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99% people of Azad Kashmir will like to join India: Muslim cleric

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Sep 20, 2014
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If plebiscite is held in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir), 99 per cent people would like to join India. The comment was made by the chairman of Anjuman Minhaj-
e-Rasool, an Islamic Organisation working for peace and communal harmony.

"If a plebiscite is held in the Azad Kashmir, more than 99 per cent people there would vote to become a part of the Union of India," Anjuman Minhaj-e-Rasool chairman Maulana Syed Athar Dehlavi told reporters here.

Athar argued that the separatist movement has been losing ground and Kashmiris on both sides of the border and people are interested in development and good governance.

"The separatists in Kashmir have lost their ground and the people in the Valley are discussing issues like good governance, development and education. They are not bothered about what a handful of people are saying," Dehlavi said.

Athar added that people who had to bear the brunt of the recent floods are all praise for the remarkable action of Indian Armed forced in the rescue operations.

"The people are praising the army as their savior. The army has done a wonderful job in Kashmir. The people in Kashmir have now realised that the army is their real savior," he said.

Praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi's people friendly policies in Jammu and Kashmir, he said that Anjuman Minhaj-e-Rasool was the only Islamic organisation that raised voice against Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.

"When Kashmiri Pandits were forced to leave Kashmir we raised objection in the OIC in Jeddah and we were the one to condemn Osama Bin Laden and now we are strongly condemning Islamic State," Dehlavi said.

99% people of Azad Kashmir will like to join India: Muslim cleric - daily.bhaskar.com
@Horus delete this hindu website propaganda article. I hope ISI take care of mullah traitor if he said those things.
Kindly do a plebiscite in all of Jammu & Kashmir under International Peace Forces. If Kashmiris want to join India, Pakistan will be more then happy to hand over Kashmir to them. Problem solved and South Asia could become a peaceful place.

Let Democracy give a chance, let give a chance to Kashmiris to have their say.
:lol: :lol:
We knew it long ago and even Pakistan establishment know it. :bunny:
I hope India now hold plebiscite and get whole Kashmir to join Bharat mata. Perfect opportunity but something tells me hindu bania will again will miss this chance.
Kindly do a plebiscite in all of Jammu & Kashmir under International Peace Forces. If Kashmiris want to join India, Pakistan will be more then happy to hand over Kashmir to them. Problem solved and South Asia could become a peaceful place.

Let Democracy give a chance, let give a chance to Kashmiris to have their say.

Sure. Kindly pull your troops back and kick out anyone whose ancestors did not live in Kashmir pre 1947.
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