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99% people of Azad Kashmir will like to join India: Muslim cleric

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Moulana sahib is more then welcome to migrate to India. Lets keep our fingers crossed he doesn't end up getting killed in Gujrat riots 2.

He is from India... you would know if you cared to actually read the propaganda piece.
Mullah Sellout making sure his organization receives some funds from Indian government.

Its very easy to find out the truth of what this rental molvi says: get a plebiscite done in Kashmir. We shall then know.

Rental Molvis were used by Congress in years leading up to 1947 too. They come quite cheap actually. They can be useful, especially when BJP government is thinking of abolishing article 370. Only problem is that this molvi is not a Kashmiri himself.
It's election time in J&K he is there to bid on behalf of some party, this statement of his nothing but hot air.
So you believe in Mullah. Congrats . Soon it will become Muslim country. Muslim population is also increasing very fast.
Best of luck! but don't do Jihad with us in future :fie:
Moulana sahib is more then welcome to migrate to India. Lets keep our fingers crossed he doesn't end up getting killed in Gujrat riots 2.
On a lighter note ... had he been from Pakistan it would have been first time we would have witnessed a mob lynching a moulana :p:
He is from India... you would know if you cared to actually read the propaganda piece.

Oh I only read the title. I thought Swamy Submarine's foot soldier has copy and pasted same fake news or something. I don't read the garbage posted by Swamy Submarine's male columbines here.
On a lighter note ... had he been from Pakistan it would have been first time we would have witnessed a mob lynching a moulana :p:

I wonder what will happen if a Hindu swamy said he wants Kashmir to be part of Pakistan.
Cut the crap. Hold a referendum in Azad Kashmir and IOK?
I wonder what will happen if a Hindu swamy said he wants Kashmir to be part of Pakistan.
RSS would send some random hindu group and slap him around and trash his place. It happened few times.
RSS would send some random hindu group and slap him around and trash his place. It happened few times.

Are you saying there is a pro Pakistani swami ji somewhere in India?
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