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Once you’re Pakistani, there is no going back to India

The whole debate is regarding Indian Muslims trying to take history of others and call it Islamic history when it's not.

The debate is about Pakistanis miffed at not getting Indian Visas, but ok.

The above (revisionism, the mantle of conqueror being take up by the conquered, and converted, internalized to the extent that the collective starts buying into and beleieving the lie) is not an Indian Muslim thing but a subcontinental Muslim thing.

Hence the amusing narrative "we ruled you for a thoousand years"

The other end of the spectrum is our far right hardwingers who actually look upon subcontinental Muslims as "kamjor khoon". Weak blood.

Yes one can get conquered from time to time. And then fight back.

But when your mind makes you the conqueror for posterity thereafter, that is when you truly get permanently conquered.
This is for the purpose of getting an Indian visa. India alone decides. We are not interested about American citizenship otherwise.
India cant decide who is considered American by Americans...The very need for you to justify a form of discrimination is really shocking! But then again it must be a norm for you!

Once again, for the purpose of applying for an Indian visa.
No body is really giving much of a shit about the visa as much as some foreign body questioning their citizenship!

What I said. If you have a Pakistani passport/dual nationality, you can't get in as an American.
And you seemed to have blindly missed :
“You are accepting the same passports of others”.
I dont think others were giving a Pakistani passport at an indian embassy in America! So quit parroting and start reading!


Pakistani nationals are not eligible for Tourist Visa; they should apply for Visitor Visa instead. Visitor Visa is generally valid for three months. Applicants should specify places to be visited.

All applicants of Pakistani origin who hold dual nationality must apply for an Indian Visa on their Pakistani passport only. Those holding NICOP must give a copy thereof. Copy of NADRA Card, with English translation clearly indicating address, must also be submitted.

Processing time for applications from Pakistani nationals/ those holding dual nationality may generally be 2-3 months longer than other cases.

Pakistani nationals should also submit a sponsorship certificate, duly attested by authorized officer in India, along with self-attested copy of photo identity card of the issuing officer. In case of a family (only spouses and children), one sponsorship certificate can be submitted for the whole family not exceeding six members if the family is travelling, entering and exiting India together. Sponsorship certificate may not be required in case of business visa or conference visa etc. if other supporting documents are available, or in case of applicants who have visited India within the past two years. Embassy of India would decide this requirement on case to case basis.

Validity of Visa: Applicants (except Business visa) must avail the visa within 90 days of issue.


All applicants of Pakistani origin who hold dual nationality must apply for an Indian Visa on their Pakistani passport only. Those holding NICOP must give a copy thereof. Those who have renounced Pakistani nationality or cancelled their Pakistani passport should submit documentary proof of the same.

Processing time of applications received from persons of Pakistani origin may take 7-8 weeks or more.

Embassy of India, The Hague, The Netherlands : Persons of Pakistani Origin

Official advice from the government of UK:

Applicants of Pakistani origin

All applicants of Pakistani origin who hold dual British-Pakistan nationality must apply for an Indian visa on their Pakistan passport. Those who have either renounced Pakistani nationality or cancelled their Pakistani passport would need to submit documentary proof of this.

Processing time for visa applications received from persons of Pakistani origin will be 7-8 weeks or more.

Processing time for applications from those holding dual British-Pakistan nationality will be substantially longer.

India travel advice - GOV.UK
So the scam is spread to Europe too :pop:

The only one with a pathetic understanding of the English language here is you. I said I support Indian policy on dual nationality, so there is no angst for me whatsoever about people of Indian origin not having dual nationality since I don't believe they should have it. The use of the word wrath was merely to put things in perspective.You don't have to explain everything but it would help if you understood even a little.
I am the one who used the word wrath...so I am guessing the last bit was a mental note!

Indian rules are even tough on U.S. citizens of Indian origin who wish to apply for visa/PIO status on their American passports. They have to show either a cancelled Indian passport or a renunciation certificate stating that they are no longer Indian citizens. People using Indian passports after obtaining citizenship of any other country can go to jail for up to 5 years.
Not my interest and nothing to do with the topic at hand!

Aman ki Tamasha it is. We had one case of David Headley, we don't wish to enable another. If that is too much for you, tough!
Thank you for agreeing! :tup:

A Visa is not a right but a privilege
Yup the way people line up for visa for overseas and pay huge chunks of their life saving is a privilege!

India does not recognise Dual-Citizenship. In that case, the original Citizenship applies over-riding all others.
Not every country on the planet thinks as narrowly as India!

India rightfully took a stern stand against China’s discrimination against Indian citizens. In an interview to the ANI, External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna said, “It has come to the notice of the government of India that China is issuing different visas to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. We are taking up the issue with the Chinese government,” he said. “We will tell them that visa related issue should be uniform, there should not be any discrimination among the Indian nationals while issuing visas.”
Yea even to go to China...India cried their way through! :woot: But when it comes to the voice of others....Well, we all know indians!
Probably some do.

Though, given the fact that your prophet use to drink camel piss and recommended it to his followers, I expect some sort of understanding from religion of peace towards piss drinkers.

MERS Virus Symptoms Being Spread By Muslims Drinking Camel Urine?

The benefits of drinking camel urine - islamqa.info

Camel Urine and Islam - WikiIslam

Although I dont disagree with your links and your explanation but it seems some people are finding it difficult to reconcile the fact that their cow urine jibe will hit back at them with .. you guessed it. camel urine.

and yes you are right,. after learning about Islamic references to use of camel urine I find myself more understanding towards Hindu practice of using cow urine.

by the way lets leave this golden drink discussion for another time.
India cant decide who is considered American by Americans...The very need for you to justify a form of discrimination is really shocking! But then again it must be a norm for you!

Nobody feels the need to justify anything to you. India will decide what citizenship it accepts for those applying for a visa. Nobody cares for the whining. Certainly not the U.S. government since they seem uninterested.

No body is really giving much of a shit about the visa as much as some foreign body questioning their citizenship!

Tough. Go cry where someone cares. No one invited these people to apply for an Indian visa . No one is interested in their citizenship, only that they use a specific one for the purpose of applying for an Indian visa. Considering that they have two citizenships, how is that an issue? What gives them a right to dictate to the Indian government how it should see them? Based on their preference?

And you seemed to have blindly missed :

I dont think others were giving a Pakistani passport at an indian embassy in America! So quit parroting and start reading!

Maybe you should understand what you read. It means that no insistence on what passport to use was asked for other dual citizenship nationals but only for Pakistanis. That is the basic point here, accepted as the reference for discussion.. Something you still don't get?

I am the one who used the word wrath...so I am guessing the last bit was a mental note!

Err....you don't own that word. You will find I used it too & since you seemed confused, I put my usage of the word in the context intended.

Yea even to go to China...India cried their way through! :woot: But when it comes to the voice of others....Well, we all know indians!

Whine away. On behalf of those who think being asked to use your country's passport is obnoxious. Who think it is beneath them to be treated the same as other Pakistanis..... As I said, your opinion & your whining doesn't count for much. Not with the U.K. & U.S. governments & certainly not with the Indian.

The main point here is simple. the governments of those countries where India has, according to the author & you, questioned that country's citizenship, simply don't seem to give a damn.

To refresh your memory:

U.S. State Department:

“Unfortunately, the State Department is limited in its influence on foreign government visa and immigration actions,” he said. “Visas for travel to India are issued only by Indian authorities and are entirely under the purview of Indian laws, regulations, and procedures.”

Official advice from the government of UK:
India travel advice - GOV.UK

Applicants of Pakistani origin
All applicants of Pakistani origin who hold dual British-Pakistan nationality must apply for an Indian visa on their Pakistan passport. Those who have either renounced Pakistani nationality or cancelled their Pakistani passport would need to submit documentary proof of this.

Processing time for visa applications received from persons of Pakistani origin will be 7-8 weeks or more.
Processing time for applications from those holding dual British-Pakistan nationality will be substantially longer.
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Unlike some other that call themselves as secular moderate democracy but the i what is happening there to the minorities??? Do you see this kind of ethnic cleansing in modern times what is being done to Muslims, Christians, Sikhs.... or have been done??
u got a big prejudice against us.
i have noted that this has been repeated a no. of times here on pdf,,,,,,,but if we look at facts,,,how do u attribute the increase in no. of minorities in India aftr partition. n the opposite in Pakistan.,,,doesnt this simple fact proves that we r actually secular n moderate(atleast to a degree,i suppose)
Many more dear, you can look it up for yourself and if there are any problems let me know and i can name a few.
well,,,,cant we say the same,,,we have much more to show thn u do.
It is always better to correct oneself first before criticizing others for a similar mistake.
this i agree with
Also in Pakistan, we also have Muslims killing Muslims, so these terrorists are not making life problematic for one particular religion.
no one is disputing the fact that muslims(ttp or neothr grp)r killing more muslims thn othrwise,,,,maybe it has somthng to do with the fact that they claim to do all of in the name of religion.

I am not saying that all is perfect here but just telling you the situation in this same region.
same??well,,let me just disagree.
Just one small thing to add, i think it is our role to address these issues. We are a bunch of young people from different countries and backgrounds, different religions., this is our duty to preach peace.
ideally yes:-)
I have family in rural Sindh, i see the hindu labour there,
i am pretty sure that an ordinary Indians meets a person belonging to othr faith lot more often thn u do,,,,,hence its not a big deal for us,honestly
On a side note, i think u will be surprised to know that my chahca who lives there in sindh, he have a hindu guy who takes care of his farming etc. and my czns, they call him mamu :) So it is not that everything is bad and it is also not that all is perfectly fine!!!
is this supposed to be a big deal??
contrary to what u believe to be true about India n Indians,,,,we r not as bad as u think we r(i may as well say,better thn arabs any day:D)
let me just say that u guys have very little amount of interaction with ppl of othr faith compared to us,,,
about ur mamu,,,,,,my bhanjis dai ma is muslim,,both parents work,,she takes care of her
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1.India cant decide who is considered American by Americans...The very need for you to justify a form of discrimination is really shocking! But then again it must be a norm for you!

2.Yup the way people line up for visa for overseas and pay huge chunks of their life saving is a privilege!

3.Not every country on the planet thinks as narrowly as India!

4.Yea even to go to China...India cried their way through! :woot: But when it comes to the voice of others....Well, we all know indians!

Now the answers to the points above:
1. India does not care who the Americans consider as Americans...... India just reserves the right who to let into the country.
Just as GoP reserves the right to decide who is a Muslim and who is not! Kapisch!

2. People have the option to line up for visas, just as Countries have the discretion whether to admit them (or not). Guess you are aware of that by now. You do not have carte-blanche to enter any country, whether North Korea, Somailia, Rwanda, Singapore, USA or anywhere.

3. LMAO, by now it is as clear as daylight who is narrow minded and who is not.... Please also do refer to #1. as a reminder.

4. That was a different matter since you have not understood that issue yet. It was not a matter of China refusing visas; but a matter of China issuing visas..... in a different format to people who were Indian Citizens first and last, not any dude with dual citizenship..... since India does not accept that Indians can have divided loyalties (aka Dual Citizenship), unlike other countries (Do I have to remind you about H.E. Ambassador Husain Haqqani who was his country's envoy to USA) :D

So.... in conclusion ;a Visa is a privilege and not a right!
And you have to thank your country-man a certain Daood Gilani alias David Headley (a convicted felon) for this situation that you may find yourself in.

One thing's for sure, she's not blond, otherwise her Heading would be "Once you're a Pakistani and one of your own was involved in terrorist attack, you can't go back to India."

My Gawwwd! Blonds sure love India, don't they? Every blond is itching to runaway from home to marry an Indian, no? :o:

On topic: Who cares?
After Reading comments I have realized Subcontinent is such a fckd up place and looks like will stay like this till the next decade
1. India does not care who the Americans consider as Americans...... India just reserves the right who to let into the country.
Just as GoP reserves the right to decide who is a Muslim and who is not! Kapisch!
Use a better excuse to disguise your discrimination :enjoy: ocz according to American constitution they are Americans!

GoP is not part of India hence not necessary in this argument...I do not waste my time on those who go to a low to pretend they earned their mark!
After Reading comments I have realized Subcontinent is such a fckd up place and looks like will stay like this till the next decade

True enough..... 6 decades+ of certain behaviour patterns cannot be jettisoned easily.
That's the problem india feels the need to redefine the citizenship status of another country :rofl:

Err...only to those wanting to enter into India. Nobody gives a damn if they don't apply. Funny that those countries didn't feel a need to defend the" redefining " of citizenship but you do....

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