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Taiwan developing 'carrier killer'


Oct 8, 2009
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TAIPEI - TAIWAN has unveiled the first images of a high-tech missile corvette specifically designed to counter the threat of China acquiring an aircraft carrier, officials and media said on Monday.

A computerised graphic of the 1,000-tonne 'carrier killer', which has so far been kept secret from the public, has gone on display at Taipei's military museum, run by the defence ministry.

The vessel will be capable of cruising at speeds of up to 55 kilometres (34 miles) an hour and boast technologies helping it to evade radar detection, the Taipei-based Apple Daily reported, citing military officials. The navy hopes to arm the corvette with Taiwan's home-grown Hsiungfeng III supersonic ship-to-ship missile, according to the report.

The military museum did not provide any details, while the defence ministry declined to comment on the report.

The report came after the head of Taiwan's National Security Bureau, Tsai Teh Sheng, told parliament in November that China has started building its first aircraft carrier. Taiwanese military analysts expect China to need at least 10 years to build its first operating carrier group complete with carrier-based fighters and other warships. But they warn that once the Chinese arms build-up is completed, it will have a far-reaching strategic impact on the region.

Ties between China and Taiwan have improved markedly since China-friendly Ma Ying Jeou became the island's president in 2008, vowing to adopt a non-confrontational policy towards the mainland. But China still regards Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary, although the island has governed itself since 1949 when the mainland's civil war ended. -- AFP
Taiwan developing 'carrier killer'

Taiwan developing an indigenous vessel has it's roots from U.S. technical support a former Taiwan defense official said last year.
PRC doesn't need an AC for tiny and narrow Taiwan Strait.

So Taiwan developing "Carrier Killer" means one thing, and one thing only ----> Indian Navy AC, watch below your deck for Hsiungfeng III supersonic missiles any time soon, as Taiwan govenment claims South Tibet TOO! :yahoo:

During the 1962 Sino-Indian War, Taiwan govenment at a time issued a statment strongly supporting mainland China's stance on South Tibet, in spite of the fact that it was the darkest period of hostility between the mainland and Taiwan.

One can argue if it belongs to People's Republic of China or Republic of China, yet both sides resolutely claim that South Tibet is a part of CHINA and it will be returned to CHINA by force if neccesary, no matter which party is the govenment !

:mps: :china:
completely doesnt affect the fact that this ship won't even be able to leave port in a real war. it's just a cheap and inferior ripoff from our Type 022.

of course if it were to be used against any IN incursions then it can leave port.
Is tiwan even a country I don't think so

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What is the range of Hsiung Feng III Supersonic Anti-ship Missile?
India should offer Bhramos AShCM to Taiwan to arm this carrier killer, that would be a deadly combination.
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I fully support Taiwan. GO Taiwan. :tup:

Taiwan should develop it's air force and navy strongly. They should have more f16 and plenty of submarines. :smitten:
Can someone point me on map where tiwan lies on the planet ? Is it in carrabieans or by Madagascar ? or something

I can't spot tiwan on map
Can someone point me on map where tiwan lies on the planet ? Is it in carrabieans or by Madagascar ? or something

I can't spot tiwan on map

May be you are spelling it wrong. Its Taiwan or ROC (Republic of China):cheers:
Its in South China Sea.
What is the range of Hsiung Feng III Supersonic Anti-ship Missile?
India should offer Bhramos AShCM to Taiwan to arm this carrier killer, that would be a deadly combination.

taiwan is not interested in india's weapon,taiwan have a higher degree of weapon self-reliance compare with india.......what's the chance russia will offer Bhramos to taiwan.....

Taiwan should develop it's air force and navy strongly. They should have more f16 and plenty of submarines. :smitten:

unless U.S sell F-35 to taiwan,most of their jets won't have a chance to leave ground
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PRC doesn't need an AC for tiny and narrow Taiwan Strait.

So Taiwan developing "Carrier Killer" means one thing, and one thing only ----> Indian Navy AC, watch below your deck for Hsiungfeng III supersonic missiles any time soon, as Taiwan govenment claims South Tibet TOO! :yahoo:

There are 2 ways Taiwan can take South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh. One is to capture Bangladesh and NE India.
You know the second way. May be Taiwan will prefer the latter option.:azn::tup:
I see it now ... my oh my they are a tiny little thing ... causing all the comotion ....

40-60 miles of land and challenging BIG PANDA ....what are they smoking ...

I am suprised how small Tiwan is , they should just join China good from them lot of prosperity

Support fom main land china

Why are tiwan trying to fight china ... I need to get more information why Tiwan is trying to make big mistake they should just join with China its best for its people

Tiwan is so small it can be good tourist city for whole China , and may be important city for China if they join China I don't know also better economy


Hmm I mean if Hong Kong can join china they should too I mean really ... its the logical thing to do
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hong kong joined because they knew they were illegally conquered by the british who treated them like garbage.

taiwan wants to stay out because the americans and japanese convinced them they are actually japanese-americans.

their former president Lee was japanese. his successor Chen was caught stealing millions of dollars and used the excuse that he was immune to prosecution as a representative of the United States.

in many ways they are not unlike south korea. south korea's former president Park Chung Hee was a japanese general in WW2 that helped oppress and kill his fellow koreans, but as soon as japan lost he hugged the US and begged them to help.
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