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Iran Successfully Tested Missile Boats with 110 Knots (203km/h) Speed!!!

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I think It is time to back actual subject instead of trolling about different subjects that You don't have any idea.

Sinan's post:

What soheil showed to you is English made Bladerunner 35.
View attachment 225290

Iranians re-painted it. Put some PVC and a basket on it's top and an unreachable manuel machine gun on the front.

View attachment 225291

And they gave an Iranian name to it.

While the producer company says 122 km/h for it's max speed, Iranians say 130 km/h....maybe because of the crazy steering skills of the Iranian captains.


Sinan actually composed general image of What We regularly meet When Iran introduced something "new".:meeting:
ok sweet heart.. whatever your mindset dictates....
ok sweet heart.. whatever your mindset dictates....

This is proper argumentation right here. Lol are these guys this lost? It must truelly hurt them knowing how BS some of these "Iranian" products are. You keep making wannabe smart-asss comments all you want, reality will tell the truth in time :)
I once checked Turk's assembly products pages in this forum... I could not find a single Iranian obsessed or talk about it... I don't know what is the secret behind turk's obsession with all Iranian fake weapons in fake drills... Leave the worthless weapons to us... we use photoshop to defend ourseleves... what the **** it has to do with torks who jump in like freaks... proving to Iranians that they have better assembly lines!! Last time it was a talk about Iranian photshop Cars and out of a sudden, with no reference or invitation...turks jumped in that we do build cars too!!!
or this Iranian photoshop wooden boats... once again the sky ripped off and a turk jumped down showing they have boats too and they are no photoshop!!!

Go get a job... Iran is lonnnnnng gone... fine a par country... what about Eritrea?

Go assemble yourself in Turk pages and when somebody asked you to show what you assemble, show them...even if they are Korean tanks, American UAVs or Italian choppers... You are a source of conflict of relevence to my eyes...

Go assemble yourself...

and rate me as negative rates as you want... like they believed that PDF is their assembly factory!! Does this Negative Ratings affect my salary? I hope not!!

Just to remind you:

Par Country + Get over it + Loooong Gone + Assemble yourself
Same basket in the top of US coastal command boat........So ridiculous .............:D
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the only BS is your county backwardness and lack of real strategic weapons and lack of self sufficiency

You say my country is backwards yet you are the one with the Mullah regime and its nonstop propaganda lol. Define "strategic" weapons and "self sufficiency". Because there is a difference between being able to produce and build proper good equipment for your army that is on par with todays standards and its equavalants, and producing American/ Chinese/ Ruskie copied products. Have you actually ever build anything yourself aside from building some half-assed products which will probably never in its existence be exported due to license. you are litteraly more dependent on foreign weaponry then anyone else in the region in this sense.

I once checked Turk's assembly products pages in this forum... I could not find a single Iranian obsessed or talk about it... I don't know what is the secret behind turk's obsession with all Iranian fake weapons in fake drills... Leave the worthless weapons to us... we use photoshop to defend ourseleves... what the **** it has to do with torks who jump in like freaks... proving to Iranians that they have better assembly lines!! Last time it was a talk about Iranian photshop Cars and out of a sudden, with no reference or invitation...turks jumped in that we do build cars too!!!
or this Iranian photoshop wooden boats... once again the sky ripped off and a turk jumped down showing they have boats too and they are no photoshop!!!

Go get a job... Iran is lonnnnnng gone... fine a par country... what about Eritrea?

Go assemble yourself in Turk pages and when somebody asked you to show what you assemble, show them...even if they are Korean tanks, American UAVs or Italian choppers... You are a source of conflict of relevence to my eyes...

Go assemble yourself...

and rate me as negative rates as you want... like they believed that PDF is their assembly factory!! Does this Negative Ratings affect my salary? I hope not!!

Just to remind you:

Par Country + Get over it + Loooong Gone + Assemble yourself

Assembly? Is that what you tell yourself when you go to bed every night? Dont delude yourself to much, its bad for your health.

At the risk of seeing you bark again, how about you show some proper sources :)
I once checked Turk's assembly products pages in this forum... I could not find a single Iranian obsessed or talk about it... I don't know what is the secret behind turk's obsession with all Iranian fake weapons in fake drills... Leave the worthless weapons to us... we use photoshop to defend ourseleves... what the **** it has to do with torks who jump in like freaks... proving to Iranians that they have better assembly lines!! Last time it was a talk about Iranian photshop Cars and out of a sudden, with no reference or invitation...turks jumped in that we do build cars too!!!
or this Iranian photoshop wooden boats... once again the sky ripped off and a turk jumped down showing they have boats too and they are no photoshop!!!

Go get a job... Iran is lonnnnnng gone... fine a par country... what about Eritrea?

Go assemble yourself in Turk pages and when somebody asked you to show what you assemble, show them...even if they are Korean tanks, American UAVs or Italian choppers... You are a source of conflict of relevence to my eyes...

Go assemble yourself...

and rate me as negative rates as you want... like they believed that PDF is their assembly factory!! Does this Negative Ratings affect my salary? I hope not!!

Just to remind you:

Par Country + Get over it + Loooong Gone + Assemble yourself

Did you realize You can't say any single thing about actual subject of this thread, but attacking Turkish members cause of expressing their ideas. Sinan typed many serious statements that many PDF members also agreed over and isoo as a shipbuilding engineer, expressed the structural limitation and engineering parts but Instead of telling Why Sinan and isoo's points are wrong, You are asking here Why Turks are here blocking your propaganda/lies? That really make a sense in a military forum ? If you have an open and clear roadway out of some lies in terms of such military developments, Why would you have a pain and anger, When such things that all of us see, are being told in your threads ?
isoo probably made good points, but he had a mocking, satirical attitude which is not how he should have acted. If there are faults with such projects, as an Iranian, I'd love to hear outside perspective. I don't know crap about boat engineering.

But from isoo's first post, he came across as someone who was trolling, and no one wonder you find scythian getting upset.

Is it too much to ask from our Turk brothers to, at least in this Iranian section, to try to engage the members here in a respectful manner?
isoo probably made good points, but he had a mocking, satirical attitude which is not how he should have acted. If there are faults with such projects, as an Iranian, I'd love to hear outside perspective. I don't know crap about boat engineering.

But from isoo's first post, he came across as someone who was trolling, and no one wonder you find scythian getting upset.

Is it too much to ask from our Turk brothers to, at least in this Iranian section, to try to engage the members here in a respectful manner?

What would be the point? Literally majority of the time we comment its constructive criticism, which in turn is passed off by Iranians as "Trolling". Generally most Turks answer and comment in respectfull manners, it just however always seems to be ill received.
That's a coastal command boat, not mark-v.. Also most likely a furuno radar, commercial radars are getting better and better..
:D.......sorry it was coastal command boat....i did mistake........

Iranians re-painted it. Put some PVC and a basket on it's top and an unreachable manuel machine gun on the front.

a basket.............:coffee:
isoo probably made good points, but he had a mocking, satirical attitude which is not how he should have acted. If there are faults with such projects, as an Iranian, I'd love to hear outside perspective. I don't know crap about boat engineering.

But from isoo's first post, he came across as someone who was trolling, and no one wonder you find scythian getting upset.

Is it too much to ask from our Turk brothers to, at least in this Iranian section, to try to engage the members here in a respectful manner?
i dont act in mocking way , it doesnt matter in which way i write ,i will face a trolling action in here by someone. If i wrote in here as if i wrote in turkish section with sharp and clear words, i can assure you i would face more harsh replies.

So i used a soft way, just in the intro of my 1st message i told about what is reference of your design company ( which is designed by themselves) is the floating planes , and then i pointed out in the jamaran and larger vessels,which are the game changers when they are deployed. Also i told by mocking way ,just to make a joke, you really need carbon nanotubes as advanced composites to make that boat going at 110 knots. I also told turkish company tried 75-80 knots and they faced problems because the design isnt capable. Also to the same company,when they presented their 60m design i gave worse opinions with sharper words than i wrote about your boats in here.

Later in the last post, i gave my comment on pictures and what are the missing (because the picture is purposed to show off the design and critical points)

That person, i even cant remember the name, clearly told many things to dishonour turkey and turkey's industry , try to say something to him/her about what he told to us. I didnt aim your industry directly, while i tell this is an act to do propaganda with fast boats and i told the design which will make sense to deploy against target,and i told what i would appreciate.

Also that person showed RC boat, why would a RC boat has bridge and windows, sorry but in which way i should tell this?
The Jamaran 1 Frigate has more in common with its English base design Saam Class as it was a development of that British Class Frigate... although no par in terms of weaponry, navigation, engine power, propeller technology, radars and EW capabilities...

Jamaran Frigate:


Damavand was a more different design but its Third Generation Sahand Frigate is off totally new design, as it is much heaviers...has a new Hull super structure... with 20 partitions instead of 29 of previous Damavand class... This shows stronger material and structure as Damavand with 29 chambers is shorter than Sahand in length and width... It is %20 wider in width and a few meters longer... Sahand also have isolated spaces between each partition to give it more resistance to fire or accidents... It has lower RCS radar section due its different design... and much stronger armor...


4 Iranian Bonyan-4 engines - 5000 hp each


Sahand Frigate:


Damavand Frigate:


but in new ship called Persian Gulf the engines will be Gas Turbines: It will use two Gas Turbines with 18 Megawatt each + 2 Diesel motors of 4 megawatt each + 6 one megawatt generators....

Persian Gulf Destroyer:



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Please look both at the Iranian poster's and Turkish poster's posts.

Its the most visible way of telling " i am doing propaganda" .
Their refence job is flying boats, it also uses revolutionary material (wood) and revolutionary structure ( basic as small fisher boats) . Wait a moment,they said composites? I hoped they to use carbon nanotubes ,it would be cost effective.

Yonca-onuk seriously achieved better performance than marc-V but unfortunately their design has some issues to be fixed, no need to detail the problem.
Yet they mention about 110 knots and they have no idea about how its to maneuver at that speed, in 40-50 knots boats use their displacement and sprint to maneuver, and maintaining their momentum by using water splash, but at 110 knot(**1) boats displacement will be small almost zero ( due to close ground effect of air flow ) and it cant use such system . Also in 110 knots ship will be fragile to sea state ,wave height ( cant stand even 10 cm wave ) and the result is failure , for the guys who mention about underwater hydrofoils , do you have any idea how thick hydrofoils should be, so that can stand pressure at 110 knots? Also do you have any idea about hydrofoil sections and their drag/lift ratios?

If they can reach to 110 knots, they have super talents to design structural and material (revolutionary ones :)) cant they use the airgap between boat and surface to maintain speed? Sure they cant , such tests can be only one in 2 test labs in world :).

Theoritically their test lab can test such hulls , but they miss a point, even for jamaran they didnt offer a new structure,or a new hullform,they used the existing things by copying ,its a frigate and weight saving is more crucial,they preffered a hull form from 70s and structural designs from 60s ( which from the times that Finite element method wasnt in use that well). So while they cant do it for their frigate, now does iran spend that much effor just for boat?

Lets say this boat is really produced, main reason to have a boat is, its weapon load , it can carry more than planes and has more range, but a boat which hits to 110 knot (ignore the other impossibilities ) will be so small and they are only proud of one machine gun on it? (they cant even put a machine gun,mostly one rider) An aircraft will be much ore efficient than it,so that design is basically useless.

**1 this boat should have a very low displacement for a low drag ,so can be driven with small engines and maintain its speed/weight stability. The other impossibility is the motion stability, and structural strength ,ship cant stand that loads when the motion becomes in stable, reference is, the flipping and broken raceboats.

Ha kimsenin giydiğine kimse karışamaz, benim yorumlamam bu kadar, iyi günler.

Yet again, another thread in this section has been plagued by these donkeys :disagree:
You people should stick to ripping off Korean tanks and renaming them to Altay :rofl:

You people are too dumb to have a proper discussion with. Your country men are too dumb to know what a radar is and call it a "basket" :lol:
This is not torkey where your nonsense and propaganda are allowed to flow freely.
You're the same imbecile who was putting his country in the same sentence as Russia in defence industry a while back.
Go back to ripping off korean K-2 and all the other nonsense you people are fed as achievement. When it comes to real defence hardware, you're in same league as UAE :rofl: Your people had to beg Germany for airdefence against a war battered Syria and now you're begging China for their air defence. Maybe you can repaint their air defence and claim it was made in torkey? Like how your only ballistic missiles are repainted Chinese ones :lol:

This Isoo cannot even write proper English. He is a fanboy like you who does not have any clue about what he is commenting about.

dude, you torks are nothing. this is why no Iranian ever even visits your section but you're here in our section like the plague. Your country is only good at assembling and renaming, nothing else.

This is why i'm saying Turkish members should avoid contact with Iranians....teaching things to chimps would be an easier feat to us. :meeting: Just laugh and pass, no need for trying to communicate.
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