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Why Arabs hate migrants from Bangladesh, India & Pakistan?

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Last year.. one of the Royal Sheikh of United Arab Emirates Sheikh Issa brutally tortured an Afghan Business Man Mohammed Shah Poor and had it all filmed on camera so he could watch it later.

Sheikh Issa


The videotape, aired by ABC Television April 22, shows the Afghan, Mohammed Shah Poor, being beaten with a nail-studded wood plank, having his genitals set on fire, his anus pierced by a cattle prod and then repeatedly run over by an SUV.

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It is really funny at times watching Indians and Pakistanis at each others throats.....

If you ever get a chance to live in the UK you will find that all, Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs respect each other and work with each other.

I can tell you now, when I go out to another City where the dominant people are white, any Asian, whether Indian or Pakistani, when they see each other, call one another brothers and an Aapna, both greet and enjoy each others company.

This S*** that happens between us only happens when we get bored of one another and Politicians need a vote bank.

Step out of Pakistan or India and you will find a whole new world, where people hate us and living WITH EACH OTHER is the only option
but this is universal, arabs behave the way they do based on race, they actually beleive their lazy ***** are superior.

I agree with you on this. Some Arabs does thing such way but their laziness will subdue them once again. Oil will not last forever...:lol:
Perhaps but not unrelated to topic. If we can not treat our own people in our country with human respect then how are in the position to judge Arabs. Fact of the matter is, it all about the wealth. A rich man get respect irrespective of national identity than a poor worker. A Pakistani or Bangladeshi may be treated with disrespect in Arabia but they at least earn enough money to provide a decent life for their family members in back home however a day laborers or maid work like semi slave condition in our country just for two times meal a day.

I am not trying to defend un-Islamic behaviors from the land of Muhammad(S.W.A) but not all Muslims are mumin and not all Arabs are zalim.

Remittances leading to bottom up poverty alleviation should be discussed as a separate topic in the economic section. As I said, people of subcontinent abusing servants and laborers is reprehensible and inhumane but here we are discussing Arabs, hence it is off topic.
so what happend to this Shiekh Issa? is he walking scott free?
It brings the treatment of people from South Asia out across the world not just in the Arab world......for sure, dealing with racism hasn't really reached the Middle East but it very much exists elsewhere also.

Pakistanis and Indians seem to work well together when abroad...i'll give you an example.

Yesterday, Whilst about to finish work, I work as a cop. A Sikh man came into the Police Station. He was about 55-60 years old. He came in and looked very shaken, appeared crying and did make much sense.

A colleague of mine, took him to a side room which I entered and after re-assuring him I enquired with him what had happenned.

At the time, many Officers were in the Station but decided to deal with other matters.

The old man, began to sob and told me his sister had died in India yesterday, he left his home today with his Passport and Visa application form to go to the Indian Consulate and get his Visa so that he can head out to India. He was adament he left the papers in his glove box compartment and when he reached the Consulate he popped into the local shop to get something and when he returned and looked into the glove compartment, the papers were no longer there and believed they had been stolen.

The man was in tears, and most of my coleagues, just looked at him showing no interest.

Here was I, a Muslim, of pakistani origin, with a Sikh male, an Indian, and his predicament instantly hit me....honestly, I nearly cried myself, looking at this old man, the age of my father.

I got up and ordered two other Officers, one of them an Indian to join me to go back to his car and seach other thoroughly, whilst the other walks back down the route the man had taken to the foe from the shop, as he was clearly distressed and in remorse and this may have effected his judgement and caused confusion.

Despite me now being off duty I walked back, in the heavy rain to his car and the Officers searched it. They went through every little space but nothing was found. The Sikh man put his hands to his face and just cried.

I walked over to the car and asked both Officers to get out and looked in the glove compartment myself. Knowing that the glove compartment has a space to the rear and the man may have pushed it in there mistakenly in a hurry I found the documents.

The man looked at me and sighed out loud and embraced me, thanking me dearly for the find.

I walked back with my Officers and the Indian Officer says "What a F***ing knob" to which I replied "Your the F***ing knob for not being able to find the documents in the first place. His sister has died, you should have more respect for him" added with a hurl of abuse tellign him to F off.

Point is........Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi..........only when you go aborad is when you feel brotherly love for one another

I googled it and here is the Trial and Verdict :cry::cry:

Trial and verdict

On 14 December 2009 Issa appeared in court and declared he was innocent.[21] The trial ended on 10 January 2010, when Issa was cleared of the torture and rape of Mohammed Shah Poor.[22] Though according to his lawyer, the court accepted that Issa had been a victim of a conspiracy, the judge in fact did not give a reason, as to why Issa was exonerated of responsibility for the abuse.[23] The Lebanese-American brothers Ghassan and Bassam Nabulsi were both sentenced in absentia to five years[24] for "drugging, recording and publishing a video and blackmail".[22][25][26][27][28].

Nablusi, speaking from Texas, told the Observer of his shock. "I am feeling nauseous. It is really sarcastic. These people, the more they lie, the bigger the hole they are digging for themselves" and called the verdict an insult to justice.[29]

Human Rights Watch, an international rights watchdog group, criticised the United Arab Emirate's trial and called on the government to establish an independent body to investigate allegations of abuse by security personnel and other persons of authority.[30]
World's most Racist Nations .(Internet Poll)

USA 10 16.67%
Canada 1 1.67%
Mexico 1 1.67%
Brazil 0 0%
Greece 0 0%
Austraila 4 6.67%
Sweden 0 0%
Russia 6 10.00%
China 2 3.33%
india 3 5.00%
Saudi Arabia 4 6.67%
Iran 3 5.00%
Kenya 2 3.33%
Germany 0 0%
England 2 3.33%
France 3 5.00%
poland 1 1.67%
Spain 2 3.33%
South Africa 7 11.67%

Racist Countries (Vietnamese, population, Asians) - World - City-Data Forum

Racism Exists everywhere and USA tops is !

Know about Indian students being Stabbed in Australia ?

Its a Global Problem and Arbs are a part of it.

whenever somebody is talking negative about saudis and arabs blackblood comes to the rescue and usually tries to shut that person up by calling them a troll!!!!
stop worshiping the arabs
I have heard that he is.. :cry: They paid the victim and the story was over.. or something like that

He was acquitted. It might be the best legal decision of the decade. Guy shows his face on video, speaks out his name numerous time in a conversation and there is a witness as well; yet the guy goes free after torturing and raping another person. And the guy who leaked the video was sentenced in absentee for five years. What a justice system.

Abu Dhabi Royal Acquitted in Torture Trial
NY Times

A court in Abu Dhabi ruled on Sunday that 45 minutes of video showing a member of the emirate’s ruling family torturing an Afghan grain merchant — by stuffing his face with sand, firing a machine gun close to his body, hitting him with a whip and an electric cattle prod, cutting his bare buttocks by striking him a nail embedded in a stick and driving over him — did not prove the prosecution’s case that the sheik was guilty of a crime.

As the Abu Dhabi daily The National reported, the court ruled that Sheik Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, a brother of president of the United Arab Emirates, had “diminished liability” for his actions, which he claimed took place while he was under the influence of medication. The trial was held in Al Ain, an oasis city near Sheik Issa’s farm where the Afghan man, Mohammed Shah Poor, was tortured in 2004.

A still frame from the video of Sheik Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan stuffing sand in the face of an Afghan man in 2004, published on the Web site of ABC News.ABC News A still frame from the video of Sheik Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan stuffing sand in the face of an Afghan man in 2004.

The video came to light last year when excerpts from it were broadcast in an ABC News report that featured an interview with Bassam Nabulsi, one of Sheik Issa’s former business partners, who said his brother had filmed the torture at the request of the sheik. Sheik Issa believed that the victim, Mr. Shah Poor, had shortchanged him in a business transaction.

Mr. Nabulsi and his brother, who are involved in a separate lawsuit against Sheik Issa, were found guilty by the court in Al Ain that acquitted the sheik. The National reports that the Nabulsi brothers, Lebanese-Americans who are no longer in Abu Dhabi, “were sentenced in absentia to five years in prison and deportation for drugging Sheikh Issa, videotaping a crime scene and blackmailing him with the tape.”

Tony Buzbee, an attorney for the Nabulsis, said in a statement sent to The Lede on Monday:

The verdict is a farce, and shows why the world should have no confidence in the [United Arab Emirates'] justice system. This was a show trial, held completely in secret, with one objective: to relieve international pressure on the ruling family so that the pending military treaty with the U.S. would go forward. The fact is, and the evidence is clear, Sheikh Issa tortured numerous people and he ordered the torture to be videotaped. The sheikh’s abhorrent behavior also was not isolated. I offered the U.A.E. authorities additional videotape indicating that at least 20 other people were tortured by the sheikh. [...] The Obama administration, like the Bush administration, continues to coddle the U.A.E. and look past serious human rights and security concerns there.

The United Arab Emirates, of which Abu Dhabi is a part, made an agreement with the United States, during the final week of the Bush administration last January, to import import nuclear fuel for use in an energy program. The United States formally signed the agreement with the U.A.E. in December.

As my colleague Robert Worth explained last April, the agreement means that the U.S. will “share expertise, technology and fuel in exchange for a promise by the Emirates to abide by international safeguards and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.”

Three of Sheikh Issa’s employees were sentenced to prison terms of one to three years for helping in the assault on the grain merchant. A Syrian cook was sentenced to one year in jail for beating Mr. Shah Poor, and two workers, identified by Reuters as an Indian and a Palestinian, were each sentenced to three years for sodomizing the victim with a stick. As Reuters notes, 80 percent of the residents of the United Arab Emirates are foreign workers.

According to The National, the victim, Mr. Shah Poor, “was compensated for his injuries in a private settlement in the days after the incident.” The newspaper also reported that shortly after the verdict was announced by the court, Mr. Shah Poor, “congratulated the sheikh, kissing him on both cheeks.”

Describing the scene in court, and perhaps the power dynamics in Abu Dhabi, Lara Setrakian of ABC News wrote on Twitter on Sunday:

I sat 2 rows behind the Sheikh. He was visibly comfortable the whole hearing, victim slouched and uneasy, judge rushed.

Sheik Acquitted in Abu Dhabi Torture Case
Published: January 10, 2010

AL-AIN, United Arab Emirates (Reuters) — A member of Abu Dhabi’s ruling family was found not guilty on Sunday of the torture and rape of an Afghan man in a case that embarrassed the Persian Gulf emirate and raised questions over human rights.

The judge did not give a reason why the family member, Sheik Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, was exonerated of responsibility for the abuse, which had been captured on video and was broadcast last year by the American television network ABC.

But a lawyer for the sheik said that his client was found to have “diminished liability” because two former business associates had drugged him and taken the video to extort money from him.

The two men, the Lebanese-American brothers Bassam and Ghassan Nabulsi, were sentenced in absentia to five years and fined $2,723 for what the judge said was drugging, recording and publishing a video, and blackmail.
Arabs have been racist and prejudiced since long before Hazrat Muhammad's (pbuh) time. They are very territorial and base alot of emphasis on blood-lines and ethnic background. To them, these are far more important factors for judging a man rather then good nature and moral values.

It was Muhammad(pbuh) who taught them the real values and morality. A lesson they forgot as soon as Muhammad(pbuh) died.

But all this kept aside, i think the responsibility lies with the embassies of our countries present in the arab world. It is they who must take a firm stand and not let injustices happen to our own people.

"If we dont respect ourselves, then who is going to respect us!"

I agree with you on this. Some Arabs does thing such way but their laziness will subdue them once again. Oil will not last forever...:lol:

it's not about oil
The historical name for Persians has always been ajam and even today they still call Iranians ajams!

"According to Encyclopædia Iranica, the word "ajam" in Arabic "is applied especially to Persians" and means "to mumble and speak indistinctly"[40] (similar to the Slavic use of words from the root nemoy ("mute") to refer to the Germans; see Names for Germany), which is the opposite of the meaning of speaking "chaste and correct Arabic language."[41] It might have a root in greco-roman prejudices and stereotypes of persians at the time, otherwise it could have only been a confidence-builder for muslim arabs since they've been in contact with persians and exposed to their culture for a long time and there was no reason persians could have been "mute" and "unknown" to them.

"The distinction of Arab and Ajam is already discernible in pre- and early Islamic literature Cf. the Ajam Temtemī ("stuttering barbarian")."[42] (also mentioned in[43])

"In general, ajam was a pejorative term, used by Arabs because of their contrived social and political superiority in early Islam."[44]

Dehkhoda Dictionary also verifies this, stating the meaning as "کند زبانان" i.e. "one who mumbles". For another detailed discourse on this subject see:

* Ignaz Goldziher, 'Arab und 'Agam. Muhammedanische Studien I. Halle. 1889-1890. I p. 101. tr. London 1967-1971, I, p. 98[C. E. Bosworth.

make excuses as long as you want.
some of you guys are racist towards yourselves, you see arabs as higher beings then pakistanis. Stop making excuses for them.

I googled it and here is the Trial and Verdict :cry::cry:

Trial and verdict

On 14 December 2009 Issa appeared in court and declared he was innocent.[21] The trial ended on 10 January 2010, when Issa was cleared of the torture and rape of Mohammed Shah Poor.[22] Though according to his lawyer, the court accepted that Issa had been a victim of a conspiracy, the judge in fact did not give a reason, as to why Issa was exonerated of responsibility for the abuse.[23] The Lebanese-American brothers Ghassan and Bassam Nabulsi were both sentenced in absentia to five years[24] for "drugging, recording and publishing a video and blackmail".[22][25][26][27][28].

Nablusi, speaking from Texas, told the Observer of his shock. "I am feeling nauseous. It is really sarcastic. These people, the more they lie, the bigger the hole they are digging for themselves" and called the verdict an insult to justice.[29]

Human Rights Watch, an international rights watchdog group, criticised the United Arab Emirate's trial and called on the government to establish an independent body to investigate allegations of abuse by security personnel and other persons of authority.[30]

what a shame.
Other than Pakistan, the largest population of Pakistanis are in Saudi Arabia. If it was so bad for Pakistanis, why do so many Pakistanis live there.

My parents went to Saudi Arabia for Umrah a few months ago and they experienced no racism at all. They said everyone was nice to them especially people of Medina were very nice.

Saudis dont like to speak english though, they want Pakistanis to learn Arabic (all Pakistanis know how to read Arabic), but Saudis expect Pakistanis to speak and understand Arabic while many Pakistanis live there but dont learn Arabic so its actually Pakistani people's fault too. They need to learn the language if they want to live in the country.
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