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Pakistani Paper doesn't want Ahmadis to celebrate 14th August Pakistan Independence Day

qadiyani beliefs should be respected. and they are and should be equal pakistani citizens. they should also respect the beliefs held very dear by greater than 90% of pakistani population
The laws declaring Qadianis as non-Muslim should be overturned in the Supreme Court because they are a violation of the basic structure of the constitution, from the perspective of basic and equal rights for all Pakistanis as well as from an Islamic perspective of 'no compulsion in religion'.

Supreme Court has no authority to make or break laws.

basic and equal rights means everyone has right to preach and practice own faith NOT to negate and violate or over turn the faith of others. qadyanis have no right to amend Islam. declaring them Muslims means you are forceing Muslims to go against their faith. qadyanis are a new faith so treat it as so

No, call yourself whaatever you want, why should it bother anyone?

because you cannot be a Muslim and a follower or a false prophet at the same time. either you are a Muslim who believes in finality of prophethood on Muhammad or you can be a qadyani
and lets celebrate 14 th august as equal pakistanis...
good day

and lets celebrate 14 th august as equal pakistanis...
good day
Well as far as this Pakistani is concerned, people of any race, color, religion/sect, sexual orientation etc should celebrate 14th August if they have any link to this country or any love for this country.
and lets celebrate 14 th august as equal pakistanis...
good day

Agreed ! But in Toronto the August 14th celebration are in a Qadiani Temple ! They could have it on a neutral place. But the Qadiani secret agenda wants controversies to defame Islam and Pakistan.
Where did i say i hate them ? Can you not read ?? you racist facist pile of crap .
Nasty Indian bigot .

I love all Pakistanis be they Muslim/Non Muslim & will feel immense pride in my Flag when its hoisted by hundreds of your so called country men on August 14 .:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Not one person will hoist your tri colour up on the day we got the phuck away from nasty set of people like you .
Now tell me again where did i say i hate them Indian tattu ?????????????????????????
Your hatred was implicit manifested in your assertion that qadianis were non-muslims . You sunni kafirs deny them the right to be called muslims .If Islam really is the religion of Peace , then qadianis symbolise the true form of Islam and not the violent ripoff of Islam that you sunnis follow .
For any sane person , sunnis are kafirs and qadianis are Muslims . Pakistan is majority kafir.Pakistan should change its name to infidel republic of al-bakistan .

And our lacs of citizens in Kashmir use paaki flag as toilet paper on 14th August to troll pakistan:pakistan:
Non-muslim defending Non-muslims... Sums up :tup:
You should be ashamed of yourself at this. As a muslim its your duty to defend non muslims from your country

while papers like ummat are condemnable, there are several qadiyani run websites constantly spewing venom against islam, pakistan and pak military....
please keep both sides of coin in view and also i would suggest some people are playing victim card here for own vested interests
Blatant Lie.

Declaring qadiyani muslims would require us to to declare 1.8 billion muslims as kafirs
Unfortunately true! Hence the wrath muslim world is facing from God. In past this happened to Jews when they became disbelievers, it happened to Christians when they deviated from true path and became disbelievers. Its happening for non believers muslims too now

Face book pages

1- jogan
2- roshni
3- zaliman
4- socialism for pakistan

Nearly all banned by pta..

Also hina jillani, asma jahangir etc etc
Baseless allegations, with no proof. Orchestrated by a sick mind and blind hate

and lets celebrate 14 th august as equal pakistanis...
good day

and lets celebrate 14 th august as equal pakistanis...
good day
Thats the message. Every Pakistani should love Pakistan. Alhamdolillah Ahmadi muslims believe that Love of country and love of nation is part of faith and thats exactly whats being taught to us by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We ahmadis made a covenant with God and Qaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that every Pakistani ahmadi will be faithful to Pakistan till death and we will steadfast to that promise inshAllah.

Now Haters can continue their bashing but "kutton key bhonqaney sey kafiley to nahi ruqtey na"
Now Haters can continue their bashing but "kutton key bhonqaney sey kafiley to nahi ruqtey na"

Mirza Qadiani Kazzab was the hater who himself declared all Muslims as Kaffirs !


(A’inah-i Sadaqat,p. 35 original edition; p. 110 online edition

Qadianis declare other Muslims as kafir
Agreed ! But in Toronto the August 14th celebration are in a Qadiani Temple ! They could have it on a neutral place. But the Qadiani secret agenda wants controversies to defame Islam and Pakistan.
Yes, just like you Sunnis have made Pakistan one of the greatest country in the world.
Mirza Qadiani Kazzab was the hater who himself declared all Muslims as Kaffirs !


(A’inah-i Sadaqat,p. 35 original edition; p. 110 online edition

Qadianis declare other Muslims as kafir
Whats wrong in that! When God sends a prophet and people don't believe him then they are naturally Kafir! I don't see any issue with above
You should be ashamed of yourself at this. As a muslim its your duty to defend non muslims from your country

I just replied to your comment kakay...

They have an equal right to celebrate independence day... Who cares about this third class news paper's article.
I just replied to your comment kakay...

They have an equal right to celebrate independence day... Who cares about this third class news paper's article.
Chal theek aye mamoo!! maan liya tu ney to bus theek hey. No worries!!
I as an Ahmadi have also helped Ahmadis infiltrate Canada and now they are getting stronger and better, secretly plotting to make Pakistan a better country but as Muslims you should try and stop Ahmadis from making it better because thats unIslamic, Islam forbids improvement and as a TRUE MUSLIMS you should do the opposite of Ahmadis if they get an education you should be illiterate if they want to help Pakistan , you should make Pakistan even worse because afterall you are helping Islam.

are you really an Ahmadi?
if so I'm really sorry for what you had to go through in Pakistan.
There is no reason to name any sect as 'Islam/Muslim' in the constitution - does the Pakistani constitutuon specifically list which sect (Shia, Sunni, Barelvi, Wahabbi etc) is Muslim and which is not? Then why specifically target and discriminate against Ahmadis? I am not saying declare them Muslims, but we need to remove the declaration that they are not Muslim from the constitution because that is discriminatory and a violation of basic Islamic principles of not forcing our religious beliefs on others.
story of Pakistan my dear
child molesting is no big deal nor is loosing kids in schools and general public in mosques and bazards.. but it is a born right of every Muslim here who wont have observed his Faraiz his obligations expend all Islam on bigotry and hatred
Baseless allegations, with no proof. Orchestrated by a sick mind and blind hate

I actually had chat with admin of one of these sites and he admitted he was qadiyani.....

I don't hate you, nor I hate any other religion....
I hope same is true on the other side
Whats wrong in that! When God sends a prophet and people don't believe him then they are naturally Kafir! I don't see any issue with above

If Mirza Qadiani Kazzab is believed to be a latter-day prophet by its followers then create a new religion why use Muslim symbols ? Christian broke away from Judaism and Islam was created as a new religion. None of these new religion tried to hijack another religion and declared its followers as heretics. Only Qadianism and Mirza Qadiani has done that.

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