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UNGA speech: Nawaz proposes 4-point peace initiative with India

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Its a significant step down from all previous demands, quite a diplomatic play, looks like Sharif seriously wants to rewrite his legacy but I am not too optimistic for a solution in an India that is fixated with Modi's 56 inch chest. He has to play to an audience that is counting on him to deliver two things:

1. Business
2. Power Projection

And a good deal of number 2 involves disengaging with Pakistan. Although they might think its a good strategy for now, it is myopic and also will result in no results so its as good as the status quo.

Sadly yes, all due to trust deficit. I appreciate the courage the shown by NS nonetheless as some points are if not radical then still brave considering the ground reality.

In short term though expect similar peace noises from India - their implementation would hinge on various factors chief among them Pakistan's rigidity on Kashmir.


1. We propose Pakistan and India formalise and respect 2003 understanding of a complete ceasefire in Kashsmir and LoC

2. We propose Pakistan and India reaffirm that they will not resort to the threat of force under any circumstances

3. Steps must be taken to demilitarise Kashmir

4. Agree to mutually withdraw troops from Siachen


Lets just admit that it was a very comrehensive and great speech - Very well delivered. The ball is in India's court. But we already know the outcome. Don't we?

Do we know the outcome? Y E S

What is the Indian response? N O
Overall it is a very nice speech. Good work Nawaz. From Kashmir to Siachen everything was in it. Nice. :tup:
1. We propose Pakistan and India formalise and respect 2003 understanding of a complete ceasefire in Kashsmir and LoC
yes... i support that...:tup::tup:
We propose Pakistan and India reaffirm that they will not resort to the threat of force under any circumstances
under any circumstances!!???... not gonna happen. India will retaliate to every ceasefire violation and attempts to infiltrate pakistani terrorists to india.
Steps must be taken to demilitarise Kashmir
stop sending terrorists to india and then we can talk about demilitarizing kashmir.
Agree to mutually withdraw troops from Siachen
for what?? for another kargil like operation?? mutually withdraw troops after agreeing that pakistan army will not try to occupy siachen ever again.
1.India sees no role for UNMOGIP. We want it to pack its bags & leave.

2. Pak army is not in Siachen. Indian Army occupies the Soltoro Ridge beyond Siachen Glacier. India has the strategic advantage, so no withdrawal.

3. First time I have seen Pakistan talking without any claim on Kashmir. No Kashmir banega Pakistan ? Discourse changed ?
which part of his speech was courageous??

Demilitarization of Kashmir and Siachin Glacier. All of that peace overtures.

My friend look at the ground reality in Pakistan - They feel the similar way about India as we Indians feel about Pakistan's patronage of infiltration and LoC violations.

If Modi would have talked peace and de-militarization we would have crucified him - their was a risk Pakistanis would have similar feelings towards NS. He still took the chance - However impractical and non-serious - I have to appreciate his courage if not that then his craftiness.

It is an another matter every one knows nothing will come out of it.
Pakistan will fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

what will happen to the good terrorists :guns: :guns:

he opposed extension of Security Council, saying that there is no need to increase permanent members of the UNSC.

if India withdraws then Pakistan will have no opposition to extansion :feminist: :feminist:

He stressed peace and prosperity in Afghanistan, saying that Pakistan will assist to help resume the dialogue process with the Afghan Taliban.

Not possible till Pakistan continues its support for the divine groups. :angel: :angel:

He said ceasefire violations along LoC and Working Boundary are intensifying

only because of your own deeds :suicide: :suicide2:

We look forward to welcome Palestine as a full member of UN

Show this solidarity to Israel also :smitten: :smitten:

Pakistan neither wants to nor is engaged in an arms race in South Asia.”

thats why showing interest in Russian.:raise: :raise:

Pakistan and India reaffirm that they will not resort to the use or the threat of use of force under any circumstances.

humare pass nuke hai, hum nuclear hukumat hai. :blah: :blah:

Pakistan and India should agree to an unconditional mutual withdrawal from Siachen Glacier, the world’s highest battleground.

India doesn't want another Kargil :nhl_checking: :nhl_checking:

Pakistan neither wants to, nor is it engaged in, an arms race in South Asia.

again a lie :coffee: :coffee:

Kashmiris oppressed by foreign occupation

Yes in Pak occupied Kashmir :sniper: :sniper:

overall :lol: :lol: :lol:

1. We propose Pakistan and India formalise and respect 2003 understanding of a complete ceasefire in Kashsmir and LoC

2. We propose Pakistan and India reaffirm that they will not resort to the threat of force under any circumstances

3. Steps must be taken to demilitarise Kashmir

4. Agree to mutually withdraw troops from Siachen


Lets just admit that it was a very comrehensive and great speech - Very well delivered. The ball is in India's court. But we already know the outcome. Don't we?
None of the points are agreeable as it does not address the issue of terrorism. All those who have been affected over the years must be compensated for their losses and perpetrators have to be brought to justice first.
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