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Pakistani Paper doesn't want Ahmadis to celebrate 14th August Pakistan Independence Day

We are talking about Pakistan's Independence Day celebrations taking place in a Qadiani Temple in Toronto where happen to live !!

You have a choice of not going there then !

Its not like you're being forced to go to that temple
Why not..Are they any less Pakistani than me and you???

Nobody is saying they are not Pakistanis we are protesting that it is taking place in a Qadiani Temple where many Pakistani Muslims will not attend. Why not in a Hall or a ground where all can come. This is a Qadiani conspiracy to defame Islam and Pakistan.
Ehsan be mature and post from respectable paper if anything appears. Daily Ummat has no credibility it's just another evening special, full of bullsh!t!
Nobody is saying they are not Pakistanis we are protesting that it is taking place in a Qadiani Temple where many Pakistani Muslims will not attend. Why not in a Hall or a ground where all can come. This is a Qadiani conspiracy to defame Islam and Pakistan.


Ok i personally dont believe in prophethood of mirza sahib and actually believe he was a fake and british stooge...

Please exclude me from qadiyani religion...as your own prophet has said...
Is this is the dance you guys do in front of Mirza Qadiani Kazzab's idol in Qadiani Temple ?

you can call Allah Talla and his Prophet Muhammad SAW an idol as long as you want doesn't nauzubillah make them one :astagh:
you can call Allah Talla and his Prophet Muhammad SAW an idol as long as you want doesn't nauzubillah make them one

We are Muslims and our religion is Islam. You are Qadiani and your religion is Qadianism !!!
We are Muslim and religion is Islam. You are Qadiani and your religion is Qadianism !!! Don't mix the two.

i just came back from worshipping idols :rofl: look at all these IDOL WORSHIPPERS





Face book pages

1- jogan
2- roshni
3- zaliman
4- socialism for pakistan

Nearly all banned by pta..

Also hina jillani, asma jahangir etc etc

Can you please post the links to group 1, 3, and 4? I couldn't find them on Facebook. I did check group number 2 and I found no evidence or the slightest of indication that the group is anti-Pakistan or run by Qadianis. What are you on about precisely?

Can you please share any certain posts which are anti-Pakistani or anti-Islam on these groups directly for the forum members to see for themselves? Also I am curious as to how did you come to the conclusion that these groups are being run by Qadianis?


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