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Germany slams Saudi Arabia's offer to build mosques for Syrian refugees as ‘cynical’

KSA is just one market of German Products.Germany's industrial growth is not revolved around KSA.

KSA with UAE are a HUGE market for luxury autos. those people ruins their cars every year driving on dunes.
KSA with UAE are a HUGE market for luxury autos. those people ruins their cars every year driving on dunes.

And the German brands are one of the brands in GCC.They have Toyota ,US brand like Ford,Ferrari,Lambhorgini,Hummer ,Italian Maserati ,French etc .
So Gulf is not the only one market of German brands .

It was KSA not UAE that put forward this offer.
KSA should finance 1000 mosques since the Germans are so kind to welcome at least 800.000 refugees from Syria and elsewhere.

Whatever Germany wants it or not KSA will find a way to support the Muslim refugees and the overall Muslim community of Germany (several million strong) as it has done for decades. It always does almost everywhere where Muslims are present.

People from modern-day KSA already spread Islam to all corners of the world making it the world's second biggest religion (soon to be biggest).

Duties are duties. Let the tears flow.
SA wants to spread sick wahabi mentality among the refugees so they can push the button in European street
Stupid offer. Why don't Saudi take Syrians in Saudi Arabia and help them.
Hundreds of mosques in Germany have been or are financed by KSA. All with the approval of Germany like any other state. This happens through official channels.

There is nothing called "Wahhabism" either. All sects of Islam (Sunni, Shia, Ibadi, Sufism etc.) originate from Hijaz in modern-day KSA.

Aside from that then KSA hosts 500.000 Syrians. Many more than Germany will ever welcome.

Syrians in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aside from that then those Syrian refugees (along with African, Afghan, South Asian, Iranian etc. ones) don't want to migrate to the GCC but to Germany and Scandinavia where the biggest benefits are located and where they can become full citizens.

That's why so many of them are leaving safe heavens in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan to move to those countries. I have to say that a lot of them are purely economic migrants and Europe has no obligation to welcome them IMO.

Europeans who are against this should change their systems and vote for other politicians instead of crying. That and not meddling in the MENA region if they don't want anything to do with the MENA region which we all know that they want on all fronts. Be it political, military, ECONOMY, tourism etc. I say this as partially European myself living in Europe and having citizenship of France. Hence no hate or anti-anything.

I also believe that each European country should be free to deport refugees (whatever race, nationality and religion they might have) if they don't behave or can't integrate. GCC for instance does not hand out citizenship to economic migrants or refugees overall. At most a permanent visa and in exceptional cases citizenship. I personally support this.

Europe can't save everyone and every country but those Europeans who criticize the GCC for not welcoming more Syrians should understand that neither can GCC which does not even border Syria. Or first and foremost that those refugees don't want to go to GCC but rather to Germany and Scandinavia for the reasons that I have already mentioned. To begin with GCC hosts many more foreigners in terms of numbers (even) and percentage than Western Europe put together and any other MENA country. So yeah, let's welcome 5 million Syrians who don't really want to be there in the first place. Sounds like a marvelous idea. The GCC and Europe/US are as involved in Syria as Russia and Iran who have taken 0 refugees.

Most people are simpletons and this thread and others show this clearly.
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KSA should finance 1000 mosques since the Germans are so kind to welcome at least 800.000 refugees from Syria and elsewhere.

Whatever Germany wants it or not KSA will find a way to support the Muslim refugees and the overall Muslim community of Germany (several million strong) as it has done for decades. It always does almost everywhere where Muslims are present.

People from modern-day KSA already spread Islam to all corners of the world making it the world's second biggest religion (soon to be biggest).

Duties are duties. Let the tears flow.
the last thing on the mind of refugees right now is the mosque,they have an uncertain future in front of them what they need is roof on their heads ,food on the table ,healthcare and some kind of job to take care of themselfs .KSA could have done any of these in the name of GOD.
the last thing on the mind of refugees right now is the mosque,they have an uncertain future in front of them what they need is roof on their heads ,food on the table ,healthcare and some kind of job to take care of themselfs .KSA could have done any of these in the name of GOD.

Did you even bother to read the post of mine that you quoted? If so did you deliberately miss the link I posted that says that KSA has hosted 500.000 Syrians since 2011? Syrians and other Arab refugees in KSA are not called refugees but displaced Arab brothers and sisters. They are not categorized as refugees officially.

Do you have any idea about what you are talking about with all due respect or are you just parroting that false notion of KSA accepting 0 refugees and not doing anything for the refugees of Syria contrary to all the facts on the ground?

How about visiting this thread for a start and learn something new.

Saudi official: We received 2.5 million Syrians refugees

Anyway KSA can propose to finance new mosques in Germany. Since when is that forbidden? Does Germany not claim to be a democracy? Did Germany not WILLINGLY welcome mostly Muslim refugees? Is there not freedom of religion in Germany? So those refugees are entitled to having mosques built. Germany is a richer nation than KSA with a 4-5 times bigger economy. Germany has the 4th biggest economy in the world. KSA is number 19 or 18 last time I saw.

In reality KSA/GCC does not owe Syria anything. It's not even a neighbor. It's not KSA or the GCC who is carpet bombing Syria and forcing Syrians to move abroad. It's the Al-Assad regime. GCC is already home to more foreigners/migrants than any other Muslim region of the world by far.

The critics and simpletons among them can **** off for all I care and keep crying and showing their ignorance for all I care and ask themselves what they have done lately for those people as individuals or as countries or for the world instead of playing saints. Everyone could always improve and the GCC is no different. Nor are states saints.

You are probably another anti-Muslim who thinks that every Muslim is an ISIS member or a potential one hence it comes natural for you to criticize the GCC and most other Muslim states. Whether unfairly or not you and others don't care about. I might be wrong here but I doubt it.
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Did you even bother to read the post of mine that you quoted? If so did you deliberately miss the link I posted that says that KSA has hosted 500.000 Syrians since 2011? Syrians and other Arab refugees in KSA are not called refugees but displaced Arab brothers and sisters. They are not categorized as refugees officially.

Do you have any idea about what you are talking about with all due respect or are you just parroting that false notion of KSA accepting 0 refugees and not doing anything for the refugees of Syria contrary to all the facts on the ground?

How about visiting this thread for a start and learn something new.

Saudi official: We received 2.5 million Syrians refugees

Anyway KSA can propose to finance new mosques in Germany. Since when is that forbidden? Does Germany not claim to be a democracy? Did Germany not WILLINGLY welcome mostly Muslim refugees? Is there not freedom of religion in Germany? So those refugees are entitled to having mosques built. Germany is a richer nation than KSA with a 4-5 times bigger economy. Germany has the 4th biggest economy in the world. KSA is number 19 or 18 last time I saw.

In reality KSA/GCC does not owe Syria anything. It's not even a neighbor. It's not KSA or the GCC who is carpet bombing Syria and forcing Syrians to move abroad. It's the Al-Assad regime. GCC is already home to more foreigners/migrants than any other Muslim region of the world by far.

The critics and simpletons among them can **** off for all I care and keep crying and showing their ignorance for all I care and ask themselves what they have done lately for those people as individuals or as countries or for the world instead of playing saints. Everyone could always improve and the GCC is no different. Nor are states saints.

You are probably another anti-Muslim who thinks that every Muslim is an ISIS member or a potential one hence it comes natural for you to criticize the GCC and most other Muslim states. Whether unfairly or not you and others don't care about. I might be wrong here but I doubt it.
I have one simple question for you .

how many mosques have you built for the so called 2.5 million Syrian refugees in KSA ?
I have one simple question for you .

how many mosques have you built for the so called 2.5 million Syrian refugees in KSA ?

I really don't bother answering idiotic questions. Do you really think that KSA, the cradle of Islam, lacks mosques?

You have not countered anything that I have written which I know why. Because I am right. Neither have you answered me why it has become illegal to help finance mosques for a large number of mainly Muslim refugees that Germany (a democratic state with religious freedom) has willingly welcomed? Of course you ignore that. Germany can refuse this offer for all I care. Their choice. Does not change the fact that somebody will have to finance/built them or that KSA has done this in Germany with GERMAN government approval before already. Helping finance the Muslim community in Germany that is with whatever needs they might have had.

I will end it here as I can see where this is going.

@Falcon29 this is what we are up against.
This is called "Kuttay wali Bisti"

I have been to Germany many times now, have a good idea about how there systems works and about German people. They wont be needing some sectarian motivated Mullahs to preach in Mosques for the refugees they are accepting with open arms. They can and will build mosques for these people themselves and wont even ask if it is Shia or Sunni. Pathetic Saudis must learn, butchering Muslims in there neighbor country and talk about building mosques a thousand mile away, BS!!

AND NO, i am not a Shia.

That is not actually the complete truth.

In the past 50 years, it was Saudis who were financing the mosques and Islamic centers in Germany and this was all as per German government permission. The reason for this was the German desire to ban out Turkish influence in Islamic centers and mosques.

Actually Germany had banned Turkish Islamic books written for education of Muslim children and instead used to bring in the books from Saudi Arabia. This even continued post 9/11. What is happening right now is not in my knowledge. But the Saudi offer was not out of the blue. It was consistent as per German understanding with Saudis for the past 50 years. You can ask knowledgeable Turks about what I am telling you here. They know about this, since Turkish ethnicity was the target of this policy.

We should not forget that Saudi Arabia has been an indispensable strategic partner of NATO including Germany. The recent fallout between Saudi Arabia and the West is an exception to a very long and previously extremely cozy relationship.
I really don't bother answering idiotic questions. Do you really think that KSA, the cradle of Islam, lacks mosques?

You have not countered anything that I have written which I know why. Because I am right. Neither have you answered me why it has become illegal to help finance mosques for a large number of mainly Muslim refugees that Germany (a democratic state with religious freedom) has willingly welcomed? Of course you ignore that. Germany can refuse this offer for all I care. Their choice. Does not change the fact that somebody will have to finance/built them or that KSA has done this in Germany with GERMAN government approval before already. Helping finance the Muslim community in Germany that is with whatever needs they might have had.

I will end it here as I can see where this is going.

@Falcon29 this is what we are up against.
it might be an idiotic question for you but I am only applying you logic ,you are the one who said refugees need mosques and you want 1000 mosques for 800000 refugees in Germany by the same logic you would have more mosques as you have 2.5 million people more .

you can't understand a simple fact ,if the where thinking religion when they left they would have come to KSA .they are looking for safety and security and future
And last but not the least ,when some has lost what ever they had and they have no other option than to move they look for place where they think will give them opportunities for better future and not with the hope that some tom will feed him and he will find a beautiful mosque to pray.
Germany slams Saudi Arabia's offer to build mosques for Syrian refugees as ‘cynical’
By Web Desk
Published: September 22, 2015

Andrea Scheuer, general secretary of the CSU party in Bavaria which is Chancellor Angela Merkel's ally in the state, called the offer 'cynical' given that the Kingdom is making thousands of refugees of its own in its military campaign in Yemen PHOTO: AFP

Politicians in Germany have criticised Saudi Arabia’s offer to build 200 mosques in the country for the ‘spiritual needs’ of Syrian refugees, given that the Kingdom has not offered to take in refugees fleeing from the civil war in Syria.

“No, it is more than cynical. This is no Muslim Brotherhood. Where is the solidarity in the Arab world?” Andrea Scheuer, general secretary of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU) party in Bavaria which is Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ally in the state, asked.

Read: Saudi Arabia, building 200 mosques will not help the refugee crisis

Saudi Arabia offered to build mosques in Germany as tens of thousands of refugees make their way to the Hungarian border to seek asylum in European countries, especially Germany, which will be taking in 800,000 migrants this year.

Saudi monarch King Salman reportedly made the offer through diplomatic channels and the news surfaced in Lebanese newspaper al diyar.

Read: In rich Gulf Arab states, some feel shamed by refugee response

Another German politician, Stephan Mayer, the domestic policy spokesperson of both the CSU and Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in parliament in Berlin, agreed with Scheuer, adding, “Germany does not need a cash donation to build 200 mosques but solidarity with the refugees.”

CDU Deputy Chairman Armin Laschet also voiced his opinion and said, “Instead of talking about funding mosques, Saudi Arabia should be thinking about taking refugees.”

Read: Saudi Arabia claims it has welcomed 100,000 Syrians

Following the Saudi offer, there was widespread outrage in Germany, with many newspapers expressing indignation that Germany would even consider such an offer from a country which gave out extreme punishments such as stoning, flogging and limb mutiliation.

This article originally appeared on Daily Mail

That was coming
They complain only because it's mosks, they should build hooters then both the immigrants and grandchildren of hitler would be sooo happy:

I'm so jelous no wonder AMERIKKKA is so great.. wish we had hooters, I would go there everyday :nana:

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