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Taiwan plan to eventually reunite with China.

Chinese President Xi backs Taiwanese business ventures

As Taiwan’s Kuomintang (‪#‎KMT‬) Chairman Eric Chu pays his first official visit to the Chinese mainland, economic cooperation has been a topic of priority among leaders.

During a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Chu on Monday, Xi said the mainland is willing to take lead in sharing development opportunities with ‪#‎Taiwan‬ compatriots.

Xi called for more opportunities for Taiwan’s ordinary people, small businesses, farmers, fisherman and young people who want to start their own career on China’s mainland.

“We will continue to protect the legitimate interests and rights of Taiwanese businesses on the mainland, and create a better environment for their development.”

Businesses from Taiwan running on the Chinese mainland have been growing. In 2014, over 600 companies from Taiwan have landed in Shanghai, 70% of them small and medium sized service companies with a relatively small capital.

At the meeting Xi also proposed the two sides make proper arrangements for Taiwan’s participation in regional economic cooperation, without violating the One China Principle, and welcomed Taiwan’s willingness to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Increased economic cooperation between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan was also the focus of the 10th Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Culture Forum, which was held on May 3rd in Shanghai.

At the conclusion of the forum, both sides agreed to explore ways to let Taiwan incorporate itself more into the mainland's recent ventures, including the Belt and Road initiatives and the AIIB.

Bilateral trade volume has surged in recent years. In 2014, trade between the two sides was nearly 200 billion U.S. dollars, while in 2005 the trade volume was just above 90 billion U.S. dollars.


Unification is unavoidable. And that will happen just organically.
I see some white hair, take care of yourelft XI.
yes, you are right , you don't have rightful to itu Aba Island,

We dont have the name as you stated
We are in control and administration of the territory under our own terms including an airplane runway which is expanding
Come and get it if you want

I would be realistic. Only 10% of Taiwanese consider themselves Chinese and almost nobody wants any one-country-two-systems. China should change this by striking Tainan with a medium-sized nuclear warhead to reduce green population. I think most Taiwanese would accept reunification right after such a strike. Tainan erased would have little impact on the local economy. Similar philosophy behind Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't know if it's 10% but the number is less than 50% for sure. Human beings are strange indeed. When one country give good things to another civilization, the receiver civilization despise the giver country. Example, China gave culture, language and civility to Vietnam, Japan , Korea (whatever it was called at that time). these countries despise China. US killed 2m Vietnamese and dropped the A bomb and killed over 300,000 civilians. Both these countries love US

I don't know if it's 10% but the number is less than 50% for sure. Human beings are strange indeed. When one country give good things to another civilization, the receiver civilization despise the giver country. Example, China gave culture, language and civility to Vietnam, Japan , Korea (whatever it was called at that time). these countries despise China. US killed 2m Vietnamese and dropped the A bomb and killed over 300,000 civilians. Both these countries love US

True...People are indeed strange.

Imperial Japan developed Manchuria using native Chinese resources, from raw materials to human labor, so morally speaking, upon the defeat and ejection of Japan from China, everything in Manchuria belongs to China. Yet when Stalin took over Manchuria and looted everything back to Russia...

Soviet invasion of Manchuria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...Mao did nothing and continues to venerate Stalin to the point of declaring a national day of mourning when Stalin died.
I don't know if it's 10% but the number is less than 50% for sure. Human beings are strange indeed. When one country give good things to another civilization, the receiver civilization despise the giver country. Example, China gave culture, language and civility to Vietnam, Japan , Korea (whatever it was called at that time). these countries despise China. US killed 2m Vietnamese and dropped the A bomb and killed over 300,000 civilians. Both these countries love US


Violence might beget worship. That's interesting. In the Middle East, people become suicide-bomber for a God that punishes severely as well as rewards plentifully. An all-loving teaching can hardly recruits fanatics.

That said, unification with Taiwan is a political issue, not social or cultural. Hence the solution must be political. So long as there is not direct foreign meddling, I guess China can live with the status-quo for another decade.

What is important for China is now to get the economic unification going, especially the services agreement, in order to absorb Taiwan from inside out. Unification will happen almost organically.
Yes, Taiwan is planning to take over mainland.

It's an old news actually. Everyone already know about this.

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