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Iran is not the 'role model' for Pakistan as many Pakistanis make it out to be

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Mar 3, 2010
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Iran is not the 'role model' for Pakistan as many Pakistanis make it out to be.

Many Pakistanis both Pan-Islamists and secularists see Iran as the brave country that stands up to western imperialism simply because it has cut off economic, political and diplomatic ties to America and does not comply to Israeli and western demands.

Pakistanis and other Muslims who believe this are missing out on many facts.
Firstly Iran, unlike Pakistan, has large oil reserves that it can export abroad and make huge profits from the oil market as well as use it domestically. Add to that, it has a much smaller and stable population and more resources that western sanctions do much less damage to a country like Iran than an overpopulated country like Pakistan which has limited energy resources and a much larger population.

Bu even with all these factors put in place, there are many negative things that the Iranian people have to suffer through compared to Pakistanis.

While Pakistan is a relatively secular country and gives better rights to it's women and minorities, Iran is a much more strict society where women have to cover their heads in public.
Ironically Sunni Muslims are given fewer rights than non-Muslims.

Punishments for minor crimes (though now possibly decreased) such as alcohol consumption are severe. Public executions are frequent. People with personal relationships outside of marriage have to keep their relationships a secret from the state.

Many Iranians regret allowing the Mullahs/Islamists to take over and there are various movements in the country to overthrow the Mullahs.

Transportation Technology:
Recently many incidents of air crashes by various Iranian airliners both government and private have been reported.
This is because of western sanctions that don't allow Iran to buy modern airliners such as Boeings and Airbuses, forcing the country to use outdated Soviet built aircraft which come with all sorts of technical problems, making them a serious hazard to public safety.

Iran has been able to buy a few second hand western planes, but very few companies are willing to sell aircraft of high quality whether new or used.
Pakistan on the other hand has been able to maintain an excellent fleet of modern aircraft and purchase new planes.

While on the subject of aviation, it is worth mentioning that Boeing has bought over a hundred million dollars worth of components from Pakistan including engine parts for the GE94 engines in it's Boeing 777 series and other components for it's 767s. This would not be possible under sanctions.

People who argue that Iran has managed to protect it's sovereignty despite being militarily weaker than Pakistan should know that Iran has close military ties to the Russian Federation (RF).
With NATOs heavy presence in Central Asia and the Middle East, the Russian Federation most likely react sharply to any American, Israeli or joint NATO attack on Iran.

Iran is an important ally for the Russian Federation being rich in energy resources both strategic and militarily.
Western sanctions have opened an opportunity for the RF to sell it's products in the Iranian market as a substitute for all modern technology that Iran is unable to purchase.

Many ignorant hardline religious Iranians and their admirers ignore the fact that the Iranian government has been silent to Russian atrocities in Chechnya or the fact that Iran sided with Armenia against Azerbaijan in the Karabakh wars.
This is all despite the fact that Azerbaijan is Shia Muslim like Iran and the top officials in the Iranian government ever since the revolution are ethnic Azeris including the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei.

All these facts must be observed by people before they reconsider the Iranian regime as the touch kid in the neighborhood who stands up to the big bullies.

Pak Independent: Iran is not the 'role model' for Pakistan as many Pakistanis make it out to be.
no we dont ?? it might have been in the beginning when ahmdinejad started showing some balls..but that was ages ago..after that i think everyone realised that he was just talkin out of his a$$..actually he's the reason no one takes iran seriously
no we dont ?? it might have been in the beginning when ahmdinejad started showing some balls..but that was ages ago..after that i think everyone realised that he was just talkin out of his a$$..actually he's the reason no one takes iran seriously

What did you expect him to do?
dude no one fancys Iran why shal we ? As creder said it was just ahmedinajad statement but its was all temp and now all vapourised. They are no heroes or ideals for me atleast.
Turkey should be our role model, that is all folks.
Nobody is perfect, but Iranians do have some good qualities which majority of Pakistanis admire e.g If you saw the documentary on Iranian President you must have seen that he doesn't live in a Big mansion, doesn't roam around in a motorcade of Mercedes or BMW's, In Iran there are very less Robberies or theft as compared to Pakistan, People over there are not forced to live without electricity in summers, If u have seen Iran its very clean, these are the qualities of a good nation if not so perfect and that is some thing which Pakistani's admire, i know that their government has been brutal at times, but so has been so many others especially Pakistan's where people disappear from right outside their houses and are later found in USA or Guantanamo, 3 years ago i had a horrible tooth ache and i couldn't go to hospital because some V VIP was passing by and they had sealed all roads, and it just struck me that what if it was some thing serious, no body would care if common people die like that, I am sorry but i must say i disagree with you. you just provided a very subjective image of Iran, which is true as well but people living in democracies like that of Pakistan also face such issues, corruption that prevails in Pakistan is one the motivating factors of terrorism, ever wonder why would a person be willing to blow him self up? its not for religion only so many other factors are involved primary ones being poverty, unjust practices of governments.
Iran is not the 'role model' for Pakistan as many Pakistanis make it out to be.

Many Pakistanis both Pan-Islamists and secularists see Iran as the brave country that stands up to western imperialism simply because it has cut off economic, political and diplomatic ties to America and does not comply to Israeli and western demands.

Pakistanis and other Muslims who believe this are missing out on many facts.
Firstly Iran, unlike Pakistan, has large oil reserves that it can export abroad and make huge profits from the oil market as well as use it domestically. Add to that, it has a much smaller and stable population and more resources that western sanctions do much less damage to a country like Iran than an overpopulated country like Pakistan which has limited energy resources and a much larger population.

Bu even with all these factors put in place, there are many negative things that the Iranian people have to suffer through compared to Pakistanis.

While Pakistan is a relatively secular country and gives better rights to it's women and minorities, Iran is a much more strict society where women have to cover their heads in public.
Ironically Sunni Muslims are given fewer rights than non-Muslims.

Punishments for minor crimes (though now possibly decreased) such as alcohol consumption are severe. Public executions are frequent. People with personal relationships outside of marriage have to keep their relationships a secret from the state.

Many Iranians regret allowing the Mullahs/Islamists to take over and there are various movements in the country to overthrow the Mullahs.

Transportation Technology:
Recently many incidents of air crashes by various Iranian airliners both government and private have been reported.
This is because of western sanctions that don't allow Iran to buy modern airliners such as Boeings and Airbuses, forcing the country to use outdated Soviet built aircraft which come with all sorts of technical problems, making them a serious hazard to public safety.

Iran has been able to buy a few second hand western planes, but very few companies are willing to sell aircraft of high quality whether new or used.
Pakistan on the other hand has been able to maintain an excellent fleet of modern aircraft and purchase new planes.

While on the subject of aviation, it is worth mentioning that Boeing has bought over a hundred million dollars worth of components from Pakistan including engine parts for the GE94 engines in it's Boeing 777 series and other components for it's 767s. This would not be possible under sanctions.

People who argue that Iran has managed to protect it's sovereignty despite being militarily weaker than Pakistan should know that Iran has close military ties to the Russian Federation (RF).
With NATOs heavy presence in Central Asia and the Middle East, the Russian Federation most likely react sharply to any American, Israeli or joint NATO attack on Iran.

Iran is an important ally for the Russian Federation being rich in energy resources both strategic and militarily.
Western sanctions have opened an opportunity for the RF to sell it's products in the Iranian market as a substitute for all modern technology that Iran is unable to purchase.

Many ignorant hardline religious Iranians and their admirers ignore the fact that the Iranian government has been silent to Russian atrocities in Chechnya or the fact that Iran sided with Armenia against Azerbaijan in the Karabakh wars.
This is all despite the fact that Azerbaijan is Shia Muslim like Iran and the top officials in the Iranian government ever since the revolution are ethnic Azeris including the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei.

All these facts must be observed by people before they reconsider the Iranian regime as the touch kid in the neighborhood who stands up to the big bullies.

Pak Independent: Iran is not the 'role model' for Pakistan as many Pakistanis make it out to be.

Above proves any I.d.i.o.t without a brain can create a blog on one hand he claims cause of Irans oil reserves and small population westren sanctions do not work on Iran and then goes on to say this

Transportation Technology:
Recently many incidents of air crashes by various Iranian airliners both government and private have been reported.
This is because of western sanctions that don't allow Iran to buy modern airliners such as Boeings and Airbuses, forcing the country to use outdated Soviet built aircraft which come with all sorts of technical problems, making them a serious hazard to public safety.

Iran has been able to buy a few second hand western planes, but very few companies are willing to sell aircraft of high quality whether new or used.

i am confused some one help me.:rofl:

Where are those facts that tell us Iran is a bad Nation but here is a Fact for you Dumb A.s.s they are standing up for there rights on the other hand All middle eastren nations have westren supported puppets that bend back wards and do sajda to there masters you can take that FACT to the bank.

So if Muslims look towards Iran as a MuslimNation thats stand up to the west compare to other so called muslim nations who to save there own seats will do any thing to keep there masters happy including allowing there territory to attack another muslim nations and destroyed let me think who should i think is bad

HEY dumb a.s.s alocohol consumption is forbidden by islam so if a muslim nation punishes you for that there is a reason for that because its a ISLAMIC country.:azn::rofl:

People who argue that Iran has managed to protect it's sovereignty despite being militarily weaker than Pakistan should know that Iran has close military ties to the Russian Federation (RF).
With NATOs heavy presence in Central Asia and the Middle East, the Russian Federation most likely react sharply to any American, Israeli or joint NATO attack on Iran.

OH my GAWD those bad Iranians have allied them self to some one stronger i see your point.
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Iran government is not stupid. All those protest against Iran's government were CIA funded (research before bashing me). Iran respects Islamic law which Pakistan does not and you analogize this as restrictions? Have you sold your self to rely on west or what?
Iran government is not stupid. All those protest against Iran's government were CIA funded (research before bashing me). Iran respects Islamic law which Pakistan does not and you analogize this as restrictions? Have you sold your self to rely on west or what?

DUde thats a ISraeli pretending to be a Muslim Blogger same story repeated over and over again .Iran is bad Iran is Bad :rofl:
yes we no need mullah stupid rule with propegenda drugs no freedom and pablic hangs. thanks even zardari is better then these extreamst khumani shumaini mullahs
Iran government is not stupid. All those protest against Iran's government were CIA funded (research before bashing me). Iran respects Islamic law which Pakistan does not and you analogize this as restrictions? Have you sold your self to rely on west or what?

I don't even get worked up over these idiot statements anymore!

Unfortunately as Iranians we're stuck in a bad situation. Those that like us, like Einstein above, do so b/c they love our fascist govt and are anti western to the bone.
Those that hate us think Iranians are religious fundamentalists ready to do anything in the name of Islam blah blah....

I think Iran and Iranians are the most MISUNDERSTOOD country and people on the planet. On one side we have the west and Israel talking **** against us and on the other we're attracting all the flea infested jihadists on the planet lmao
One thing that I love is that the entire planet is an Iran expert, both the ones that "like us" and those that hate us.
To hell with you all.
yes we no need mullah stupid rule with propegenda drugs no freedom and pablic hangs. thanks even zardari is better then these extreamst khumani shumaini mullahs

correct me if i am wrong but dont you live in saudi arabia
I don't even get worked up over these idiot statements anymore!

Unfortunately as Iranians we're stuck in a bad situation. Those that like us, like Einstein above, do so b/c they love our fascist govt and are anti western to the bone.
Those that hate us think Iranians are religious fundamentalists ready to do anything in the name of Islam blah blah....

I think Iran and Iranians are the most MISUNDERSTOOD country and people on the planet. On one side we have the west and Israel talking **** against us and on the other we're attracting all the flea infested jihadists on the planet lmao
One thing that I love is that the entire planet is an Iran expert, both the ones that "like us" and those that hate us.
To hell with you all.

But you just said
I don't even get worked up over these idiot statements anymore!

and then you go on to say
both the ones that "like us" and those that hate us.To hell with you all

why dont you make up your mind what u actually wanna say before calling us all names as for now you are sounding like a troll.
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correct me if i am wrong but dont you live in saudi arabia

nither ispport extreamst any were are they irani or saudi nor i feel my self shia sunni but a muslim.but as i think irani are worst ever.
But you just said

and then you go on to say

why dont you make up your mind what u actually wanna say before calling us all names as for now you are sounding like a troll.

getting worked up means calling him names and then digging up proof to show him how dumb he sounds.
and I didn't call you all names, that rant was meant to be for the ppl of the world :D
It don't matter who you're and what country you are from or what your opinion is anymore, everybody is an Iran expert since the early 2000's.
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