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1979 - SSG & Saudi Forces reclaim the Grand Mosque from 500 terrorists.

for me Lal Masjid is nothing compared to Grand mosque. if an operation could be conducted in Grand Mosuqe then why not Red Mosque which became like a Zarar Mosque of conspiracy. if it was up to me I would have executed every single terrorist and that Mullah Aziz and raised that mosque to the ground which even today is frequented by fanatic sectarian members and pro TTP elements
Where is mullah Aziz now? I hope he is dead.
Where is mullah Aziz now? I hope he is dead.
he leads the prayers, the books praising TTP are openly on sale from the mosque. he was part of the 4 member committee where he was representing TTP . he enjoys full government protocol and is supported and revered personality of judges and lawyers. Sipah Sahabah fanatics marched out of red mosque last month chanting slogans against sit in protesters and vouched not to rest until they kill all the shias and Beralvi followers from Pakistan, their march was claimed to be against music and dance in the PTI/ TuQ gatherings but it bared its sectarian face immediately.

Mullah Aziz is still firm on his fatwa that any Pakistani soldier that is killed at the hands of TTP doesnt deserve Islamic burial or funeral and must by left on the streets.

presence of Red mosque under the occupation of such elements is a slap on the face of Pakistani state and its Military and intelligence agencies blaming judges and lawyers is a waste of time because they still cant forget their animosity towards Musharaf.
Mullah Aziz is still firm on his fatwa that any Pakistani soldier that is killed at the hands of TTP doesnt deserve Islamic burial or funeral and must by left on the streets.

hmmm, and no Pakistani Soldier is pi$$ed off about this?

Doesn't every Pakistani have ~3 AKs? And none are pi$$ed off at this terrorist enough to use it?
for me Lal Masjid is nothing compared to Grand mosque. if an operation could be conducted in Grand Mosuqe then why not Red Mosque which became like a Zarar Mosque of conspiracy. if it was up to me I would have executed every single terrorist and that Mullah Aziz and raised that mosque to the ground which even today is frequented by fanatic sectarian members and pro TTP elements

Totally agree.
hmmm, and no Pakistani Soldier is pi$$ed off about this?

Doesn't every Pakistani have ~3 AKs? And none are pi$$ed off at this terrorist enough to use it?
The difference between moderates/law abiding citizens and terrorists/extremists is exactly that the former will not take the law into their hands and go shoot up this Lal Masjid Mullah bit#$% for the positions he has taken, whereas the latter has no qualms about massacring innocents and committing crimes to advance their terrorist degenerate cause.

Mullah Aunty should ideally be handled by the State, in that hate-speech and speech that is essentially supporting terrorists/terrorism should result in the arrest and prosecution (under terrorism statutes) of such individuals. Extremism in Pakistan has reached a point where the State has to start strongly acting against these degenerates on the basis of their hate speech. Merely carrying out security operations when they commit violence is not enough, because by then the damage has already been done.
The difference between moderates/law abiding citizens and terrorists/extremists is exactly that the former will not take the law into their hands and go shoot up this Lal Masjid Mullah bit#$% for the positions he has taken, whereas the latter has no qualms about massacring innocents and committing crimes to advance their terrorist degenerate cause.
Mullah Aunty should ideally be handled by the State, in that hate-speech and speech that is essentially supporting terrorists/terrorism should result in the arrest and prosecution (under terrorism statutes) of such individuals. Extremism in Pakistan has reached a point where the State has to start strongly acting against these degenerates on the basis of their hate speech. Merely carrying out security operations when they commit violence is not enough, because by then the damage has already been done.

You don't think that somewhere in Pakistan there's a Soldier, trained to snipe, who's pi$$ed off at this mofo?
Sure there is, and if he is a disciplined and law abiding soldier, he will not act on his urge to take out this piece of filth.

Sometimes you need to get down and dirty to clean shit up.

Look at Ataturk, put a couple of imams on a ship and blew it sky high. <---- not sure if rumor or truth, but lets say its truth.

If these poor pieces of shit continue to not be disciplined what stopping them from going overboard? They've already messed up the country, How much more do they have to do?
There were reportedly 3 French guys present around as consultants.

The SSG was requested after the Saudi forces tried roping down a heli in the central courtyard where the heavily entrenched terrorists made them incur heavy losses. The SSG suggested flooding the complex (The complex used to have a major flooding problem in the past) and electrocuting the terrorists. The Saudis rejected this at first but came around later. The Saudi prince in charge of the operation (I'm forgetting his official designation) was pretty pissed off when the SSG was called for.
One of the gates of the complex were rammed down by an APC or a tank and then the SSG guys bent down, took off their shoes and entered the complex.

The terrorists were well prepared, they used wet mattresses in the tunnels to guard against the tear gas but were eventually cut down.
all of these terrorists were beheaded. since then the terrorists lost the appetite of launching attacks against KSA. the treatment of the terrorists was in stark contrast to what the Pakistani judges did to Lal Masjid occupants. who are seen as the heroes

Not a long time ago, when the Red Mosque storming was still new, I asked a couple of supporters of the extremists to draw me a parallel between that and the Grand Mosque Seizure. The only thing that I was able to understand that somehow thats halal in Arabia but haram in Pakistan. Not strange though.
I think GIGN commandos role in this operation was very limited. Main operation was conducted by Pakistani & Saudi special forces.
Desperate & violent radicals like Juhayman ibn Otaybi , Al Bhagdadi , bhindrawala etc. are responsible for defaming their respective religions. They used holy religious places for fulfilling their psychotic ambitions.
Unfortunately we also suffered a tragedy in 1984 when a terrorist Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala converted our Golden Temple into a weapons factory & battleground.
Not a long time ago, when the Red Mosque storming was still new, I asked a couple of supporters of the extremists to draw me a parallel between that and the Grand Mosque Seizure. The only thing that I was able to understand that somehow thats halal in Arabia but haram in Pakistan. Not strange though.
Nadeem Paracha wrote a satire where the attackers of Abbotabad were Saudi commandos on camels who killed Osama
and Jamat islami, Nawaz league, Judges and lawyers, JUI , JUF and Pakistan diffa council marched out in support of the saudi Arabian commandos and sent curses and condemnations on "coward" Osama for hiding like a rat in a house and causing so much death and misery to the world.

meaning I took away from it was .. if it was the Saudis who did that then all pure Muslims of Pakistan would have praised the operation.
Nadeem Paracha wrote a satire where the attackers of Abbotabad were Saudi commandos on camels who killed Osama
and Jamat islami, Nawaz league, Judges and lawyers, JUI , JUF and Pakistan diffa council marched out in support of the saudi Arabian commandos and sent curses and condemnations on "coward" Osama for hiding like a rat in a house and causing so much death and misery to the world.

meaning I took away from it was .. if it was the Saudis who did that then all pure Muslims of Pakistan would have praised the operation.

Yup i read that, probably the best satire from NFP thus far!
Nope they were french commandos who did the operation! There are many references to it! And in Pakistan the rumor was deliberately spread that it was Americans who seiged Kaabah and due to this American Consulate was burned in 1979

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