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Karzai says India is friend, but, Pak twin brother

India is a natural leader as far as the subcontinent goes,
ya what about centuries of rule of kings from Kabul (Mughals) and British Empire :cheesy:

Mughals came from present day Uzbekistan, not Kabul. Babur,t he founder of the Mughal dynasty was a native of the Ferghana valley and he defeated a Muslim king in delhi to establish his rule who at that time was also ruling large parts of present day Pakistan
Lets see.....

India is a natural leader as far as the subcontinent goes.....Whether it be size...population..economy...armed forces....technology....name it and we lead in it.....our smaller neighbors will look up to us because of who we are.....we dont need to intimidate....Its not easy being the big fish in a little pond.....

maybe you need to rethink about the frog analogy....the way I see it...we are all in the same well....

PS: Where I come from they say "Bandar kya Jaane Adrak ka Swad"....Tell me you understand that?
There was a time when almost every country in the world either wanted to be like America or with America, the rest is history, coming back a little closer to home, despite all your tall claims, i don't need to post links to remind you in what high regard your neighbours likes of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan or even Nepal hold you. Anyways to cut the slack, here is something you should be able to understand,
"Chaar Anna Ki Murghi, Bara Anna Ka Masala". Goodnight.
In 47-48, local Kashmiris had to fight against the invaders who were looting, raping and plundering and under Sheikh Abdul la were the first line of defense until the IA was air lifted. This is a historical fact.

That is india's side of the story. Our brothers from tribal areas of Pakistan went to free Kashmir when they found out dead bodies of Muslims came from indian side to Pakistan during partition and they wanted to free Kashmiri Muslims from that misery. This is a historical fact.

65 war happened because of Operation Gibraltar -- which failed due to lack of local support. The aggression was initiated by Pakistan who at that time was under military rule under Ayub Khan

65 war started after Indian troops crossed international borders into Lahore, Pakistan. Kashmir is a disputed territory, UN and entire international community recognizes Kashmir as disputed territory, Line of Control is not international borders. Lahore was not disputed, every country on earth always recognized Lahore as part of Pakistan since 1947. It is surrounded by International borders, Indian troops crossed that international border and thats why there was a 2nd Indo-Pak war in 1965, and Pakistan troops kicked the Indians out in a matter of days.

71 could well be taken as a genuine provocation by India to Pakistan. But certainly large sections of East Pakistan were supporting India unlike in Kashmir. Without local support India would not have been able to separate east Pakistan. Again Gen. Yahya Khan was the president at that time

India crossed international borders again in 1971, but East Pakistan (Bangladesh) shouldve never been part of Pakistan in the first place its thousands of miles away from Pakistan and is separated with india in between, Pakistan shares no borders with Bangladesh, while Bangladesh is surrounded by India in all 4 corners.

In '99, relations were improving after the nuke tests. PMs of either country were traveling on buses. Then Gen Musharraf without PMO authorizations as claimed by Nawaz Sharief launched an cross LoC raid which again failed because of lack of local support among other things.

Kashmir is a disputed teritory recognized by the UN and the entire international community as a disputed territory. Line of Control is not international borders. If you are so confident that the people of Kashmir has your country's support why dont you tell your government to allow a referendum in Kashmir and end this 62 year old dispute, then maybe relations with Pakistan and India can get better after Kashmir dispute is resolved.

Re: Afghanistan after soviet troops left in 89 and Najibullah was in power who was Pakistan supporting to fight? It was against Najibullah's government an Afghan govt. where foreign troops have withdrawn. This is what I am referring too.

Pakistan NEVER fought against any Afghan or Afghan government official. Pakistan is hosting around 5 million Afghan refugees. No one in Pakistan ever discriminates against them or any other Afghan citizen. Our only problem is with india and that is only because of Kashmir, a disputed territory recognized by the UN and the entire international community as a disputed territory.
Friends are like warm weather, they come and go, but family is for ever.

I dont know the kind of friends you have had, but dont agree to this though I agree to the part about family and thats what I wrote that you are dont have a choice about the family god gives you..
My friend....we arent talking about pre-independence India are we?....coz remember there were no "neighbors" then....Only one united India...."Sone ki Chidiya" that attracted everyone world over.....
So....our leadership wasnt bestowed on us...Its a combination of who we are/have alwaya been and what we have made ourselves.....

Seek medication regarding wet dreams
There was a time when almost every country in the world either wanted to be like America or with America, the rest is history, coming back a little closer to home, despite all your tall claims, i don't need to post links to remind you in what high regard your neighbours likes of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan or even Nepal hold you. Anyways to cut the slack, here is something you should be able to understand,
"Chaar Anna Ki Murghi, Bara Anna Ka Masala". Goodnight.

So the USA was ruling the roost for last 5-6 decades (and dont write it off yet). It may still continue to do so. Understand, its the single largest force on this planet who is able to strike at will at any corner of the globe. Its still the country with the biggest economy and the country on which economy of Pakistan is completely dependent.

India is still the 2nd fastest growing economy in the world (after China) and there is no shortage of countries lining up to do business with us. Unlike Pakistan, our national identity is not solely based on the issue of Kashmir or Taliban. We have our own share of problmes, but they do not include a super power bombing our country to hit at terrorists who export terror all across the world. Unlike Pakistan, we do not get aid to fight homegrown vermin who are responsible for killing innocent people.

About neighbours, dont read too much into political statements or statements of forum members (for some of whom the nationality they claim is surely suspect). We have excellent business and cultural relations with Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and have a huge upswing in relations with Mynamar and China.

The murgi may well be worth only char aana and masala barah aana, but try enjoying just the masala with a butter naan and a dram of single malt and you will realize the folly of your statement..
This is good, this further confirms that Pakistan once again is taking to the stage and we are more actively involved in the Afghan process now. There are two factors that have contributed to this, Pakistan army's successful operations against TTP and the fact that state seems to have pushed itself to its limits on this one. Their patience is running out, they need to get out of Afghanistan and the only way they can do is if they forge a reconciliation between taliban and the Afghan government, this is good for Pakistan because now it can effectively cut out Indian influence within Afghanistan and put an end to their little proxy war. In order to maintain peace in Afghanistan, the current Afghani establishment will have to form a working relationship with taliban, and thats an oppurtunity Pakistan must utlize to the maximum

There are two things Pakistan needs to get out of this,

First, put an absolute end to India's proxy war by getting rid of the proxies, the Afghan intelligence for instance needs to be headed by a man who Pakistan has confidence in and is reliable, pakistan should actively get involved in training Afghan forces minimizing the presence of India's paramilitary forces withing that region

Second, Pakistan needs to pursue effective diplomacy with other muslim nations regarding building the infrastructre within Afghanistan, this is very important..the thing india has going for it is money, they are putting money into Afghanistan where no one else would..Pakistan can only contribute so much aid to Afghans having its own economy gone through hell and back these past few years. So an effective solution to this is convincing other muslim countries in bringing aid and infrastructre. This would be Ideal for the arabs because they would gain an effective foothold within Afghanistan against Iran.

Lot of things need to be done, the stage has been set once again, we are back in the 70's we have just fought of a proxy war, the Americans just like the russians are packing up..but this time we need to make sure we dont make the same mistakes as we did last time, an stable Afghanistan is vital for Pakistan but a stable Afghanistan cannot be so without Pakistan...Indians can pour tons of aid, but only Pakistan can bring peace..the Afghan "people" need to realise this ground reality

I sincerely hope that the GoP doesnt think the way you do, because it has the smell of continuation of proxy war in afghanistan. You should seize this opportunity to strenghten relationship with Afghanistan and as a result India/Pakisan reach to an agreement that both play positive role in Afghansitan and establishing a positive atmosphere for all. You are not only saying that, but you are inviting more parties to take part in this proxy war(the arabs) for your own benefit. That's truely sad.
afghanistan and pakistan can merge together . .as they r tween brothers. .P:
آتى ھے چاھِ يوسف سے صدا
دوست يھاں تھوڑے ھيں اور بھاءۍ بھت
who wrote this. who is the poet???? nice and deep
afghanistan and pakistan can merge together . .as they r tween brothers. .P:

LoL, it's not gona happen. We are neighbours but to form a unified country we need to have many things in common, i dont see anything like that in case of Pakistan/Afghanistan.
so you are saying he wasn't a good leader before. Indians made him a good leader?

Can someone guide me to wall where i can hit my head.

you are not trying to understand his perspective let me explain he is saying the man has learned diplomacy from Indian leaders the never annoy anyone policy.:azn:

by the way i can construct a new wall for you:pop:

So the USA was ruling the roost for last 5-6 decades (and dont write it off yet). It may still continue to do so. Understand, its the single largest force on this planet who is able to strike at will at any corner of the globe. Its still the country with the biggest economy and the country on which economy of Pakistan is completely dependent.

India is still the 2nd fastest growing economy in the world (after China) and there is no shortage of countries lining up to do business with us. Unlike Pakistan, our national identity is not solely based on the issue of Kashmir or Taliban. We have our own share of problmes, but they do not include a super power bombing our country to hit at terrorists who export terror all across the world. Unlike Pakistan, we do not get aid to fight homegrown vermin who are responsible for killing innocent people.

About neighbours, dont read too much into political statements or statements of forum members (for some of whom the nationality they claim is surely suspect). We have excellent business and cultural relations with Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and have a huge upswing in relations with Mynamar and China.

The murgi may well be worth only char aana and masala barah aana, but try enjoying just the masala with a butter naan and a dram of single malt and you will realize the folly of your statement..
No one is discrediting US for being the sole Super power however cumbersome your analyst is, the point to statement was that it's not revered as was the case in the past ,so save it.
It so seems you are the foot print of the very beast you detest hence the very victim of political statement you reject but since it serves your purpose, why not hold the banter aloft.
I am sure Nan and Masala go well with each other and some of us are even priveledged to skip the Masala altogether and just enjoy the chicken and wash it down with vintage Chianti but spare a thought for those who don't even know where the next meal is coming from, but again fancy statements don't prove an individual's wisdom, hence wave high and murmur to the hallow wind for your country fellows are there to pat your back.

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