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Something Indian Air Force can learn from PAF

I feel so embarrassed that ladies can fly fighter jet & i canNOT...:undecided::hitwall:
Women are not equally capable as men in some things, this being one. It's a good idea to keep these things male-only. For the sake of your own country.
The status of women in Pakistan continues to vary considerably across different classes, regions, and the rural/urban divide due to uneven socioeconomic development and the impact of tribal, feudal, and urban social customs on women's lives. While some women are soaring in the skies as pilots of passenger jets and supersonic fighter planes, others are being buried alive for defying tribal traditions.

In terms of the women's political representation in the nation's parliament, there has clearly never been a better time. The discriminatory laws such as the Hudood ordnance have been repealed or diluted. In addition to dozens of women colleges and universities, some of the co-educational professional institutions of higher learning have 50% or higher enrollment of women. Girls account for 53% of all college students in Pakistan, according to the 2005 Education Census. There are other indicators such as women's growing numbers in the traditional male professions such as engineering, law, medicine, business, the police and the military. Women's ranks have also grown in the nation's entertainment, news and mass media and they are much freer than ever to express themselves in the choice of appearance, speech, clothing, arts, entertainment etc. There have even been performances of The Vagina Monologues in Pakistan. Localized with Urdu and Punjabi words, The Vagina Monologues was first staged in Islamabad in 2003 for an audience of 160, mostly women, followed by performances for mixed audiences in Karachi and Lahore. Organized with AMAL, an NGO working on gender rights in Pakistan, the actresses added information about local incidents of violence against women and honor killings.

Haq's Musings: Status of Women in Pakistan
Not giving women equal opportunity is discrimination and every sensible person must reject it.
I'm fully against the any such policy which single out women on the basis of their gender.
We should throw out this belief that women are some how weaker..... they are not... let say fit women are better than many men.
Women are not equally capable as men in some things, this being one. It's a good idea to keep these things male-only. For the sake of your own country.

I know a woman who could literally rip you to shreds for saying that.

Women are not equally capable as men in some things, this being one. It's a good idea to keep these things male-only. For the sake of your own country.

Well i dont belive women is less capable than men..women now are working in every sector ..they even travel to space.So its just male chauvinist idea that female is less capable than men..

As for Indian Airforce the decision for not letting women to fly fighter aircrafts is mainly because of the pregnancy issues.we spent lot of money for their training and they become pregnant all those money and time went to drain..Its nothing to do with they are less capable than men..There are plenty of women pilots in US and European Airforce..if they can sure our South Asian women can also..just give them the opportunity to proove them selves..
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DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Sky is the limit for Pakistan?s women fighter pilots

India has always prided itself on being a country at the forefront of womens' rights in the developing world. It is a shame that Indian Air Force still does not take in women as fighter pilots although they do fly cargo planes. India can surely take a leaf out of PAF's book and stop this discrimination.

My point is that if a woman is a better pilot then she should be given a chance. We should not induct women pilots just for the sake of it. Sometimes giving unnecessary priority is itself a discrimination.
I am surprised.........we may as well lock our women up and go backwards instead...

During the time of the Prophet (PBUH) women were allowed to have jobs, women were even in the battlefields, albeit, most of the time in medical grounds....but it is never discouraged...

My point is...of the women in the US and UK can become fighter pilots, soldiers then WTF is wrong with our women....(when I say our I mean. India & Pakistan)...come one people....give our women a chance, the skies the limit for them, NO DOUBTS
Not giving women equal opportunity is discrimination and every sensible person must reject it.
I'm fully against the any such policy which single out women on the basis of their gender.
We should throw out this belief that women are some how weaker..... they are not... let say fit women are better than many men.
You might want to file a complaint in the court of Almighty Allah; Out of 186,000 known prophets, not one was a woman, now this what you should call discrimination.
My point is...of the women in the US and UK can become fighter pilots, soldiers then WTF is wrong with our women....
Nothing wrong with our women, only with the rampant unemployment situation of our country. We are so eager to have women in various fields as if all the able men have got jobs and now we don't have eligible men to fill-up those positions. It is a big mistake to compare our social system with that of the US and UK. Single parents, divorce rate, gay lesbian issues, broken families.... in just every aspect, we are different.
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