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When Sanctions lifted, Pak-Iranian joint military exercises discussed.


Jul 23, 2010
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Have heard that - as per recent Pakistani Iranian - talks - Iranian request on joint military exercises, and the return of Iranian military cadets into various Pakistani military institutions has been accepted, on principle this will also involve Officers on deputation, in each others military.

All Allies including US, EU, Gulf and PRC have been informed, and most are supportive, everyone wants the nuclear deal to succeed and Iran to come in from the cold.

According to sources, the aim is to put the relationship back to when the Shah's times/.
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Have heard that - as per recent Pakistani Iranian - talks - Iranian request on joint military exercises, and the return of Iranian military cadets into various Pakistani military institutions has been excepted, on principle this will also involve Officers on deputation, in each others military.

All Allies including US, EU, Gulf and PRC have been informed, and most are supportive, everyone wants the nuclear deal to succeed and Iran to come in from the cold.

According to sources, the aim is to put the relationship back to when the Shah's times/.

Like a joint military offensive in Baluchistan? Man I'm dreaming of that day, we could finish every single terrorist in less than a week of such operation. But we shall wait and see for the future.
Like a joint military offensive in Baluchistan? Man I'm dreaming of that day, we could finish every single terrorist in less than a week of such operation. But we shall wait and see for the future.

are you thinking about Iranian forces Conducting Operations in Pakistan soil ? seriously ?
are you thinking about Iranian forces Conducting Operations in Pakistan soil ? seriously ?

Do you know what a joint military offensive is? Both sides may agree to use each others' soil, equipment and information to reach a common goal. Stop being over-nationalistic, I meant a joint military action in which both sides agree with the objectives and the means to reach it.
Do you know what a joint military offensive is? Both sides may agree to use each others' soil, equipment and information to reach a common goal. Stop being over-nationalistic, I meant a joint military action in which both sides agree with the objectives and the means to reach it.

yeah i know ... Thank you for Explaining but dont over dream here buddy ... i dont think Pakistani army will agree for that .. that will create a Chaos in our country which consist of a 90%+ sunni ...
and i am Against having other Forces on my land to conduct Operation against Any Insurgence .. you can clear your area's and we can do the same ... and sharing Intelligence is fine ...
It will eventually happen, but not in recent future considering Yemen crisis. Pakistan will have to handle it with finesse if it wants to maintain good relations with both KSA and Iran.
yeah i know ... Thank you for Explaining but dont over dream here buddy ... i dont think Pakistani army will agree for that .. that will create a Chaos in our country which consist of a 90%+ sunni ...
and i am Against having other Forces on my land to conduct Operation against Any Insurgence .. you can clear your area's and we can do the same ... and sharing Intelligence is fine ...

I thought Pakistani members all say that Pakistanis are not sectarian. Since when did it become about Sunni-Shia?

But anyways, it doesn't matter how the goal is achieved, what we want is a terror free Baluchistan, Pakistan's army doesn't have the resolve to do anything effective against it now, but if the relations improve, things will change, hopefully.
I am all for improving ties between Iran and Pakistan. Iran under the shah was the first country to recognize Pakistan's independence. About 60% of Pakistans exports to Iran are of wheat and rice. There is a great scope for further trade which had been hampered largely by sanctions (something our spineless government has been extremely worried about) and Pakistan and Iran were looking for a barter deal till the time of Zardari.

Anyway I hope that relations can be put back to what they once were. Under ZAB Pakistan and Iran have also undertaken joint military operations in Balochistan however and I don't actually back these though @Serpentine even though I greatly favor ties with Iran. Those operations and the dissolvation of the ruling government of the province (similar to what we did in Bengal) for no obvious reason created a lot of backlash in Pakistani Balochistan and several Baloch rebels of today were born at that time. Also if the operation had gained any more intensity India could have taken the opportunity to attack us like it did in 1971.6000 Pakistani civilians died in the operation in the 70's. Ataullah Mengal and others were mistreated, several leaders even arrested for no reason, no real logic.

We should stop thinking of military means to eliminate a largely ethnic problem. @DESERT FIGHTER and @Irfan Baloch perhaps can elucidate further.
I thought Pakistani members all say that Pakistanis are not sectarian. Since when did it become about Sunni-Shia?

But anyways, it doesn't matter how the goal is achieved, what we want is a terror free Baluchistan, Pakistan's army doesn't have the resolve to do anything effective against it now, but if the relations improve, things will change, hopefully.

well we are not Sectarian but other countries make us , your country is on the list of that ...
supporting the Shia movements , target killing etc ..
just like our other brother KSA is funding a certain sect Madarsas ..

now , Balochistan situation is not that simple as you think , you really think that if Army launch a Massive Operation a similar one of Zarb-e-Azb , so we cant take those baba Adam era BLA ?
and again , clearing the Balochistan is same as clearing FATA , whenever we launch a Operation the TTP leadership runs to Afghanistan where they were facilitated by ANA and Indians ... same goes with Balochistan , the run to Iran ... and guess what some is already there to support them ...
Anyway I hope that relations can be put back to what they once were. Under ZAB Pakistan and Iran have also undertaken joint military operations in Balochistan however and I don't actually back these though @Serpentine even though I greatly favor ties with Iran. Those operations and the dissolvation of the ruling government of the province (similar to what we did in Bengal) for no obvious reason created a lot of backlash in Pakistani Balochistan and several Baloch rebels of today were born at that time.

That is a very sane advice (only can come from a deep thinker such as yourself). Any operation must be in tandem with political solutions on both side of borders with economic prosperity being the goal. Otherwise it will fail. But operation is necessary since, alot of filth has accumulated there since 70's.
I am all for improving ties between Iran and Pakistan. Iran under the shah was the first country to recognize Pakistan's independence. About 60% of Pakistans exports to Iran are of wheat and rice. There is a great scope for further trade which had been hampered largely by sanctions (something our spineless government has been extremely worried about) and Pakistan and Iran were looking for a barter deal till the time of Zardari.

Anyway I hope that relations can be put back to what they once were. Under ZAB Pakistan and Iran have also undertaken joint military operations in Balochistan however and I don't actually back these though @Serpentine even though I greatly favor ties with Iran. Those operations and the dissolvation of the ruling government of the province (similar to what we did in Bengal) for no obvious reason created a lot of backlash in Pakistani Balochistan and several Baloch rebels of today were born at that time. Also if the operation had gained any more intensity India could have taken the opportunity to attack us like it did in 1971.6000 Pakistani civilians died in the operation in the 70's. Ataullah Mengal and others were mistreated, several leaders even arrested for no reason, no real logic.

We should stop thinking of military means to eliminate a largely ethnic problem. @DESERT FIGHTER and @Irfan Baloch perhaps can elucidate further.

For Paksitan maybe it's a ethnic problem, but for Iran, it's a sectarian one, you can understand that by checking Facebook and Twitter accounts of terrorists which take pride in fighting 'Shia infidels'. They are bringing only and only misery to Baluch people. Why do you think people came to streets and celebrated when Abdulmalik Rigi was executed in Iran? Because his group's actions harmed the Baluch people more than any other group.

Yes military solution is not the only solution indeed, but it's needed when the opposite side knows only the gun and blood. We should develop Baluchistan as fast as we can, terrorism can vanish automatically when an area sees development. We are also to be blamed, we haven't done enough to develop Baluchistan.
By Baluchistan you mean Iranian Sistan and Baluchistan province too?

Any area in which terrorists are hiding.
It would not be nice to ammend relations with iran while being nuetral in the arab conflict-
It will give out bad signals and intentions-

And iran as usual will backstab Pakistan and go into the lap of India when the push will come to shove-
Like a joint military offensive in Baluchistan? Man I'm dreaming of that day, we could finish every single terrorist in less than a week of such operation. But we shall wait and see for the future.
By Baluchistan you mean Iranian Sistan and Baluchistan province too?

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