what these people could do to destabilise our nations not by fear of each other. Pakistan's government condemned Mumbai terrorism. India's government denies any intent or action to destabilise Pakistan. Through the actions of a few animals the two nations point guns at each other. :undecided:
:no: india want a war with pakistan !They will make a new DRAMA (same to bombay drama ) !
They want to make their "AKHAND BAHARAT" !

But i know the result of this war :smitten: And ths will be "GAZWA E HIND"!

They will start but we will finnish! At the moment they are creating "atmosphere" of war!Since 2005 they are working on Cold war doctrine...i love their CHANKYA doctrine :smitten:

:no: india want a war with pakistan !They will make a new DRAMA (same to bombay drama ) !
They want to make their "AKHAND BAHARAT" !

But i know the result of this war :smitten: And ths will be "GAZWA E HIND"!

They will start but we will finnish! At the moment they are creating "atmosphere" of war!Since 2005 they are working on Cold war doctrine...i love their CHANKYA doctrine :smitten:



:no: india want a war with pakistan !They will make a new DRAMA (same to bombay drama ) !
They want to make their "AKHAND BAHARAT" !

But i know the result of this war :smitten: And ths will be "GAZWA E HIND"!

They will start but we will finnish! At the moment they are creating "atmosphere" of war!Since 2005 they are working on Cold war doctrine...i love their CHANKYA doctrine :smitten:


You may dream of your Gazwa e Hind or whatever you call it until the end of the world. Just continue dreaming cos that is all it will be to you and those hankering over that stupid ideology. As for Akhand Bharat , we also have stupid dreamers in India dreaming of a stupid ideology. I wish I had the power to set up an island and to send off all you Gazwa and Akhand fans to live there together to slaughter each other to death. For now just concentrate on your internal threats and forget all those wet dreams you have been having about Gazwa e Hind :smitten:
:no: india want a war with pakistan !They will make a new DRAMA (same to bombay drama ) !
They want to make their "AKHAND BAHARAT" !

But i know the result of this war :smitten: And ths will be "GAZWA E HIND"!

They will start but we will finnish! At the moment they are creating "atmosphere" of war!Since 2005 they are working on Cold war doctrine...i love their CHANKYA doctrine :smitten:

I can only thank you for making such a wonderful post which includes "Akhand Bharat" and "Gazwa-e-Hind" both...:lol:

All your post comes under catagory of rants. BTW, you never know what a geniuos Chanakya was.

I agree with the article. However the issue is, all the time India was at the receiving end. Just now they also have started suffering this problem. Though killing of any individual is avoided regardless on nationality.

Even if there are "non-state" actors involved, their are based in nation other than India. We should note that earlier there was start-sponsered designs as well. Even CBM intiatives are broken (Kargil). So in all scenarios, there will be deep mistrust from both sides.

However dialogue is only way forward I believe too. War is too costly for all countries. This is not an intelligent method to settle things. Escalating tensions will only provide hardliners from both sides.
Qaeda could provoke new India-Pakistan wa
Al-Qaeda is seeking to de-stabilise the entire South Asia region and could trigger a new war between Pakistan and India, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates told reporters on Wednesday.

Groups under Al-Qaeda's "syndicate" in Afghanistan and Pakistan are trying "to destabilise not just Afghanistan, not just Pakistan, but potentially the whole region by provoking a conflict perhaps between India and Pakistan through some provocative act," Gates said during a visit to New Delhi.

Despite the great "restraint" shown by India after the Mumbai attacks by Pakistan-based militants, New Delhi could easily lose patience if there were a repeat attack, he said.

"I think it's not unreasonable to assume Indian patience would be limited were there to be further attacks," Gates told reporters on a trip to New Delhi.

Qaeda could provoke new India-Pakistan war: Gates | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Well considering the situation in Subcontinent today....one can only prey for no more such Terrorist attack does not get unfolded.....

But do you think India Pakistan should allow these terrorists to control our relationships.

india want a war with pakistan !They will make a new DRAMA (same to bombay drama ) !
They want to make their "AKHAND BAHARAT" !

But i know the result of this war And ths will be "GAZWA E HIND"!

They will start but we will finnish! At the moment they are creating "atmosphere" of war!Since 2005 they are working on Cold war doctrine...i love their CHANKYA doctrine

congratulations Al-Qaeda half of your task accomplished !
I think then your Army chief is serving Al qaeda's purpose by having wet dreams to attack SinoPak all together and Reach to Islamabad in 96 hours.

Is he a double agent????:blink:
I think then your Army chief is serving Al qaeda's purpose by having wet dreams to attack SinoPak all together and Reach to Islamabad in 96 hours.

Is he a double agent????:blink:

I just love it when the facts and statements are twisted to suit the taste...for consumption of masses...... But hey don't blame you ...its just the way you are..... reading too much int statements...and then running around ...blogs ...and online stuff ...to satisfy some false presumption.......


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