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Karzai says India is friend, but, Pak twin brother

We are happy to be their friends, we don’t want to be their brothers :)
No one is discrediting US for being the sole Super power however cumbersome your analyst is, the point to statement was that it's not revered as was the case in the past ,so save it.
It so seems you are the foot print of the very beast you detest hence the very victim of political statement you reject but since it serves your purpose, why not hold the banter aloft.
I am sure Nan and Masala go well with each other and some of us are even priveledged to skip the Masala altogether and just enjoy the chicken and wash it down with vintage Chianti but spare a thought for those who don't even know where the next meal is coming from, but again fancy statements don't prove an individual's wisdom, hence wave high and murmur to the hallow wind for your country fellows are there to pat your back.

Congratulations Sir.. You just progressed from being insufferable to being incomprehensible
Congratulations Sir.. You just progressed from being insufferable to being incomprehensible

One could say, the feeling is mutual as you are something between intolerable to unintelligible. However jumping into a discussion without
duly analyzing the back ground of the conversation, and then drawing your own conclusions can only be described as deplorable.
آتى ھے چاھِ يوسف سے صدا
دوست يھاں تھوڑے ھيں اور بھاءۍ بھت

Twins are supposed to have similar qualities....so why doesnt Pakistan consider India a friend?
Which neighbour looks up to india? Bhutan.

Your western neighbour, my country, dont see india as any kind of regional power or leader. You can never put pressure on us. Whatever india says about Pakistan comes in one ear and goes out in another, and we dont look upto india and I doubt other South Asian countries look upto india.

India has to stop living in fantasy about being a super power, big brother, leader, etc.. because we Pakistanis will never accept you as one nor will we treat India like we treat real powers like China and U.S.A.

An elephant need not prove its size....

The mere fact that Pakistan is in an arms race with us proves that you look up to our might.....
Since you cant match us in any field.....where does the question of you accepting our status arise?...we are far ahead already

Living in little fantasy worlds created by your Generals does not equal reality....
Wake up and smell the coffee.....The only way Pakistan will be in peace is if they solve their problems with India....
Provoking a giant that outmatches u in economy, military, technology and most importantly INFLUENCE is not going to get Pakistan anywhere....we will just choose to ignore as we have done for the last 60 years....sooner or later you will have to come to terms with this reality...no matter how bitter it might be for Pakistan...

I really would like to see some proof to back up that India has bad relations with its neighbors except Pakistan......
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Desperate to be friends with them??? How come?? Afghanistan is a war torned country who in the past under taliban rule has been used for the proxy war campaign directed by Pakistan against India... We never recognized taliban govt.(like every sensible country in the world) and once they were uprooted we went in to improve relations(like any sensible country would do) and are doing whatever we can as per our capacity.... We have invested lot of $$$ there and in return we get more Biz as well as put a cap on anti-india elements and activities that used to happen there(during taliban regime) in the past...

So yes we are only friends of Afghanistan and there is no desperation... both the parties are getting benefitted here...a perfect win-win situation...As far as Pakistan is concerned you not only share boundaries but have lot in common culturally..so defnitely brothers tag fits you... In the end it is going to help both India and Pakistan if they leave Afghanistan on its own rather than converting it into another battle ground by proving who's the boss there....

A simple thumb rule - A strong and stable Afghanistan is in Pakistan's interest. Similarly a strong and stable Pakistan is in India's interest...Bonhomie between India-Pakistan-Afghanistan is in South Asia's interest...So :cheers:

Stability comes not only by shear smart talk, it is achieved by acts of fairness, of solutions based on mutual respect and not by selfish moves and certainly not when u believe in, "What is mine is mine, but what is yours is mine also."
An elephant need not prove its size....

The mere fact that Pakistan is in an arms race with us proves that you look up to our might.....
Since you cant match us in any field.....where does the question of you accepting our status arise?...we are far ahead already

Living in little fantasy worlds created by your Generals does not equal reality....
Wake up and smell the coffee.....The only way Pakistan will be in peace is if they solve their problems with India....
Provoking a giant that outmatched u in economy, military, technology and most importantly INFLUENCE is not going to get Pakistan anywhere....we will just choose to ignore as we have done for the last 60 years....

I really would like to see some proof to back up that India has bad relations with its neighbors except Pakistan......

Here's a simple procedure,

1. Concentrate

2. Try pulling your head back

3. If it is able to crawl out of your a$$, proceed to step 4 if not step 1

4. Look around

5. Now at this point you wont like the proof, so if you want you can just go ahead and put it back in and keep talking out of your a$$
I am sure it will include everybody, including Pakistan and india, he was pretty clear on it.

If u follow the latest news, u will see that India is ordering its people to leave Afghanistan, yes they should, they have no right to be in Muslim country making trouble for another Muslim country.

Muslims have to be one Umma, that is the requirement of our holy Book. Sure we have traitors, informers and Munafiqs, we will insha Allah get rid of them soon.

May Allah S.W.T. help us all Momeneen. Ameen.
There was a time when almost every country in the world either wanted to be like America or with America, the rest is history, coming back a little closer to home, despite all your tall claims, i don't need to post links to remind you in what high regard your neighbours likes of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan or even Nepal hold you. Anyways to cut the slack, here is something you should be able to understand,
"Chaar Anna Ki Murghi, Bara Anna Ka Masala". Goodnight.

Lets see some proof Maiser.....

Maybe while you're at it, it might be wise to check your own relations with your neighbors....
The "friendly" Afghans you've been hosting hate your guts.....
Iran is more than happy to get Balochistan riled up plus Shia-Sunni divide....
India....need i even talk about it....

China "cares" about Pakistan only for their mutual enemity with India.....
Besides who wouldnt like a friend that rolls over at your will and gets its belly rubbed.....Pakistan is indeed China's best friend!!

Even if we go by your theory that India's neighbors hate India (Waiting for proof).....can they do anything about it? Or for that matter can they openly challenge India in any circle?.....
What else do you call a regional power?.....Point is in this playground...we are the big kid.....whether you like it or not.....sadly for you, the world including your pal China recognizes this.....
I dont know the kind of friends you have had, but dont agree to this though I agree to the part about family and thats what I wrote that you are dont have a choice about the family god gives you..

You may not agree to what i say, but truth will be good for you to say.

There are friends who hang with your for personal gains, and those are known as FASLI BATEREY.

One does not need those kind of friends. One needs friends who are with your for good and for your good, not their's good.
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Stability comes not only by shear smart talk, it is achieved by acts of fairness, of solutions based on mutual respect and not by selfish moves and certainly not when u believe in, "What is mine is mine, but what is yours is mine also."

Very well said...However come to this side of border and you will find the similar sentiments...What is lacking in both sides is implementing this....Anyways lets get back to topic
If u follow the latest news, u will see that India is ordering its people to leave Afghanistan, yes they should, they have no right to be in Muslim country making trouble for another Muslim country.

Muslims have to be one Umma, that is the requirement of our holy Book. Sure we have traitors, informers and Munafiqs, we will insha Allah get rid of them soon.

May Allah S.W.T. help us all Momeneen. Ameen.

And pleaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzze dont bring islam in the middle of a fil*thy politics and proxy war. no more taking advantage of our religion.
Which neighbour looks up to india? Bhutan.

Your western neighbour, my country, dont see india as any kind of regional power or leader. You can never put pressure on us. Whatever india says about Pakistan comes in one ear and goes out in another, and we dont look upto india and I doubt other South Asian countries look upto india.

India has to stop living in fantasy about being a super power, big brother, leader, etc.. because we Pakistanis will never accept you as one nor will we treat India like we treat real powers like China and U.S.A.
What r LeT ,JeM and numerous other terror organisations trying to do by carrying out attacks in India???Time and again these organisations have tried to derail the country and failed.The truth is many countries in the world(including Pakistan) envy India for its spectacular growth over the years.

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