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Karzai says India is friend, but, Pak twin brother

Good thats why i say dont mix our religion with politics because politics and interests can get very dirty in most of cases.[/QUOT]

Once we read Kalma, we declare that we willbe Muslims first and deal all matters by the rules of Islamic values set for us.

So if u r a Muslims u have to lead a life as Muslim in all aspects, be it daily chores or be it politics and be it family matters.

Let me put up some thing we should look into.

Islam totaly prohibits bomb blasts and killing of innocnts.

Islam is very clear on suicide bombing or suicides and that is haram.

Islam tells us that we must act as Muslims and help each other and help humanity at largr in all circustances.

Lieing, cheating, bribes, staring at women, businees profits and clealiness is all not only monitored but are examplifies by true Muslims.

May Allah S.W.T help us see the light. Ameen
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why all the debate on Indian UN Security Council permanent membership
-> ? Every country has the right to be debated on UN Security Council permanent membership if they wanna and get some support.....
why all the debate on China Vs India
-> Almost the debate are starting by indian, and indian media. Some west media like wanna give indian some confidence to counter china, and indian just took it.
why all the debate on India membership in G8;
Are there? I never heared that, isnt it a show by indian media? US policain and media even talk about G2 with china........ It means nothing.
why the debate on job outsourcings to India
What is job outsourcings to India? Are you talking abou Guest service outsourcing in india?
why the importance of India in International Climate changes.
->It is for the earth, and develeped country wanna every develeping country pay their bill of their pollution during the last 100 years.
why the importance of India in International trade talks
Sorry to say the fact, indian international trade except weapon order is tiny to be a talks in world affair field.
why PM Singh was the first state guest to USA, after Obama became the president
->I think you shoul notice that Obama bring his beg bow come to japan and china to meet our leaders, he even went S.Korea except india.
why a red carpet to PM Singh when he visited Saudi
Is it a major world affair?

US even asked china to be a third party in india-pakistan talks.

I agree with the main import of your arguement that India is a minor player compared to US and China in all matters economics or defence and now even Pakistan is more 'important' than India to the powers that be vis-a-vis Pakistan...

However, this is for two reasons..one India economic size and policies and leadership (which will take another 5 years or so to become indispensible) but the other key reason is 'philosophy'...

Indian leadership is considered 'preachy' by the others while Pakistan, China, US etc are supposed to be strategic and practical...the reality is that the 'others' are okay with any method to keep power...while in India you need to atleast 'appear' different/superior to the ruled and NOT use any method to stay in power (philosophically)..I believe eventually the west and Muslims are on the same page on this and a BIG fight will happen between India and the others on this topic in 20 years time......if India survives till then as one and is one of the top powers ....India will win the arguement.
Now what does Professor Piareylal tells us, .......
Albeit Afghanistan is not worth the discussion, but for your heart's content, in the latest moves, India seems to be cutting back it's mission and staff, One country where India did enjoyed leverage and exercised it to black mail is Nepal but the last straw was cutting off the fuel supply, since China has moved in big time, it's built a rail track and now it's laying an oil pipeline, seems it's bye bye India,
Much to India's aggravation,Sri Lanka has turned to Pakistan for it's military supplies, Pakistan's National flag flies outside the HQ's of Lanka air force, in any case despite warning by the democratic set up in India, Sri Lanka still sent it's cricket team into Pakistan, that in itself conveys a strong message to those with any doubt, Need to mention Pakistan as it stands up to any bullying and is a source of hope for other much smaller neighbours, as for Bangladesh, check the link below, it should clear any cobwebs.
Pakistan as a developing country, has no intention of becoming the regional policeman, what ever the bitter pill is called in your corner, the fact is Pakistan and China enjoy a time tested friend ship even more than you do with Mr Moscow, but hell hath and no fury , where is the pride in when your self promoted regional power has to seek security from a minute Zionist state like Israel. Suppose there is a moral there..................somewhere. !!!!!!!!!!!


Seems the internet like other things is slow in Pakistan......Maybe this little nugget of news did not reach you in time.....

India to send more troops to Afghanistan - India - The Times of India

It seems Indians are doing the exact opposite of what Pak wants in Afghanistan....pity that standing up to the regional bully does little.....

LOL....I dont even want to start with Nepal.....I mean we were able to sack their Commie Generals and place an India friendly govt in no time...and you want to talk about China having more influence than us?.....Funny how Pakistanis get excited about Nepal.... you guys serve the definition of creating self-fulfilling prophecies.....

Sri-Lanka.....glad that being PlanB makes you proud....:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Sri-Lanka went to "PlanB" Pakistan only because India cannot openly support and arm an offensive against the Tamil LTTE due to sensitivities among the large Tamil population in India.....
Do you think Sri-Lanka could have launched such an offensive without India's blessing?.....May I refer you to Operation Poomalai....

"Following the failure of the naval mission, the decision was made by the Indian government to mount an airdrop of relief supplies in support of rebel forces over the besieged city of Jaffna. On 4 June 1987, in a blatant show of force, the Indian Air Force mounted Operation Poomalai in broad daylight. Five An-32s of the Indian Air Force under cover of heavily armed Indian fighter jets flew over Jaffna to airdrop 25 tons of supplies, all the time keeping well within the range of Sri Lankan radar coverage. At the same time the Sri Lankan Ambassador to New Delhi was summoned to the Foreign Office to be informed by the Minister External Affairs, K. Natwar Singh, of the ongoing operation. It was also indicated to the Ambassador that if the operation was in any way hindered by Sri Lanka, India would launch a full-force military retaliation against Sri Lanka.[18] The ultimate aim of the operation was both to demonstrate the credibility of the Indian option of active intervention to the Sri Lankan Government, as a sympbolic act of support for the Tamil Rebels, as well to preserve Rajiv Gandhi's credibility.[19]
Faced with the possibility of an active Indian intervention and facing an increasingly war-weary population at home[20], the Sri Lankan President, J. R. Jayewardene, offered to hold talks with the Rajiv Gandhi government on future moves.[12] The siege of Jaffna was soon lifted, followed by a round of negotiations that led to the signing of the Indo-Sri-Lankan accord on July 29, 1987[21] that brought a temporary truce. The terms of the truce specified that the Sri Lankan troops withdraw from the north and the Tamil rebels disarm,[3] and saw the induction of the IPKF as a peace keeping force in Sri Lanka"

We allowed Sri-Lanka to eliminate the LTTE.....Please keep that in mind.....
Pakistanis take pride in how Sri-Lankans stuck it to us by sending their cricket team to Pakistan.... a real "show of force".....funny thing is....they wont be coming back anytime soon.....BY CHOICE....:rofl:

Coming to BD.....
Are you seriously providing me news from 2001?....Lets see....
In 2001, Pakistan actually had an economy....
In 2001, Taliban ruled what is now Afghanistan....
In 2001, India did not have diplomatic ties with Afghanistan....
In 2001, India and US were not that close

Need I mention how different the situation is now...Buddy....life is lived in the present...

Lastly....I would like to mention that our influence spans farther than the subcontinent.....with recently signed defence pacts with Qatar and existing pacts with Oman and Maldives.....
I dont see anyone except the Taliban seeking help from Pakistan....

Regarding Israel....let me sum up the morals for you in one line:
"Its not the size of the dog in a fight, its size of the fight in the dog"...

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Good thats why i say dont mix our religion with politics because politics and interests can get very dirty in most of cases.[/QUOT]

Once we read Kalma, we declare that we willbe Muslims first and deal all matters by the rules of Islamic values set for us.

So if u r a Muslims u have to lead a life as Muslim in all aspects, be it daily chores or be it politics and be it family matters.

Let me put up some thing we should look into.

Islam totaly prohibits bomb blasts and killing of innocnts.

Islam is very clear on suicide bombing or suicides and that is haram.

Islam tells us that we must act as Muslims and help each other and help humanity at largr in all circustances.

Lieing, cheating, bribes, staring at women, businees profits and clealiness is all not only monitored but are examplifies by true Muslims.

May Allah S.W.T help us see the light. Ameen

My friend, if i explain myself a hunderd times to you , you'll probably never get my point.
My friend, if i explain myself a hunderd times to you , you'll probably never get my point.[/QUOTE}

U r only mulsim by chance not by choice if u believe in such things as No relegion in affairs of life.

And those are the types who carryout bombimg, commiting suicide attacks and are living in fools paradise beliving waht they are doing is right.

Far from it, their strange beliefs are the cause of todays problems.

Some even make paradise keys to give it these young brainwashed kids to attack innocents, what a foolish way to end the life of young and that of his victims.

Islam totally prohibits such acts and acts that brings bad name to Islam by strange acts.

if u r a muslim u donot adhere to such acts as it is your character that should convince non muslims about Islam and its devine massage.

So finaly i will say what u believe is your to believe, and I believe is mine to beluieve.
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