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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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There something that went horribly wrong during Operation or else how were they able to kill so many children
give ti few days and it will be forgotten like Wahaga massacre, Hazara massacre and last year Church massacre.
problem is not just these terrorism but people living among us who are facilitating them , letting them use their houses while they plan their attacks

It seems this attack was for the sole purpose of the maximum casuality.I thought after PA military ops all of them found their way to hell or across theAfghanistan.
But it seems they are again start this ops.
In yours opinion how can your govt end this scrouge once and for all ? Any long term.plan ?
Only the cowards attack unarmed, innocent school children and proudly claim responsibility. We stand with the people of Pakistan in their time of grief and condemn this cowardly act in the strongest of terms. Our condolences go out to the families and parents of the victims. Ambassador Richard Olson also issued a statement of condolence to the families of the victims. “The United States strongly condemns senseless and inhumane attacks on innocent students and educators, and stands in solidarity with the people of Pakistan, and all who fight the menace of terrorism,” a statement issued by the US Embassy in Islamabad says. “Few have suffered more at the hands of terrorists and extremists than the people of Pakistan,” the statement says, adding that “that is why it remains essential for the United States and Pakistan to continue to work together to secure peace and stability in the region”.

These are desperate measures by the terrorists, but they should know that these cowardly acts will not go unanswered. They will be hunted down and eliminated.

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command
India strongly condemns Peshawar school attack

India today strongly condemned the barbaric attack on a school in Peshawar in which at least 124 children were killed, saying there is never a justification for terrorism.

No words will capture the feeling of deep revulsion and horror we feel about this terror attack against innocent children of the Army Public School in Peshawar – It was not just innocent children who have been massacred today, but the very conception of humanity,” Official Spokesperson in the External Affairs Ministry Syed Akbaruddin said here.

Terming the attack as “crime against humanity”, he said prayers are with the families and loved ones of all those who lost their lives or were injured in this barbaric incident.

We hope the almighty gives them the courage and fortitude to bear their irreparable loss. There never has been, nor will there ever be, a justification for terrorism. Our hearts go out to the grief-stricken families of the innocent children killed and injured in this barbaric attack in Peshawar,” he added.

At least 124 students were among 126 people killed earlier in the day when heavily-armed Arabic speaking Taliban suicide attackers stormed an army-run school, shooting from classroom-to-classroom and taking several hostages using them as human shield in Pakistan’s volatile Peshawar city.

A group of 8-10 suicide attackers wearing paramilitary Frontier Corps uniforms entered Army Public School on Warsak Road around 10.30 (local time) and started indiscriminate firing, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak said there.

India strongly condemns Peshawar school attack | Business Line
Condolences from India.
just a question..
in these type of ops.. can you use Snipers on helis
Its an extremely difficult proposition to have a sniper bring down accurate fire from a heli. At best you can do some suppressive work from up there, but the vibrations on the heli are not very conducive to accurate sniper firing. On top of that, there are a lot of other issues with range, ballistics etc. because you are on a moving platform trying to shoot at a static or slow moving target.
Assassination attempt upon Amir Muqam. How have they infiltrated Peshawar? Why can't they pull off such massive attacks in Lahore, Rawalpindi etc but always succeed in Peshawar?
Only the cowards attack unarmed, innocent school children and proudly claim responsibility. We stand with the people of Pakistan in their time of grief and condemn this cowardly act in the strongest of terms. Our condolences go out to the families and parents of the victims. Ambassador Richard Olson also issued a statement of condolence to the families of the victims. “The United States strongly condemns senseless and inhumane attacks on innocent students and educators, and stands in solidarity with the people of Pakistan, and all who fight the menace of terrorism,” a statement issued by the US Embassy in Islamabad says. “Few have suffered more at the hands of terrorists and extremists than the people of Pakistan,” the statement says, adding that “that is why it remains essential for the United States and Pakistan to continue to work together to secure peace and stability in the region”.

These are desperate measures by the terrorists, but they should know that these cowardly acts will not go unanswered. They will be hunted down and eliminated.

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command

We nee actions not words.

Words are cheap my friend!
Well that is the idea. They will not disclose who they are.

They are doing what they can. There is no one quick fix here. Its a gradual fight. Remove the support structure in the FATA, then go after them in the cities. Its going to be a while till Pakistan is completely free from this sort of trouble. With Americans leaving Afghanistan, the fire that was lit up is being starved of oxygen. The ones who have designs of grandeur in Pakistan are being dealt with, but they will hit back at soft targets until they are eliminated or decide to quit.
Once Americans are gone, is it expected these terrorists in FATA would return to Afghanistan?
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