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Don't vote for BJP, it will impose a Hindu CM, Only a Muslim can become CM in J&K: PDP leader

I dont know you are getting confused..... Your points were:

1) In Kashmir, majority (muslims) won't accept Hindu CM as its the psych and mindset of Indian people...

2) BJP won because of its Hardline stand and polarised Hindus.

I am rebutting it by saying

1) Today Indian voter mindset is slowly but steadily changing (even Muslims and Kashmiris) as evident thaat BJP won 11-2% of Muslim votes which was earlier unthinkable.

2) I said as per your logic, Marathis would have elected a MARATHI party not a north Indian party like BJP , then again I said as per your logic even if all were hindutwavaadis, why did the marathis vote for BJP and not Sena as Sena is infact more Hindu than BJP?

Your rebuttal is irrelevant here.

1). slowly changing..but not enough.

2). No, my logic is that if the Marathis had to choose between an economic powerhouse sort of a secular BJP(who use the muslims appeasing vote) and a Hindu VHP.. then the vote would have been different. However the difference in ideology was not enough to influence the vote when it came to the power of economics in this case.
It is not the case of more Hindu.. its the case of being enough Hindu. Its again a psyche issue.. everybody wants to be a good Hindu and wants to identify with the Hindu "nation".. but do not want to be constrained by not being able to celebrate valentines day. That minimal level of "Hindu"(or Muslim) has to be met.. and then the other decision influencing factors come into play.
While that is true, it depends on the inhibitions being put forward. That somehow Muslims in Kashmir will suffer under a Hindu BJP CM. This has political misconstruing at its core, but there is historical precedent for it.. and at the same time against it.
The Indian state under the Raj and after it has had some non-muslim leadership in smaller positions who played instrumental roles in providing betterment to the Muslim communities..

At the same time there are clear historical examples where Hindus(and Muslims in a vice-versa example) in positions of power have played a biased role against the Majority or minority Muslim population. It is then therefore usually best to take a leader from the major section of the community at the top and then intersperse it with those from the minority communities in the positions directly beneath them... or as the other alternative.. appoint a Hindu CM but ensure that the majority of his staff and cabinet are Muslim and hence help keep his decisions balanced.

You know cheraman the hindu king who provided sanctuary for muslim preachers and gave his own "HINDU" land to setup the "FIRST" muslim mosque in india. That is a hindu bro.. a hindu can be a muslim, christian or a hindu.... as long as tthey don't propogate idiocy.
Removal of 370 means ban on owning property in kashmir for non kashmiris will be lifted,,mass migration of others,,kashmiris fear it will lead to their dilution.

it wont be lifted....it'll be perceived as further cultural invasion by indian and will most likely be resisted - given the current ground realities and the rife anti-indian sentiment that exists (not just in the valley)
it wont be lifted....it'll be perceived as further cultural invasion by indian and will most likely be resisted - given the current ground realities and the rife anti-indian sentiment that exists (not just in the valley)

Well voting rights to migrated Kashmiri Pandits already given by current government (not sure about that) and article 370 is just matter of time. If BJP come to power in J&K then no one can save article 370.
it wont be lifted....it'll be perceived as further cultural invasion by indian and will most likely be resisted - given the current ground realities and the rife anti-indian sentiment that exists (not just in the valley)

What are you talking about.? Many in valley don't like india, and many like india, its easy to migrate "INDIANS" to kashmir in prtext of being pandits or kashmiris.. If we are really evill. we could have done that. So first define what is evil.. and understand what an evil force can do to the maximum. and evaluate what that evil force are doing now... !!!
What are you talking about.? Many in valley don't like india, and many like india, its easy to migrate "INDIANS" to kashmir in prtext of being pandits or kashmiris.. If we are really evill. we could have done that. So first define what is evil.. and understand what an evil force can do to the maximum. and evaluate what that evil force are doing now... !!!

And I think situation is not like past where hindu feared of these separatists in Kashmir, just wait for BJP government in J&K.
Well voting rights to migrated Kashmiri Pandits already given by current government (not sure about that) and article 370 is just matter of time. If BJP come to power in J&K then no one can save article 370.

Not easy........bjp is low in rajya sabha and ammendment needs 2/3 of parliament if i am not mistaken.That would be 360 members in lok sabha alone:disagree:
You know cheraman the hindu king who provided sanctuary for muslim preachers and gave his own "HINDU" land to setup the "FIRST" muslim mosque in india. That is a hindu bro.. a hindu can be a muslim, christian or a hindu.... as long as tthey don't propogate idiocy.

That may be the utopian concept, but it has little effect on the reality of Indian politics as it seems or communal tensions.
BJP is trying to win as much states it can be coz state representation is there in rajya sabha. .Every 3 years new members elected in rajya sabha (1/3rd)..so by the end of modi term he may enough numbers to repel art 370.
BJP is trying to win as much states it can be coz state representation is there in rajya sabha. .Every 3 years new members elected in rajya sabha (1/3rd)..so by the end of modi term he may enough numbers to repel art 370.

Still 2/3 majority can not be achieved in rajya sabha, BJP need support from local parties.
Kashmir is Muslim majority.

Moreover - it's not an "indian state"...if it were, you wouldnt have more occupation soldiers imposing will through the barrel of the gun - more occupation soldiers than citizens/residents...latter who time and time again have rejected and rebelled

Don't be more of a silly *** than you can help. There're 350,000 soldiers, 3.5 million residents of the Vale, most of the soldiers - approximately 80% - are close to the Pakistani or to the Chinese borders. And please don't club policemen to try to make your figures; there are in the region of 250,000 to 275,000 policemen,
wonder what these same BJP types would say about when Afzal Guru was murdered judicially by the occupying entity......a good % of Kashmir (not just the restive valley or Azad Kashmir) shuttered down shops and protested quite angrily. He spoke for Kashmiri freedom and was silenced for it. Then again, same happens to the seperatist leaders. india's "democracy" doesnt apply in those lands and we can see why

Gangs of thugs went around closing down shops.
That may be the utopian concept, but it has little effect on the reality of Indian politics as it seems or communal tensions.

U mean the whole sub continent.
Hindus are certainly not tolerant monks but much better off than muslims and sikhs as religion is pretty old.

Its this hindutva crap that is poisoning the people's mind,u would have noticed many paid trolls coming here after bjp's win
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