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BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals


Sep 20, 2014
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Bharatiya Janata Party from Indore MLA Usha Thakur sparked a controversy with her comments on the festival of Eid al-Adha.


Talking about the ritual of sacrifice among Muslim community on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Thakur said that according to the tales, a son was sacrificed on this day and he changed into goat. So, people should sacrifice their sons instead of innocent animals.

Bakri Eid or Eid-ul-Zuha or Eid al-Adha is one of the most celebrated festivals among Muslims all over the world. The festival is a day to commemorate the Prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail on God’s command.

She also said that true Muslims should not visit any Durga pandal as the Quran prohibits idol worship.

“The Quran says that the worshipping of idols is prohibited. Therefore, any true Muslim should not go to any Durga pandal,” Thakur told media here.

Thakur said Durga Puja and Garba are not sources of entertainment, but a reflection of the faith Hindus have on their goddess.

Thakur had made similar anti-minority remarks during garba functions last year.

She had also lashed at the women by claiming that mothers across the country have gone lazy that’s why the sale of Maggi has attained such huge proportions, of late.

BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals | Focus News
people should sacrifice their sons instead of innocent animals.
That is what happened as per mythology, when the son turned to bakra. She was correct.

She also said that true Muslims should not visit any Durga pandal as the Quran prohibits idol worship.
Any true practicing Muslim will agree with her. Why are the Hindus here having problem with that? Want to force Muslims to attend Durga pujas? :azn:

WTF is wrong with these women in the BJP? :hitwall:
Nothing. The city elites are breaking their heads - that's all. Though they supported BJP, they never came out to vote. So their voice will not be heard. Sorry. :)

If this continues....BJP will be in opposition in next general elections.they are repeating same mistake what they did a decade back..
10 years back, BJP moved away from Hindutva to a large extent. That was the major reason for defeat. People voted on caste lines instead.

Making them selves and there party a laughing stock
Accha? She won with a greater share of votes this time. For MAKING speeches like these. Honest, straightforward and the Truth.
That is what happened as per mythology, when the son turned to bakra. She was correct.

Any true practicing Muslim will agree with her. Why are the Hindus here having problem with that? Want to force Muslims to attend Durga pujas? :azn:

Nothing. The city elites are breaking their heads - that's all. Though they supported BJP, they never came out to vote. So their voice will not be heard. Sorry. :)

10 years back, BJP moved away from Hindutva to a large extent. That was the major reason for defeat. People voted on caste lines instead.

Accha? She won with a greater share of votes this time. For MAKING speeches like these. Honest, straightforward and the Truth.
Do not defend the In Defensible :disagree:
That is what happened as per mythology, when the son turned to bakra. She was correct.

Any true practicing Muslim will agree with her. Why are the Hindus here having problem with that? Want to force Muslims to attend Durga pujas? :azn:

Nothing. The city elites are breaking their heads - that's all. Though they supported BJP, they never came out to vote. So their voice will not be heard. Sorry. :)

10 years back, BJP moved away from Hindutva to a large extent. That was the major reason for defeat. People voted on caste lines instead.

Accha? She won with a greater share of votes this time. For MAKING speeches like these. Honest, straightforward and the Truth.

These antics bro will not work every time people want change in governance style as compared to congress
Consequence of co-existence of religions with completely reciprocal ideology.
No offence meant but,Who the hell is she to tell muslims as to sacrifice what or what not?why animal sacrifice hurts her so much?are they her relatives?

That is what happened as per mythology, when the son turned to bakra. She was correct.

Any true practicing Muslim will agree with her. Why are the Hindus here having problem with that? Want to force Muslims to attend Durga pujas? :azn:

Nothing. The city elites are breaking their heads - that's all. Though they supported BJP, they never came out to vote. So their voice will not be heard. Sorry. :)

10 years back, BJP moved away from Hindutva to a large extent. That was the major reason for defeat. People voted on caste lines instead.

Accha? She won with a greater share of votes this time. For MAKING speeches like these. Honest, straightforward and the Truth.

Those who cant differentiate between outside Arabic ,foreign muslims and Indian muslims shouldnt be in an assembly seat .
She represent people in her constituency .
On reading this an oft repeated thought comes to mind.

Back in 47 the division between India & Pak was 1/4 the 2/3rd .

Going by this India should have 3 times the number of idiots than Pakistan does.

The views expressed indicated that my views are correct.
If this continues....BJP will be in opposition in next general elections.they are repeating same mistake what they did a decade back..
Just cool off its how the news is presented. I don't know the full story but many times its how the news is presented and portrayed. I am pretty sure it the excersion/small part from the answer or the response or may be the question asked back from some response. A smart media can twist it and mould it in anyform and then present it to make it a sensational news.

You might have remember the news of forced conversion of muslims (bangladesi) into hindu by RSS/Bajrang Dal in Agra. The instance where it happens is close to my house and the main leader of the Bajrangdal party lives in my neighbourhood. For 1 week our colony lane was busy seeing various visits from the news channels. There was lot of debate, critism by oppositions, various religious represented debating on TV and the general assumption layed down for the common person was that there happens the most controversial event have occured and Muslims people start thinking how poor muslims were tricked to be converted and radical hindus start thinking that Bajrangdal can save them from the growth of muslim population but it was way away from the reality.

In reality these poor people only wanted to have the ration card(security for not send to bangladesh, legaly can get the benifits of the govt. scheme for poor)
Local pol leaders wanted to show to the upper high command that they are working, so that their position could be increased.
Media wanted the hot news so they could run them continously for the next 24 hour with highly skill full generalist who smartly ask the question whose answer is the one he wants e.g he will ask "don't you think you have been cheated" the person whom they were asking is an ignorant, illeterate and even knew hindi little bit will only nod, and then generalist will again look upto the camera and will said "dekha apne kaise ............................."

Now question arises a person who are so ignorant and illeterate that they even don't know what religion is and they don't even bother which religion they represent. For them the only religion is PAPPI PEET.

So in the end who become fool
1. General public

Who are benefited
1. media
2. pol parties
3. radical religious group
Consequence of co-existence of religions with completely reciprocal ideology.
No offence meant but,Who the hell is she to tell muslims as to sacrifice what or what not?why animal sacrifice hurts her so much?are they her relatives?


Of Course .She is wrong .But she asked some direct questions .Is that right?

“The Quran says that the worshipping of idols is prohibited. Therefore, any true Muslim should not go to any Durga pandal,” Thakur told media here.

Source: BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals

Talking about the ritual of sacrifice among Muslim community on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Thakur said that according to the tales, a son was sacrificed on this day and he changed into goat. So, people should sacrifice their sons instead of innocent animals.

Source: BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals
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