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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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I hope and pray that Army sends division plus of our soldiers there and they turn into devils for these barbarians.... No one should be spared... if a village of 100 or 200 can not throw out 20 people from amongst them then they should either leave the area or die with them...
Time to send the cavalry, airforce ....everything that we have should be sent there... enough is enough... these people do not deserve an ounce of leniency... enough
Man keep this idiot out of this thread, my blood start boiling when i see this terrorist sympathizer

Calm down bro. IK isn't a terrorist sympathiser. He is right about quitting the US imposed war. Pakistan needs to fight its own war. We already are, but now we are going to hunt these savages with impunity. We are going to win this war against the savages.
I think its time that Pakistan govt. roots out extremism in all its form -

Those who carry out attacks like today. Kill all Talibani skum.
Those who finance them.
Those who morally support extremist ideology. Some hard choices need to be made here.
Those who preach extremist ideology.

I hope some strong leader in Pak govt. or PA leads a strong reply from Pakistan to these bastards. Their whole infrastructure needs to be rooted out.
out of 126 dead 123 are children

Destroy all their hideouts. Bomb Afghanistan if it means destroying their leadership. Fence the Afghan border and kick out every single Afghani. Destroy any madrasah or mosque that sympathizes with Wahhabi ideology. Break relations off with KSA and UAE for their role in financing terrorists. Remove islam from the state and kill anyone who has the slightest links to ttp. Monitor the activities of all mullahs. Today we Pakistanis have been embarrassed in front of the world. Our children have been made victims of a barbaric group which follows a cult of an ideology. The future generations of these Talibani scums should be wiped out.
Dude, from today onwards forget about which group did it. Now we are at war against extremism, in any shape or form. Find someone bad mouthing ANY other sect, ANY other religion, give him a severe beating if you can. From today, ALL Taliban and Mullah Types are the same, they ALL need to be eradicated. You don't need to look for needle in the haystack. Burn the whole goddamn haystack.

News that the attackers belonged to Omar Khalid Khurasani group.

The same bastards who beheaded 23 FC men......and I think (COAS referred to them) played football with their heads.

This whole group must be eliminated.

I would suggest to NUKE them.
This bastards need to be killed by hook or crook. I hope Pakistan Govt orders Army to clear all the so call Religious Mullas who brain-wash people. Taliban needs to be shown door to the hell.
Calm down bro. IK isn't a terrorist sympathiser. He is right about quitting the US imposed war. Pakistan needs to fight its own war. We already are, but now we are going to hunt these savages with impunity. We are going to win this war against the savages.

IK is directly to be blamed. He had an opportunity to govern and improve KPK. Instead he is busy trying to conquer Islamabad with that idiot pervaiz khattak.

This s what happens when you ignore your responsibilities.
3:50pm - Terrorists confined: ISPR

DG ISPR Asim Bajwa on Twitter says that the terrorists have been pushed and confined to the "the last of four blocks of school".

He also says four terrorists have been killed so far."Search for remaining on, clearance underway," he says.

3:47pm - More loud blasts heard near school

Reporters at the scene report as many as 10 loud explosions at the school, saying that the operation underway is reaching a climax.

3:45pm - PTI calls off Dec 18 protest

The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has postponed his party's countrywide protests scheduled for Dec 18, following the deadly terrorist attack on the school in Peshawar.

3:40pm - Marvi Memon condemns attack

PML-N's Marvi Memon condemns the attack and says she cannot imagine what the families and mothers of the deceased must be going through.

"The PM empathises with them and has left everything to go to Peshawar and personally oversee the incident," she adds.

She adds: "Your children have made a huge sacrifice, you are not alone and we will end terrorism together... one day Pakistan will be cleansed from this terrorism."

3:35pm - 126 killed: Radio Pakistan

State-run Radio Pakistan is reporting that 126 have been killed. It is not clear how many of the casualties include children, although an earlier figure put the death toll of students at 84.

Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) leader Nighat Orakzai confirms to reporters that 125 children were killed in the Peshawar attack.

3:30pm - PPP denounces attack

PPP's Qamar Zaman Qaira says Pakistan has long been a victim of terrorism and must unite to fight the scourge.

"Condemning this incident is not enough, this is a message for the world as well to see the kind of sacrifices we have to give," he says.
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