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'palestinians' teaching a child to stab Israelis.

It is the responsibility of all to teach your children to recognise a snake & kill it

Israelis are colonials who have occupied the land of Palestine and oppressed its people

For decades the Palestinians have been crushed under israeli apartheid policies how long can they suffer without frustration boiling over

The jews were repeatedly told to separate from the Palestinians snd sllow them a state your greed has meant a fast growing palestinian population across gaza, israel and the west bank

Why should jews have peace when you have stolen it from the lives of Palestinians
I dont understand arabic - but are they specifically telling the child how to stab a another person, or are they just playing with him ?

At the end of the vid I can hear him say "Zionists"
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It is the responsibility of all to teach your children to recognise a snake & kill it

Israelis are colonials who have occupied the land of Palestine and oppressed its people

For decades the Palestinians have been crushed under israeli apartheid policies how long can they suffer without frustration boiling over

The jews were repeatedly told to separate from the Palestinians snd sllow them a state your greed has meant a fast growing palestinian population across gaza, israel and the west bank

Why should jews have peace when you have stolen it from the lives of Palestinians

As I recall, In 48 the UN gave both the jews and arabs a state in land of Israel - jews accepted it and arabs didn't.
most of the arab armies and the arab within the land started to attack the jewish population and in the end the jews won the war.
in 67 Israel started an attack on the arab armies after they said in public they're going to push the jews to the sea, and again it won the war and conquer lands from the arab countries.
I don't recall their was ever a "Palestinian" country. "Palestine" is a roman name for the land of Israel and has nothing to do with arab who lived there.
Arab chose the path of war and forced the jews into that, not the other way around.
Israelis need to go back to where they came from. If words were not able to achieve that, then looking at history; people will surely resort to violence.

Israelis are from Israel.

Arabs are from Arabia.

Of course,they will train kids ti stab Israeli officers,when they aren't get ashamed to kill and shoot young kids,lol

Of course,they will train kids ti stab Israeli officers,when they aren't get ashamed to kill and shoot young kids,lol

Should they be ashamed? I think the ones that should be ashamed are the ones who teach those young kids to kill.
I'd like to see what would be your response if u'll see a 11-15 years old kids stabbing other people, u'll defend yourself or just let them stab u too?

And as a pakistani u talk like u're some kind of angel? let me remind you of all the casualties in your wars:
1947: Partition of India and Pakistan (1 million)
1965: second India-Pakistan war over Kashmir (?)
1971: Pakistan-Bangladesh civil war (500,000)
1995-: Pakistani Sunnis vs Shiites (1,300)
2007-: Pakistan vs PAkistani Taliban (38,000)

Israel vs arabs

    • I (1947-49): 6,373 Israeli and 15,000 Arabs die
    • II (1956): 231 Israeli and 3,000 Egyptians die
    • III (1967): 776 Israeli and 20,000 Arabs die
    • IV (1973): 2,688 Israeli and 18,000 Arabs die
    • Intifada I (1987-92): 170 Israelis and 1,000 Palestinians
    • Intifada II (2000-03): 700 Israelis and 2,000 Palestinians
    • Israel-Hamas war (2008): 1,300 Palestinians
I don't even need to calculate the numbers to see that ur country is starving for war....
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Should they be ashamed? I think the ones that should be ashamed are the ones who teach those young kids to kill.
I'd like to see what would be your response if u'll see a 11-15 years old kids stabbing other people, u'll defend yourself or just let them stab u too?
You need to see both sides of coin my friend,imagine how I feel when I see two yer old kid being killed by Israeli officers mercilessly.

As I recall, In 48 the UN gave both the jews and arabs a state in land of Israel - jews accepted it and arabs didn't.
most of the arab armies and the arab within the land started to attack the jewish population and in the end the jews won the war.
in 67 Israel started an attack on the arab armies after they said in public they're going to push the jews to the sea, and again it won the war and conquer lands from the arab countries.
I don't recall their was ever a "Palestinian" country. "Palestine" is a roman name for the land of Israel and has nothing to do with arab who lived there.
Arab chose the path of war and forced the jews into that, not the other way around.

Palestinians defended their land from occupation

Why were foreign jews including poles, Russians and Europeans allowed to carve a state in the middle east where arabs already lived

This is B.S, no one would accept the division of their homeland to accommodate non middle easterners

To fight is just, it is a right

Even then you failed to allow the Palestinians rights or a state in the west bank allowing settlers to take land and homes

People csn be ground down only so much before striking out it is human nature

You can predict israels future is bleak
It applies both ways, u can't expect a young kid not to be responsible for the things he's done, not matter what age he is.
However, Im disturbed that we got to such low level of tolerance for each other.
talking from my own prespective, I got no problem with any religion or race, muslims, arabs , christians, jews, gays or w/e ... we're all human beings in the end and seems like we're forgettin that.

Palestinians defended their land from occupation

Why were foreign jews including poles, Russians and Europeans allowed to carve a state in the middle east where arabs already lived

This is B.S, no one would accept the division of their homeland to accommodate non middle easterners

To fight is just, it is a right

Even then you failed to allow the Palestinians rights or a state in the west bank allowing settlers to take land and homes

People csn be ground down only so much before striking out it is human nature

You can predict israels future is bleak

Arabs lived there, that's right, but u failed to mention that this wasn't their country. It was under british mandate and they had no say to who'll live there or not.
Strange that Arabs from the Arabian peninsula are claiming Israel which is outside of the Arabian peninsula, as theirs.

Almost as if they invaded....
It applies both ways, u can't expect a young kid not to be responsible for the things he's done, not matter what age he is.
However, Im disturbed that we got to such low level of tolerance for each other.
talking from my own prespective, I got no problem with any religion or race, muslims, arabs , christians, jews, gays or w/e ... we're all human beings in the end and seems like we're forgettin that.

The moment you turned up in the middle east with a Zionist agenda knowing the land was already inhabited is the moment you set the current problems in motion

Not content with the problems you caused you continue to build in the west bank forcing millions of Palestinians into glorified ghettos

Everything is bubbling
Palestinians are forced to leave Palestine so Jews from Brooklyn can live there, nice.

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