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Once you’re Pakistani, there is no going back to India

Err...only to those wanting to enter into India. Nobody gives a damn if they don't apply. Funny that those countries didn't feel a need to defend the" redefining " of citizenship but you do....
I have freedom to speak my word as much as you have freedom to stand shoulder to shoulder with discrimination
That's the problem india feels the need to redefine the citizenship status of another country :rofl:

Nope; either you have not read or are unable to comprehend that the Govts of USA and UK have accepted the Indian Govts's stand on this matter (Read Post #157 above) which is clear as daylight :rofl:

Now what some dude in some corner of the world thinks about it is irrelevant.
Maybe you can petition the ICJ on this matter, just try your luck.......
Nope; either you have not read or are unable to comprehend that the Govts of USA and UK have accepted the Indian Govts's stand on this matter (Read Post #157 above) which is clear as daylight :rofl:

Now what some dude in some corner of the world is irrelevant.
Maybe you can petition the ICJ on this matter, just try your luck.......
No thanks ...Talking to people in denial mode is not worth my time...Carry on discriminating your heart out!
No thanks ...Talking to people in denial mode is not worth my time...Carry on discriminating your heart out!

Hell no..... you're still unable to digest the meat of the matter.
So.... let me explain again; the Govt of India is simply asserting its rights on this matter.

While; a Visa is a matter of a Privilege NOT a Right.... simple as that.
Why don't you check the stance of the Govt. of the Republic of Singapore on this?
Or North Korea?
Or Uganda?
Or Australia?
or USA? :D

And any country that refuses you a visa, is not going to miss you.
Do you think that the Homeland Security Administration will ?
stance of the Govt. of the Republic of Singapore
They dont discriminate on laws made by other people.....i.e. whoever is American under American Laws stays American and American law applies to them...

US Passport Holders (regular, official and diplomatic) do not require a visa to enter Singapore for business or for social visit purposes. They must, however, meet the entry requirements as mentioned above.

Visa & Entry Requirements

Before you spew rubbish the article above states clearly:
After a short wait, I was told that I could not apply for an India visa on my US passport. “Sorry? I am a US citizen and that’s my country’s passport,” I said. “You are accepting the same passports of others”.

Equate only countries of your level of discrimination to yourself...Oh wait there arent any....

I dont know how many Pakistanis will have relatives in N.Korea, Uganda ...

Even the country repeatedly spewing discrimination (Australia) hasnt stooped to your level :enjoy:

Oh just so you know ....the whole article is related to PAKISTANI AMERICANS....what you are talking about or trying to bring in Pakistanis with Pakistani passports is gaga land and off topic

Now dont post this now that you are caught being practicing denial mode for PDF indians 101

After Reading comments I have realized Subcontinent is such a fckd up place and looks like will stay like this till the next decade
Not really. Only some horrid region accross eastern faultlines.
They dont discriminate on laws made by other people.....i.e. whoever is American under American Laws stays American and American law applies to them...

US Passport Holders (regular, official and diplomatic) do not require a visa to enter Singapore for business or for social visit purposes. They must, however, meet the entry requirements as mentioned above.

Visa & Entry Requirements

Before you spew rubbish the article above states clearly:

Equate only countries of your level of discrimination to yourself...Oh wait there arent any....

I dont know how many Pakistanis will have relatives in N.Korea, Uganda ...

Even the country repeatedly spewing discrimination (Australia) hasnt stooped to your level :enjoy:

Oh just so you know ....the whole article is related to PAKISTANI AMERICANS....what you are talking about or trying to bring in Pakistanis with Pakistani passports is gaga land and off topic

Now dont post this now that you are caught being practicing denial mode for PDF indians 101

Hell; you really don't get it yet?

I was talking about the fact every country has the right to make its own rules to issue Visas to those who want to enter. It has nothing to do with pakistanis or whether they have relatives in any corner of the world..... after all the world does not revolve around Paksitanis.... does it?

Similarly for Singapore or USA (or Uganda or North Korea, both of which you seem to dislike for whatever reason) Try fighting with any of those countries about their rules for Visa issuance to visitors!

And after all that you come up with some Juvenile Picture to belabor your point?

At least you upped the "amusement quotient" here!
I was talking about the fact every country has the right to make its own rules to issue Visas to those who want to enter. It has nothing to do with pakistanis or whether they have relatives in any corner of the world..... after all the world does not revolve around Paksitanis.... does it?
You dont get it...When the conversation is over it is over...Denial is the only path for you :agree:

I couldnt care less what india wants to set...BUT according to American constitution a Pakistani citizen who is declared an American citizen shouldnt be discriminated with....It is not up to india to define who is American or not!

And after all that you come up with some Juvenile Picture to belabor your point?
Interesting take on not understanding I clearly stated where and what I am talking about while you are trying to drag every country to save your discrimination attitude !
You dont get it...When the conversation is over it is over...Denial is the only path for you :agree:

I couldnt care less what india wants to set...BUT according to American constitution a Pakistani citizen who is declared an American citizen shouldnt be discriminated with....It is not up to india to define who is American or not!

Interesting take on not understanding I clearly stated where and what I am talking about while you are trying to drag every country to save your discrimination attitude !
You have comprehension issues coupled with deliberate denial.

It is India's sovereign right who to let in and who to refuse. As mentioned above, visiting India for non-Indians is not a right.
India can choose to see Pakistani dual nationals as Pakistani only. It is not illegal and cannot be challenged in any Court of Law - Indian or International.

The Pakistanis who have a problem with this...can choose to simply not apply to visit India.

I don't see why you're burning over why India does not recognize dual nationals. None of the Indians here have said they are unhappy with this. An overwhelming majority of Indians want single nationality rights for Indian citizens including me...so why are you as a foreigner worried about this?
sovereign right who to let in and who to refuse.
I never denied that...I said it is NOT indias rights whom they define Americans and if that isnt an issue then discrimination against AN AMERICAN on American soil is really disgusting...

I don't see why you're burning over why India does not recognize dual nationals. None of the Indians here have said they are unhappy with this. An overwhelming majority of Indians want single nationality rights for Indian citizens including me...so why are you as a foreigner worried about this?
If you go through the thread you will notice this was brought in because you people dont know have dual nationality you behave in such a discriminatory way while the 2 countries who are on par with sharing their nationals BOTH give exactly the same rights to the people except when it becomes political not based on tourism or visiting relatives
I never denied that...I said it is NOT indias rights whom they define Americans and if that isnt an issue then discrimination against AN AMERICAN on American soil is really disgusting...
If it was discrimination against Americans on American soil, the GoTUS is legally obliged to end it. The fact that it is not doing so should tell anyone with even average intelligence that it is not the case.
If you go through the thread you will notice this was brought in because you people dont know have dual nationality you behave in such a discriminatory way while the 2 countries who are on par with sharing their nationals BOTH give exactly the same rights to the people except when it becomes political not based on tourism or visiting relatives
To give a very illustrative example - Two countries may find it agreeable to have cocaine legal..it does not mean it is right nor does it mean that other countries should follow such practices.

India has possibly the worlds largest diaspora spread over almost every country in the globe and far more successful than any other diaspora in the world. Indians are far more attuned to global needs and practices. So forgive us for not taking the words of a Pakistani seriously as to what is a better practice to run a country.

I reiterate..It is India's sovereign right to decide which passport India would consider for a visa. For Pakistanis are considered a security threat world over. There is a reason why Pakistanis have one of the worlds highest visa rejection rates.
You dont get it...When the conversation is over it is over...Denial is the only path for you :agree:

I couldnt care less what india wants to set...BUT according to American constitution a Pakistani citizen who is declared an American citizen shouldnt be discriminated with....It is not up to india to define who is American or not!

Interesting take on not understanding I clearly stated where and what I am talking about while you are trying to drag every country to save your discrimination attitude !
It is up to India to define who is American or not when it comes to India. You are confusing the jurisdictions. American constitution isn't worth the paper it is printed on in India and visa-versa. For example, if a person is born is US, US considers him/her American. But India considers him/her Indian if passport is obtained with in a year of birth. In fact, India is defining that the person is not American. It all depends on who has the jurisdiction. When some one applies for Indian visa, he/she are subjecting themselves to Indian jurisdiction voluntarily, and India gets to define/decide their nationality. Ofcourse, that won't have any effect whatsoever outside india's soil and India doesn't care about that...
WTH is a go tus?

To give a very illustrative example - Two countries may find it agreeable to have cocaine legal..it does not mean it is right nor does it mean that other countries should follow such practices.

I reiterate..It is India's sovereign right to decide which passport India would consider for a visa. For Pakistanis are considered a security threat world over. There is a reason why Pakistanis have one of the worlds highest visa rejection rates.
you done parroting your crap out....now kindly stop quoting me....Repeating something out of ignorance isnt going to get you far!

It is up to India to define who is American or not when it comes to India. You are confusing the jurisdictions. American constitution isn't worth the paper it is printed on in India and visa-versa. For example, if a person is born is US, US considers him/her American. But India considers him/her Indian if passport is obtained with in a year of birth. In fact, India is defining that the person is not American. It all depends on who has the jurisdiction. When some one applies for Indian visa, he/she are subjecting themselves to Indian jurisdiction voluntarily, and India gets to define/decide their nationality. Ofcourse, that won't have any effect whatsoever outside india's soil and India doesn't care about that...
Thank you for a much politer answer....

So india is showing care to Pakistanis? less care of such sort would do those with relatives on your land good :tup:

It is our country ; our rules ; even the US cannot do anything about it
Good for them....I cant be bothered what you lot do or dont....I found it discriminatory and I had the right to point it out....the 5 other Indians thinking its their duty to take it to a new level of nonsense was truly a waste of time!

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